Using the installation wizard to install the
g To use the installation wizard to install the software
1. Start the installation wizard as described in the previous procedures.
2. Click Continue.
3. Read the software license agreement, and then click Continue.
4. If you accept the terms in the software license agreement, click Agree.
If you don’t accept the terms in the software license agreement, click Disagree.
5. Select the check boxes for the software you want to install.
The SMART Notebook 9and SMARTProductDrivers check boxes are selected by
6. If you selected the SMART Notebook check box in step 5, click its disclosure triangle, and
then select the check boxes of the Gallery collections you want to install on to your computer.
7. If you selected the SMART Response check box in step 5, click its disclosure triangle, and
then select the Start Desktop Menu at log in check box to start SMARTResponse software
when you first log on to your computer.
8. If you selected the SMART Product Drivers check box in step 5, click its disclosure triangle,
and then select the Start Board Tools at log in check box to start SMARTBoard Tools when
you first log on to your computer.
9. Click Continue.
10. Click Install.
A dialog box appears, prompting you for your name and password.
11. Type your name and password, and then click OK.
The installation wizard installs the software you selected in step 6.
12. Click Close when you’re done.
C H A P T E R 2
Installing the software