1. TL1000 Tape Autoloader ........ 1
2. Front panel components......... 2
3. Cartridge Magazine .......... 3
4. Cartridge magazine (top view) ...... 4
5. Rear panel components ......... 4
6. Ultrium half-height tape drive ...... 7
7. Location coordinates .......... 9
8. Operator Panel components ....... 13
9. Library ready screen ......... 16
10. Password entry screen ......... 16
11. Screen elements ........... 16
12. Confirmation screen.......... 16
13. Java security warning message ...... 17
14. Login page............. 18
15. User account window ......... 19
16. Superuser account window ....... 19
17. Administrator account window ...... 20
18. Rack mount screw locations for front and rear
vertical rails ............ 23
19. Attaching the front brackets to the library
chassis .............. 24
20. Attaching the rear brackets to the rails ... 24
21. Creating the rail assemblies ....... 25
22. Installing the rail assemblies ....... 25
23. Securing the front of the library in the rack 26
24. Securing the rear of the library in the rack 26
25. The cables at the rear of the library .... 27
26. accessor locking screw ......... 27
27. Interface cable connection ........ 28
28. Java security warning message ...... 31
29. Web User Interface login screen ...... 32
30. System summary........... 33
31. Logical library mode settings ...... 34
32. Cartridge assignment settings ...... 35
33. Network settings........... 35
34. Date and time settings ......... 36
35. Application Managed Encryption ..... 38
36. Library Managed Encryption as a choice 38
37. Library Managed Encryption settings .... 39
38. Email notifications .......... 40
39. Trap notifications .......... 41
40. Trap list settings ........... 42
41. SNMPv3 user list settings ........ 42
42. User access settings .......... 43
43. Add User dialog box ......... 43
44. Password Rules screen ......... 44
45. Save configuration .......... 45
46. Cartridge release gate ......... 48
47. Cartridge orientation ......... 49
48. Operator Panel top menus ....... 53
49. Configuration settings ......... 53
50. Current information.......... 53
51. Firmware revision .......... 54
52. Unlock I/O station command ...... 54
53. I/O station unlocked ......... 54
54. Unlock magazine command ....... 55
55. Move cartridge command ........ 55
56. Unload command .......... 55
57. Clean Drive command ......... 56
58. Inventory command ......... 56
59. Online/Offline command ........ 56
60. Move to Ship Position command ..... 57
61. Reboot Drive command ........ 57
62. Reboot Library command ........ 57
63. Logout command .......... 58
64. Auto Cleaning settings ......... 58
65. Active slot count settings ........ 58
66. Library access mode settings ....... 59
67. Date and time settings ......... 60
68. Network settings........... 61
69. Operator Panel settings ........ 62
70. Configuring Web GUI settings ...... 62
71. Factory default settings ........ 63
72. Error status menu .......... 63
73. Run Library Verify command ...... 63
74. Drive diagnostic procedures ....... 64
75. Web User Interface menu ........ 65
76. System Summary screen ........ 66
77. Library Map screen .......... 67
78. Move Cartridges screen ........ 69
79. Unload Drive screen ......... 70
80. Clean Drive screen .......... 70
81. Library State screen .......... 70
82. Inventory screen ........... 71
83. Inventory progress bar ......... 71
84. Unlock magazine .......... 71
85. User Access screen .......... 72
86. Add User dialog box ......... 72
87. Password Rules screen ......... 73
88. Physical library settings screen ...... 74
89. Logical library settings screen ...... 75
90. Network settings screen ........ 76
91. Application Managed Encryption ..... 77
92. Library Managed Encryption as a choice 78
93. Library Managed Encryption settings .... 78
94. Date and time settings screen ...... 79
95. Email settings screen ......... 80
96. SNMP settings screen ......... 81
97. Save/Restore configuration with cookies 83
98. Save/Restore screen.......... 83
99. Operator interventions screen ...... 84
100. View Library Logs screen ........ 85
101. Traces screen ............ 86
102. Download Drive Logs screen....... 86
103. Download Library Logs screen ...... 87
104. Reset library and drive screen ...... 87
105. Firmware Update screen ........ 87
106. Usage Statistics screen ......... 89
107. The LTO Ultrium Data Cartridge ..... 91
108. Ultrium data and WORM tape cartridges 94
109. Sample bar code label on the LTO Ultrium 8
Tape Cartridge ........... 96