Process calibration
1. Select PROCESS CAL and press Enter.
2. Slope: XXX.XX is displayed. Enter the slope value of the process solution. Press Enter to
3. After measurement the concentration of the process solution is displayed CONC 1/2 XX.XXEXX.
This value can be adjusted if necessary. Press Enter to confirm.
Automatic calibration
This is only available if the analyzer has this option installed. It allows for an automatic calibration at
pre-programmed intervals, using a calibration solution of known concentration.
1. Select AUTOMAT. CAL and press Enter.
2. FREQUENCY is displayed. This defines the number of measurements that are made before an
automatic calibration takes place. Enter the number and confirm with Enter.
3. If the AUTOMAT CAL1 PT option has been selected:
Option Description
INJ. TIME Enter the injection time of the calibration solution in seconds and confirm with Enter.
CONC Enter the concentration of the calibration solution and press Enter.
IMMEDIATE Select YES or NO followed by Enter. If YES is selected an automatic calibration will start
immediately. No more input is required.
4. If the AUTOMAT CAL 2PTS option has been selected, select CAL PUMP YES to start a pump
calibration (pulse or micro system), CAL PUMP NO if no calibration is required or Use Default
Parameters to use the parameters defined in PMXXX-OPTION-AUTOMAT.CAL and press
5. If the CAL PUMP YES option has been selected:
Option Description
INJ.TIME or INJECT Enter the injection time (micro system pump) in seconds or the number of pulses
(pulse pump) and press Enter.
ADD C Enter the concentration of the addition and press Enter. The pump calibration starts.
Fill C. PUMP SOL Press Enter for the introduction of the solution with known concentration. The
concentration of the solution in the measurement chamber is then measured, followed
by an injection of the calibration solution, followed by another measurement of the
solution in the measurement chamber.
C. Ini Adjust the concentration of the solution before the addition if necessary.
C. End Adjust the concentration of the solution after the addition if necessary.
6. If the CAL PUMP NO or the Use Default Parameters option has been selected:
Option Description
ADD C Enter the concentration of the addition and press Enter. The pump calibration starts.
Enter the injection time (micro system pump) in seconds or the number of pulses
(pulse pump) for the first calibration solution and press Enter.
Enter the injection time (micro system pump) in seconds or the number of pulses
(pulse pump) for the second calibration solution and press Enter.
IMMEDIATE Select YES or NO followed by Enter. If YES is selected an automatic calibration will
start immediately. No more input is required.
Calibration results
The following tolerances are defined for calibrations: