Important Notice
Storage and I/O Blade AD106a
This document contains important instructions for using the Storage and I/O Blade AD106a. Read carefully before
you use the system.
Keep this document for future reference.
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Notes on Firmware Revision of EM Card
for Blade Enclosure (SIGMABLADE-M/H/H v2)
When you use following EM cards to use this Storage and I/O Blade AD106a, firmware of the EM card need to be
updated to enhance linkage function between EM card and this blade.
If the firmware of EM card is not updated, this Storage and I/O Blade AD106a cannot operate normally.
See the table below for EM card that needs update of the firmware.
N Code Firmware that needs update
N8405-019/019A Rev 4.29 or earlier
N8405-027 and the standard EM card included Rev 3.81 or earlier
N8405-043 Rev 4.29 or earlier
To update firmware of EM card, download the firmware from the following web site, or contact your service
- How to access -
1. Access download page of NEC Express5800 Server Series.
2. Select [Server Options] – [EM Card [N8405-xxx]].
When you update firmware of EM card, it is not necessary to stop blade servers in the Blade Enclosure.