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3.1.2. Connection using Bluetooth through 5x000XY Control Box Materials for the Conguration
• 1 × DWL5000XY, DWL5500XY, or DWL5800XY tilt sensor module secured with sensor
• 1 × 12V DC Power Source
• 1 × Digi-Pas DWL5x00XYcontrol box Conguration Setup Procedure
1. Secure the sensor cord with tilt sensor module as stated in 2.1 Securing Tilt Sensor Module
with Sensor Cord.
2. Connect the sensor cord to the sensor input on the Digi-Pas DWL5x00XYcontrol box.
3. Source in regulated 12V DC to the power supply input.
4. The Power LED (PWR) of the control box lights in orange color. Once the initialization be-
tween the sensor module and the control box is completed, the Power LED turns yellow.
The Sensor LED (SEN 1, SEN 2, SEN 3, SEN 4) on the respective sensor lights up in green
color. If the connection between the tilt sensor module and control box is lost, the Power
LED lights up in red.
5. The conguration is then completed. Users can obtain data through PC Sync software
please refer to “4. Operation”
3.1.3. Connection using serial converter (RS485) Materials for the Conguration
• 1 × DWL5000XY, DWL5500XY, or DWL5800XY tilt sensor module secured with sensor
• 1 × 12V DC Power Source
• 1 × Digi-Pas DWL5x00XYcontrol box
• 1 × RS485 converter In this example, EasySync Converter (Model number: ES-U-
3001-M) is used.
• Computer/Workstation with or without PC Sync software installed. Conguration Setup Procedure
1. Secure the sensor cord with tilt sensor module as stated in 2.1 Securing Tilt Sensor Module
with Sensor Cord.
2. Connect the sensor cord to the sensor input on the Digi-Pas DWL5x00XYcontrol box.
3. Source in regulated 12V DC to the power supply input for Control Box.
4. The Power LED (PWR) of the control box lights in orange color. Once the initialization be-
tween the sensor module and the control box is completed, the Power LED turns yellow.
The Sensor LED (SEN 1, SEN 2, SEN 3, SEN 4) on the respective sensor lights up in green
color. If the connection between the tilt sensor module and control box is lost, the Power