Dialogic ControlSwitch Management Tools Owner's manual

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User’s Manual
Version 5.10.2
October 2015
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Document History
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Version Date
Sections Affected
October 2015
First release
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Table of Contents
MANAGEMENT TOOLS USER’S MANUAL ...................................................................................................... 6 1.
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 7 2.
2.1 Purpose of this Document........................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................................. 7
2.3 References................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Contact Us ................................................................................................................................................... 8
PROVISIONING GUIDELINES ......................................................................................................................... 9 3.
3.1 Real-time Reports Provisioning ................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Running the Policy Test Tool ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Test Calls Provisioning ............................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Trace Provisioning ..................................................................................................................................... 11
PERFORMANCE ............................................................................................................................................ 12 4.
4.1 Standard Reports ...................................................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Real Time Reports ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Trunk Group List Profiles ...................................................................................................................... 13 4.2.1
Configure Thresholds ............................................................................................................................ 16 4.2.2
DAILY/HOURLY REPORTS ............................................................................................................................. 20 5.
5.1 AIN ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
5.2 DSE ............................................................................................................................................................ 21
5.3 IBCF ALG Statistics ..................................................................................................................................... 22
5.4 ICE ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
5.5 INAP Service Nodes ................................................................................................................................... 24
5.6 IP Sessions ................................................................................................................................................. 24
5.7 ISUP ........................................................................................................................................................... 24
5.8 M3UA ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
5.9 MTP ........................................................................................................................................................... 28
5.10 Network Elements ..................................................................................................................................... 29
5.11 QoS ............................................................................................................................................................ 30
5.12 SIP-ISUP ..................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.13 Spans ......................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.14 TCAP .......................................................................................................................................................... 36
5.15 Transcoding Gateway ................................................................................................................................ 41
5.16 Trunk Groups ............................................................................................................................................. 41
REFRESHING REPORTS ................................................................................................................................. 44 6.
DASHBOARD ................................................................................................................................................ 47 7.
FAULT/DIAGNOSTICS ................................................................................................................................... 50 8.
8.1 Current Alarms .......................................................................................................................................... 50
Acknowledge an Alarm ......................................................................................................................... 51 8.1.1
Unacknowledge an Alarm ..................................................................................................................... 51 8.1.2
Clear an Alarm ...................................................................................................................................... 52 8.1.3
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Add a Comment .................................................................................................................................... 52 8.1.4
Refresh the Alarms List ......................................................................................................................... 52 8.1.5
Current Alarms Details .......................................................................................................................... 52 8.1.6
Filter the Alarms ................................................................................................................................... 54 8.1.7
Navigation ............................................................................................................................................. 55 8.1.8
8.2 Alarm History ............................................................................................................................................ 55
Clear a History Alarm ............................................................................................................................ 56 8.2.1
Clear Multiple History Alarms ............................................................................................................... 56 8.2.2
Refresh the History Alarms ................................................................................................................... 58 8.2.3
History Alarms Details ........................................................................................................................... 58 8.2.4
Filter the History Alarms ....................................................................................................................... 60 8.2.5
8.3 Status ........................................................................................................................................................ 61
Refresh the Status Information ............................................................................................................ 62
View Current Alarms per Network Element ......................................................................................... 62 8.3.2
Open the XMS Console ......................................................................................................................... 62 8.3.3
8.4 Test Calls ................................................................................................................................................... 63
Creating a Test Calls Profile .................................................................................................................. 64 8.4.1
Deleting a Test Call Profile .................................................................................................................... 65 8.4.2
Refresh the Test Call Profiles ................................................................................................................ 65 8.4.3
Stopping a Test Call ............................................................................................................................... 65 8.4.4
Running a Test Call ................................................................................................................................ 66 8.4.5
Filtering Test Calls ................................................................................................................................. 66 8.4.6
Call Trace Maintenance ........................................................................................................................ 66 8.4.7
8.5 Tracing ....................................................................................................................................................... 69
Trace Manager ...................................................................................................................................... 69 8.5.1
Trace Template ..................................................................................................................................... 84 8.5.2
Trace Viewer ......................................................................................................................................... 87 8.5.3
8.6 Call Detail Record ...................................................................................................................................... 89
Filtering CDRs ........................................................................................................................................ 89 8.6.1
Edit Filter ............................................................................................................................................... 92 8.6.2
Setting the Displayed Columns ............................................................................................................. 93 8.6.3
Detailed CDR View ................................................................................................................................ 94 8.6.4
8.7 Call Release ............................................................................................................................................... 96
8.8 Policy Test Tool ......................................................................................................................................... 97
Viewing an Existing Profile .................................................................................................................... 98 8.8.1
Creating a Profile ................................................................................................................................ 100 8.8.2
Modifying Profile Parameters ............................................................................................................. 107 8.8.3
Deleting a Profile ................................................................................................................................ 109 8.8.4
Refresh the Policy Test Tool Information ........................................................................................... 109 8.8.5
Running the Policy Test Tool ............................................................................................................... 109 8.8.6
8.9 Alarm Definitions .................................................................................................................................... 116
Alarm Defibitions Setting .................................................................................................................... 117 8.9.1
Refresh the Alarm Definitions List ...................................................................................................... 118 8.9.2
8.10 Reports .................................................................................................................................................... 119
Current Alarms Report ................................................................................................................... 119 8.10.1
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Alarm History Report ...................................................................................................................... 120 8.10.2
MEDIATION ............................................................................................................................................... 121 9.
9.1 SNMP Trap Manager ............................................................................................................................ 121
Registring a 3rd Party SNMP Manager to the EMS .............................................................................. 122 9.1.1
Updating SNMP Manager Parameters ................................................................................................ 122 9.1.2
Deleting an SNMP Manager ................................................................................................................ 123 9.1.3
Refreshing the SNMP Manager List .................................................................................................... 123 9.1.4
9.2 XMS ......................................................................................................................................................... 123
Adding an XMS .................................................................................................................................... 124 9.2.1
Modifying XMS Parameters ................................................................................................................ 126 9.2.2
Deleting an XMS .................................................................................................................................. 127 9.2.3
Locking an XMS ................................................................................................................................... 127 9.2.4
Unlocking an XMS ............................................................................................................................... 127 9.2.5
Refreshing the XMS List ...................................................................................................................... 127 9.2.6
Auditing XMS ...................................................................................................................................... 127 9.2.7
Changing the FTP Password ................................................................................................................ 128 9.2.8
9.3 Logger ...................................................................................................................................................... 129
Adding Logger on a Separate Host ...................................................................................................... 129 9.3.1
Modifying Logger Parameters............................................................................................................. 130 9.3.2
Deleting a Logger ................................................................................................................................ 131 9.3.3
Locking a Logger ................................................................................................................................. 131 9.3.4
Unlocking a Logger .............................................................................................................................. 131 9.3.5
Refreshing the Logger List................................................................................................................... 132 9.3.6
9.4 DAS .......................................................................................................................................................... 132
Adding DAS on a Separate Host .......................................................................................................... 133 9.4.1
Modifying DAS Parameters ................................................................................................................. 133 9.4.2
Deleting a DAS .................................................................................................................................... 134 9.4.3
Locking a DAS ...................................................................................................................................... 134 9.4.4
Unlocking a DAS .................................................................................................................................. 134 9.4.5
Refreshing the DAS List ....................................................................................................................... 135 9.4.6
DEFINITIONS.......................................................................................................................................... 136 10.
10.1 Severity Levels ......................................................................................................................................... 136
10.2 Operational State .................................................................................................................................... 136
10.3 Administrative Status .............................................................................................................................. 137
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Management Tools User’s Manual 1.
The Management Tools User’s Manual for the Dialogic® ControlSwitchTM IP Softswitch.
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Introduction 2.
2.1 Purpose of this Document
This User’s Manual and Help System is provided to enable users to quickly master the operation and the
configuration of the following ControlSwitch functions:
2.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this document the following abbreviations apply:
Advanced Intelligent Network
Application Layer Gateway
Call Control Element
Call Detailed Record
Call Detailed Record Management
Data Analysis Server
Data Collection Agent
Error Collection
Event Relay Server
Data Analysis Server
Directory Service Engine
Fully Distinguished Name
IP Control Element
Message Signal Unit
Service Control Point
Trunk Group
Table: Abbreviations
2.3 References
1. ControlSwitch Administration User's Manual
2. ControlSwitch Advanced Elements and Services User's Manual
3. ControlSwitch Alarms Reference Guide
4. ControlSwitch Elements and Resources User's Manual
5. ControlSwitch Business Services and Advanced Policies User's Manual
6. ControlSwitch Policies and Routing User's Manual
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7. ControlSwitch CDR Guide
2.4 Contact Us
You can contact us for more information and assistance at:
Technical Support:
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Provisioning Guidelines 3.
3.1 Real-time Reports Provisioning
To display the real time reports in the Dashboard window, they should first be provisioned. To provision
the real-time reports follow the below steps:
1. Create a network group; see ControlSwitch Administration User's Manual, Creating a
Network Group.
2. Add the existing Data Collection Agent (DCA) and (Event Relay Server) ERS to the new
network group (see above). See ControlSwitch Advanced Elements and Services User's
Manual, Modifying ERS Parameters, and Modifying DCA Parameters (set the Network Group
parameter to the new network group).
3. Create a trunk group profile, and associate a selected trunk groups to it.
4. Provision the thresholds.
3.2 Running the Policy Test Tool
To run a policy test tool, Create a Policy Test Tool Profile.
Example: Viewing the results of routing test with DA services.
Incoming DA
Routing Results
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Outgoing DA
3.3 Test Calls Provisioning
To provision a test call, follow the below steps:
1. Create trunk groups (see ControlSwitch Elements and Resources User's Manual, Creating a
Trunk Group).
2. Create a location plan group (see ControlSwitch Business Services and Advanced Policies
User's Manual, Creating a Location Service Plan Group).
3. Create a location plan (see ControlSwitch Business Services and Advanced Policies User's
Manual, Creating a Location Service Plan), setting the plan type to Origination_Location.
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4. Create a location policy (see ControlSwitch Business Services and Advanced Policies User's
Manual, Creating a Location Service Policy).
5. Create a location rule (see ControlSwitch Business Services and Advanced Policies User's
Manual, Creating a Location Service Rule Node). Apply an ingress trunk group based on
Calling Party Number.
6. Create a treatment (see ControlSwitch Business Services and Advanced Policies User's
Manual, Creating a Service Location Treatment). Choose the Egress Properties, and select the
egress trunk group.
7. Create a routing plan (see ControlSwitch Policies and Routing User's Manual, Creating a
Routing Plan). No special routing provisioning required, since the routing is actually checked
by Test Calls.
8. Create a policy (see ControlSwitch Policies and Routing User's Manual, Creating a Policy).
9. Create a rule (see ControlSwitch Policies and Routing User's Manual, Create a Rule Node).
10. Create a treatment (see ControlSwitch Policies and Routing User's Manual, Creating a
Treatment Node).
11. Create a test call profile.
12. Run the test call.
3.4 Trace Provisioning
To provision a trace for diagnostics, follow the below steps:
1. Create a template.
2. Create criteria.
3. Create a trace request.
4. Configure the trace request (configure the criteria values)
5. Submit the trace request.
6. View the trace results. From this window select the Trace Messages Log, and View Trace
Graphic Flow, for more details.
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Performance 4.
In the Performance tab, the following sub-menus are provided:
Standard Reports
Real Time Reports
4.1 Standard Reports
To view the standard reports
1. Select Performance Standard Reports.
2. Select one of the following options:
Daily Reports
Hourly Reports
Refreshing Reports
View License. Select View License, to display all the system licenses per Scope of Work
To filter the reports based on a selected time interval:
1. Double-click on a selected report.
2. The following window opens:
3. Click on the upper Date button to modify the From Date (the starting time of the filter).
4. Click on the lower Date button to modify the To Date (the terminating time of the filter).
5. Click on the Filter button to display the filtered reports
To view the list of all the system reports, sorted in alphabetical order, click on the Index tab. To use this functionality the
Crystal Clear license is needed.
4.2 Real Time Reports
The Real Time Reports sub-menu enables the user to provision the following items, needed for the real-
time reports, displayed in the Dashboard window.
Trunk Group List Profiles
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Configure Thresholds
To provision a real-time report, see Real-time Reports Provisioning.
Trunk Group List Profiles 4.2.1
In order to display real-time reports, related to trunk groups, a trunk group profile needs to be created,
and the required trunk groups should be associated to it.
This window allows the user to manage the trunk group profiles, needed for the real-time reports.
The following table details the Trunk Group List Profiles parameters
The unique TG profile id
The TG profile's unique name
A short description of TG profile.
Display on Dashboard
Indicates whether the TG profile is displayed in the Dashboard window.
Table: Trunk Group List Profiles
To see the detailed TG profile information, double-click on the selected item. The following operational
actions are applied:
Creating a TG Profile
Modifying TG Profile Parameters
Deleting a TG Profile
Refreshing the TG Profile List
Filtering a TG Profile
Associating TG to TG Profile Creating a TG Profile
To create a new TG Profile:
1. Select Performance Real Time Reports Trunk Group List Profiles.
2. Click on the Create button.
3. Enter the parameters, as depicted below.
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Name. Enter the TG Profile name.
Description. A short description on the TG profile.
Display On Dashboard. Select Yes, to display a real-time report for this profile in the
Dashboard window.
4. Click OK to save the entered values. Modifying TG Profile Parameters
To modify TG Profile parameters:
1. Select Performance Real Time Reports Trunk Group List Profiles.
2. Select the TG profile you want to modify.
3. Click on the Modify button.
4. Enter the parameters you want to modify, as depicted in the figure below.
Name. The TG Profile name.
Description. A short description on the TG profile.
Display On Dashboard. Select Yes, to display a real-time report for this profile in the
Dashboard window.
5. Click OK to save the entered values. Deleting a TG Profile
To delete an existing TG Profile:
1. Select Performance Real Time Reports Trunk Group List Profiles.
2. Select the TG Profile you want to delete.
3. Click on the Delete button.
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4. Click Yes in the Delete Confirmation window.
5. Click on the Refresh button to remove the deleted item from the list. Refreshing the TG Profile List
To Refresh the TG Profile list:
1. Click on the Refresh button. Filtering a TG Profile
To filter a TG Profile:
1. Select Performance Real Time Reports Trunk Group List Profiles.
2. Click on the Filter button.
3. Enter the criteria parameters for the filtering operation, as depicted below.
ID. The unique id of the TG Profile.
Name. The TG Profile name.
Filter Items to Select. Filter according the selected trunk groups. To select a trunk group,
choose it and click on the Add button.
4. Click OK to save the entered values. The list of the filtered items shall be displayed in the
window. Associating TG to TG Profile
To associate TG with a TG profile:
1. Select a trunk group profile.
2. The currently associated trunk groups are displayed at the lower part of the window.
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3. Click on the Configuration button (at the lower part of the screen). The following window
Each TG profile can contain up to 15 trunk groups.
4. Select a trunk group from Items to select column, and click on the Add button.
5. Click on the Add All button to associate all the trunk groups.
6. Press OK to confirm the operation.
To disassociate a trunk group from a profile:
1. From the Selected item column, select a trunk group and click on the Remove button.
2. Press on the Remove All button to remove all the elements.
3. Press OK to confirm the operation.
Configure Thresholds 4.2.2
This window allows the user to modify the threshold levels of the minimum/maximum active half calls,
and call attempts per second for trunk groups, CCE, and ICE elements.
This window allows the user to manage the thresholds, needed for the real-time reports.
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The following table details the Thresholds parameters
The element's ID. The element can be TG profile, CCE, or ICE.
The element's unique name. The element can be TG profile, CCE, or ICE.
Min Active Half Calls
Minimum number of active half calls.
Max Active Half Calls
Maximum number of half calls.
Min Half Call Attempts per Second
Minimum number of half calls attempts per second.
Min Half Call Attempts per Second
Maximum number of half calls attempts per second.
Table: Thresholds Profiles
Only the primary elements (CCE or ICE) are displayed. If a threshold is changed, the the secondary elements' threshold values
will be affected..
To see the detailed threshold information, double-click on the selected item. The following operational
actions are applied:
Modifying the Thresholds
Refreshing the Thresholds List
Filtering the Thresholds Modifying the Thresholds
To modify the Thresholds:
1. Select Performance Real Time Reports Configure Thresholds.
2. Select the required category by clicking on TG/CCE/ICE.
3. Choose the element you want to modify its threshold, from the displayed list.
4. Click on the Modify button.
5. Enter the parameters you want to modify, as depicted in the figure below.
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Entity ID. The element's (TG profiles/CCE/ICE) id.
Name. The element's (TG profiles/CCE/ICE) name.
Min Active Half Calls. The minimum number of active half calls.
Max Active Half Calls. The maximum number of active half calls.
Min Half Calls per Second. The minimum number of active half calls per second.
Max Half Calls per Second. The maximum number of active half calls per second.
Use Default Values. Select Yes, to revert the threshold values to default.
6. Click OK to save the entered values. Refreshing the Thresholds List
To Refresh the Thresholds list:
1. Click on the Refresh button. Filtering the Thresholds
To filter the Thresholds:
1. Select Performance Real Time Reports Configure Thresholds.
2. Click on the Filter button.
3. Enter the criteria parameters for the filtering operation, as depicted below.
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ID. The unique id of the element (TG profile/CCE/ICE).
Name. The element's name (TG profile/CCE/ICE).
TG List Profile. Filter according to the selected trunk groups. Applicable only for TG
4. Click OK to save the entered values. The list of the filtered items shall be displayed in the
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Daily/Hourly Reports 5.
This chapter provides information on the following CS daily/hourly reports:
IBCF ALG Statistics
INAP Service Nodes
IP Sessions
Network Elements
Transcoding Gateway
Trunk Groups
5.1 AIN
These reports provide information about the Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN).
AIN Base Report
Possible Values
Reporting Date
The date that the report was created.
The TCAPSE element's name.
AIN Messages To SCP
The number of messages sent to Service Control Point
Natural number
AIN Messages From SCP
The number of messages sent from SCP.
Natural number
Average Messages Len To SCP
The average messages' length sent to SCP.
Natural number
Average Messages Len From SCP
The average messages' length sent from SCP.
Natural number
Table: AIN Base Report
AIN Performance Report
Possible Values
Reporting Date
The date that the report was created.
The TCAPSE element's name.