Permabase 50000052, 50000043, 50000056, 50000076, 50000092 Installation guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the PermaBASE Cement Board installation guide and I'm ready to answer your questions. This document provides instructions on cutting and installing cement board for various applications, including tub/shower walls, ceilings, countertops, and floor underlayment. It also covers important aspects like moisture management and fastener spacing to help you with the installation.
  • What size cement board should I use for walls and ceilings?
    What size cement board should I use for floors and countertops?
    Is cement board a water barrier?
    Can I use cement board to install vinyl flooring?
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National Gypsum Company is the exclusive service provider for
products manufactured by PermaBASE Building Products, LLC.
PermaBASE® Cement Board is manufactured by
PermaBASE Building Products, LLC.
Cement Board
Basic Cutting
With printed side up,
use straight edge
to mark line.
Use utility knife to score
and cut glass mesh.
Snap board and cut
through glass mesh on
opposite side.
Cutting Holes
With printed side up,
mark area for cutout.
Use utility knife to
score and cut .
Punch out cut area with
Cut glass mesh on
opposite side you
knocked out.
PermaBASE® Cement Board is the preferred underlayment for ceramic tile applications
on shower and tub enclosures, countertops, backsplashes and ooring.
Important Things to Know
Score/cut and tile on printed side of board.
Use 1/2" for walls and ceilings.
Use 1/2" or 1/4" for oors and countertops.
It is vapor permeable and unaected by
water BUT is not a water barrier. If the area
behind the cement board must be kept dry,
a separate moisture barrier, or waterproof
membrane should be used.
Not recommended for use with vinyl
Lifetime limited warranty for interior
Tub/Shower Walls/
Install with printed side
facing you.
Use two 3'x5' boards
horizontally for tub
backwall and one 3'x5'
board vertically at each
endwall and ceiling.
Space wall fasteners
8" o.c. and ceilings
fasteners 6" o.c.
Floor Underlayment
Use 1/4" trowel to
apply modied dry set
mortar compliant with
ANSI A118.4 to suboor.
Cover with PermaBASE
staggering joints so
they don’t line up with
suboor joints.
Allow 1/4" gap between
PermaBASE and room
Fasten every 8" o.c.
in both directions and
around all edges.
Use 1/4" trowel to
apply modied dry set
mortar compliant with
ANSI A118.4 to suboor.
Cover with PermaBASE
staggering joints so they
don’t line up with plywood.
Allow 1/8" gap between
Fasten every 8" o.c.
in both directions and
around all edges.