Maytag CAE1700 User manual

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User's Guide
Radiant Cartridge
Model CAE1700
Read before operating your cooktop
All appliances- regardlessofthemanufacturer-havethepotential
through improperor careless use to create safety problems.
Thereforethe followingsafetyprecautionsshouldbe observed:
1. Never useyourapplianceforwarmingorheatingthe room.
2. Childrenshouldnotbeleftaloneorunattendedinareawhere
applianceisin use. Theyshouldneverbeallowedto sit or
standonany partofthe appliance.
3. Wear proper apparel Loose-fittingor hanging garments
should never be worn while using the appliance.
4. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance unless
specifically recommended inthis manual. All other servicing
should be referredto an authorized Maytag ServiceTechni-
5. Flammablematerialsshould notbestorednearsurface units.
6. Donotusewater ongreasefires. Smotherfire orflameor use
dry chemical or foam-type extinguisher.
7. Use only dry potholders. Moist or damp potholders on hot
surfaces mayresultinburnsfrom steam. Donotletpotholder
touch hotheatingelements. Donotuseatowel orotherbulky
8. Useproperpansize. Manyappliancesare equippedwithone
or more surface units of different size. Select cookware
havingflat bottomslargeenoughto coverthe surface unit
heatingelement. The use of undersizedcookwarewill
may resultin ignitionof clothing. Proper relationshipof
9. Never leavesurface unitsunattendedat highheat settings.
Boil over causessmokingand greasy spilloversthat may
10. Glazed cookware - only certain types ofglass, glass-ceremic,
ceramic, earthenware, or other glazed cookware are suitable
for cooktop surface without breaking due to the sudden
change intemperature. Use onlysuchcookware asyou know
has been approved for this purpose.
11. Cookware handles should be turned inward and not extend
over adjacent surface heating elements to avoid burns,
ignitionof flammable materials and spillage due to uninten-
tional contact with the cookware.
12. Do not soak or immerse removable heating elements in
13. CAUTION - Do not store items of interest to children in
cabinets above cooktop -children climbing on the cooktop to
reach items could be seriously injured.
14. Do not touchsurface unitsor areas near units. Surface units
or heating elements may be hot even thoughthey are dark in
color. Areas near surface unitsmay become hot enough to
cause burns. Duringand after use,do nottouchorletclothing
or other flammable materials contact these areas untilthey
have hadsufficienttime tocool. Other surfaces may become
hot enough to cause burns - among these surfaces is the
15. Do not cook on glass-ceramic cooking surface if the cooktop
is broken. Cleaning solutions and spillovers may penetrate
the broken cooktop and create a shock hazard. Contact an
authorized Maytag Service Technician.
16. Clean glass-ceramic cooktops with caution. If wet sponge or
cloth is used to wipe spills on a hot cooking area, be careful
to avoid steam burns. Some cleansers can produce noxious
fumes if applied to a hot surface.
17. Do not operate with damaged cooking element after any
product malfunction until proper repair has been made.
18. Keep all switches "OFF" when unit is not in use.
Congratulationsonyourchoiceofa Maytagradiantcooktopcartridge. Thetwocooking
areasare identifiedbycirclesontheglass-ceramiccooktop.Whenanelementisturned
theglass-ceramictop. Itisnormaltoseetheredglowoftheelementwheneveritcycles
on. The elementwillcycleon andoffforallcontrolsettingsexceptHI. However,itmay
alsocycleon HI if impropercookwareisused.
Forbestresults,alwaysuse recommendedcookware.
controlsettingsneededfor bestresults.(Seeeooktoporrangeuse&caremanual
fortypicalcontrolsettings.)Forfastestcooking,startwiththe surfacecontrolon
HI for one minute;then turnthe controlto the lowerdesiredsetting. Covering
pans,wheneverpossible,speedscookingand is moreenergyefficient.
The glass-ceramiccookingarea retains heat for a periodof time after the
elementshave been turnedoff. Putthis retainedheatto gooduse. Turn the
heattocompletethecooking. Becauseof thisheatretentioncharacteristic,the
Inthe eventof a potentialboilover,removethe eookpotfromthe cookingarea.
When preparingfoods which can be easily scorchedor over-cooked,start
cookingat a lowertemperaturesettingand graduallyincreasetemperatureas
materialthat isslowtoconductheat, suchas cast iron.
a cookpotthatconductsheatquickly.
Do notusewiretrivets,firerings,padsoranysuchitembetweenthecookware
and the element.
Do notcookfoodsdirectlyon eooktop.
Do not allowpanto boildry as thiscoulddamage the cooktopandthe pan.
Do not slideheavy metal or glasscookpotsacrosssurfacesincethese may
scratchthe surface.
Do notuse or placeplasticitemsanywhereon cooktop.
Do not usecartridgein the event a break has occurred. Call an authorized
Selectheavy gauge cookpots. Usuallyheavygaugecookpotswillnotchange
shapewhen heated.
Usecook,pots with flat, smooth bottoms. To determineifthecookpotisflat,
place the edgeof a ruler on the bottom. Hold uptothe light. No lightshould be
visiblebetweenthe edgeof therulerandthe pan. Rejectany pansthatdo not
Match the size ofthe cookpot to the size of the element. Cookpotshouldbe
thesame size or slightlylarger.
Do notusecookwerethat extendsmorethan 1 inchbeyondthe cookingarea.
Cookwarethatissmallerindiameterthan thecookingareashouldnotbe used.
Notonlycanthiscausetheelementtorequiremoreenergyandtime,butcan also
resultinspilloversburningontothecookingarea resultingina cleaningchore.
Do not usenonflat specialtyitemsthat are oversized,unevenor do not meet
propercookwarespecificationssuchas roundbottomwokswithdngs,griddles,
rippledbottomcanners,lobsterpots,largepressurecanners,etc. Largeutensils,
suchas pressurecannersor oversizedskillets,shouldbe used onyon
conventionalcoil cartridgesif theydo notmeet thistest.
Glass-ceramic,earthenware,heatproofglassor glazedcookpotsmayscratch
the glass-ceramiccooktopand thereforeare not recommended.
Do notallowplasticobjects,sugar,or foodswith highsugarcontentto melt
cooktop, if you accidentallymelt anything onto the cooktop, remove it
immediatelywhilethecooktopisstillhot. Carefully,usea singleedge razor
bladeheldwitha potholderto removemeltedon material.
Do not use a_uminumfoil or foil-type containers under any circumstances.
AluminumfoLIwilldamagethecooktopif itmeltsontotheglass. If metalmelts
on cook_op,do notuse. Call an authorizedMaytag ServiceTechnician.
Do notusethe glass-ceramiccooktopas a cuttingboard.
Do NOT useabrasivecleansingpowdersor scouringpads (includingmetal
scouringpads),whichwill scratchthe cooktop.
DoNOT usechlorinebleach,ammonia,rustremovers,evencleaners,or other
cleansernotspecificallyrecommendedfor useon glass-ceramic.
Never immerseyourcooktopcartridgein water.
Testcast ironwaresinceall are notflat. Also becautionedagainstpossible
"impactdamage"shouldthe heavycookpotbedroppedonthe glass-ceramic
CAUTION: Do NOT use a cooktop cleaner on a hot cooktop. The fumes can be
hazardous to your health, and can chemically attack the glass-ceramic
The cartridgedoesnotneedtoberemovedfromthecooktopfornormalcleaning.
If removed,bottommaybe wipedclean withdampcloth. If electricalterminals
on cartridgeare cleaned,dry them thoroughlybefore using.
For generaldailycleaningand lightsurface soil,usea cleandishclothor paper
towel and wash surface with solutionof water and any of these cleansers:
as BonAmi,orcommemialceramiccooktopcleanserssuchasCooktopCleaning
Creme (PartNo.20000001). Wipe withcleandampclothorpapertowel. Rinse
and dry thoroughly.
To removeresiduefrom burnedon spills,useBonAmi,Comet,ShinySinksor
nonabrasivesoft scrubbingcleansers,suchas CooktopCleaningCreme (Part
No.20000001). Scrubwithpapertowels,nylonorplasticscrubber,suchasTufty.
Rinseand drythoroughly. If stainisnotremovedeasily,allowpasteto remain
on surfacefor30 to40 minutes. Keep moistbycoveringwith wetpapertowel.
To removeburnedon spot,usea singleedge razorblade. Placebladeedge on
cooktopat 30° angle; scrape offspot. Clean remainderof soilwith method
Make surebottomsof cookpotsarealwayscleananddry. (Soilfromthecookpot
bottomcanbetransferredtothecooktopsurface.) Beforeusingcookpctsonthe
glass-ceramiccooktopfor thefirsttime, and periodicallyas needed,clean the
bottomswithscouringpadsor othercleansers. Rinseand dry thoroughly.
Makeita practicetowipecooktopsurfacewitha cleandampclothorpapertowel
beforeeach use; dry thoroughly.Invisiblespatters,dust specks,cleansersor
watercancausestainsthatappearafter unitisheated. A spongeor dishcloth
stainson surface after area is heated.
Whenfrying,usea spatter shieldto reducespattering.
Usecorrectcontrolsettingsand cookwarelarge enoughto holdfood and liquid
topreventboiloversand spattering.
If a bad spilloveroccurswhilecooking,spillsmay becleanedfromthe cooktop
whileitishottopreventa toughcleaningchorelater. Usingextremecare, wipe
with a clean damptowel. Becarefultoavoidburnsfromsteamorhandtouching
the hotcooktop.
If the accessoryorcartridgeispurchasedat the sametime and forusewitha Maytag
grillrangeorcooktop,thewarrantyapplicabletothe rangeorcooktopwillappply. Itis
witha rangeorcooktop.
Whentheaccessoryorcartridgeisnotpurchasedwitha rangeorcooktop,thefollowing
limitedparts warrantyshall apply.
Limited Warranty
Duringthefirst two(2) yearsfromthedate oforiginalretailpurchase,
anypartwhichfailsinnormalhomeusewillberepairedor replacedfree
of chargefor the parts itself,with the owner paying all other costs,
includinglabor, mileage and transportation,when the accessory is
properlyinstalledinan appliancewhichislocatedintheUnitedStates
or Canada.
Canadian Residents
ThiswarrantycoversonlythoseaccessoriesinstalledinCanadathathavebeen listed
withCanadianStandardsAssociationunlessthe accessoriesarebroughtintoCanada
due totransferof residencefrom the UnitedStatesto Canada,
To Receive Warranty Service
To locatean authorizedservicecompanyinyourareacontactthe Maytagdealerfrom
whomyourappliancewas purchased;or callMaytagCustomerServiceat the number
listedbelow. Shouldyounotreceivesatisfactowwarrantyservice,Pleasecallorwrite:
c/o Maytag CustomerService
P.O. Box2370
Cleveland,TN 37320-2370
US 1-800-688-9900
Canada 1-800-688-2002
When contactingMaytagCustomerService be sure to includethe model and serial
numbers of your appliance,the name and address of the dealer from whom you
purchasedthe applianceand thedate of purchase.
The specific warranty expressed above is the ONLY warranty provided by the
manufacturer. ThisWarranty givesyou specificlegal rights,and you may alsohave
otherrightswhichvary fromstateto state.
Pdnted inU.S.A. Form # 019CM-0196
Part NO.210596A 12/95