Resizing your partitions manually
To resize your partition manually:
Choose the “Manually” radio button on the “Advanced Options” 1.
Once this radio button is selected, click the “Apply Changes” button. 2.
The “Adjust Partitions” window (shown left) will pop up.
Positions and sizes of the partitions to be copied to the Destination
drive are displayed graphically in a bar. The original size of the
partition is displayed in dark green, while the additionally assigned
space is displayed in light green. The size of partitions displayed in
black cannot be altered. Free space not yet assigned to any partition
is displayed in white.
To resize, click the desired partition’s extended space (light green 3.
portion) and drag with your mouse. You can also use the [+] and [-]
cursor keys to the same effect.
Once you have resized the partitions to the desired size, choose “Apply 4.
Adjustment” which will then close the window.
Once the “Adjust Partition” window is closed, close the “Advanced 5.
Options” window by clicking the “Close Window” button.