IBM Asia Pacific Hardware Announcement AG12-0023 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation
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Technical information
Specified operating environment
Physical specifications
Refer to the following announcements for all technical details on products
listed in Product number section:
• Hardware Announcement AG06-0887, dated December 12, 2006.
• Hardware Announcement AG06-0284, dated April 25, 2006.
• Hardware Announcement AG06-0745, dated October 17, 2006.
• Hardware Announcement AG08-0492, dated July 15, 2008
• Hardware Announcement AG10-0242, dated October 26, 2010.
Refer to the following announcements for power details:
• Hardware Announcement AG06-0887, dated December 12, 2006.
• Hardware Announcement AG06-0284, dated April 25, 2006.
• Hardware Announcement AG06-0745, dated October 17, 2006.
• Hardware Announcement AG08-0492, dated July 15, 2008