INPUT page description
ISRC (?) {i} 5-9 Set (Query) the Input to A (0) or A-B (1).
IGND (?) {i} 5-9 Set (Query) the Input Grounding to Float (0) or Ground (1).
ICPL (?) {i} 5-9 Set (Query) the Input Coupling to AC (0) or DC (1).
IRNG (?) {i} 5-9 Set (Query) the Input Range to i dBV full scale. -60 ≤ i ≤ 34 and i is even.
ARNG (?) {i} 5-9 Set (Query) the Auto Range mode to Manual (0) or Auto (1).
AOFF 5-9 Perform Auto Offset calibration.
AOFM (?) {i} 5-9 Set (Query) the Auto Offset Mode to Off (0) or On (1).
TMOD (?) {i} 5-9 Set (Query) the Trigger Mode to Cont (0), Int (1), Ext (2), Ext TTL(3), or
source (4).
TRLV (?) {x} 5-9 Set (Query) the Trigger Level to x percent. -100.0 ≤ x ≤ 99.22.
TDLY (?) {i} 5-9 Set (Query) the Trigger Delay to i samples. -13300≤ i ≤ 65000.
ARMM (?) {i} 5-9 Set (Query) the Arming Mode to Auto (0) or Manual (1).
ARMS 5-9 Manually arm the trigger.
ANALYSIS page description
ANAM (?) g {,i} 5-10 Set (Query) the real time Analysis to None (0), Harmonic (1), Sideband (2), or
Band (3).
CALC? g,i 5-10 Query result i (0 or 1) of the latest real time analysis.
FUND (?) g {,f} 5-10 Set (Query) the Harmonic Fundamental to frequency f Hz.
NHRM (?) g {,i} 5-10 Set (Query) the Number of Harmonics to 0 ≤ i ≤ 400.
NHLT 5-10 Move the Marker or Center Frequency to the next harmonic to the left.
NHRT 5-10 Move the Marker or Center Frequency to the next harmonic to the right.
SBCA (?) g {,f} 5-10 Set (Query) the Sideband Carrier to frequency f Hz.
SBSE (?) g {,f} 5-10 Set (Query) the Sideband Separation to f Hz.
NSBS (?) g {,i} 5-10 Set (Query) the Number of Sidebands to 0 ≤ i ≤ 200.
BSTR (?) g {,f} 5-10 Set (Query) the Band Start to frequency f Hz.
BCTR (?) g {,f} 5-11 Set (Query) the Band Center to frequency f Hz.
BWTH (?) g {,f} 5-11 Set (Query) the Band Width to f Hz.
TABL 5-11 Turn on Data Table display for the active trace.
DTBL (?) g {,i}{,f} 5-11 Set (Query) Data Table line i to frequency f.
DINX (?) {i} 5-11 Set (Query) Data Table index to i.
DINS 5-11 Insert a new line in the data table.
DIDT 5-11 Delete a line from the data table.
DLTB 5-11 Delete the entire data table.
LIMT 5-12 Turn on Limit Table display for the active trace.
TSTS (?) {i} 5-12 Set (Query) the Limit Testing to Off (0) or On (1).
PASF? 5-12 Query the results of the latest limit test. Pass=0 and Fail=1.
LTBL (?) g {,i} {j,f1,f2,y1,y2} 5-12 Set (Query) Limit Table line i to Xbegin (f1), Xend (f2), Y1 and Y2.
LINX (?) {i} 5-12 Set (Query) Limit Table index to i.
LINS 5-12 Insert a new line in the limit table.
LIDT 5-12 Delete a line from the limit table.
LLTB 5-12 Delete the entire limit table.
LARM (?) {i} 5-12 Set (Query) the Audio Limit Fail Alarm to Off (0) or On (1).
AVERAGING page description
AVGO (?) {i} 5-13 Set (Query) Averaging to Off (0) or On (1).
NAVG(?) {i} 5-13 Set (Query) the Number of Averages to 2 ≤ i ≤ 32000.
AVGT (?) {i} 5-13 Set (Query) the Averaging Type to RMS (0), Vector (1), or Peak Hold (2).
AVGM (?) {i} 5-13 Set (Query) the Averaging Mode to Linear (0) or Exponential (1).
OVLP (?) {x} 5-13 Set (Query) the Overlap to x percent. 0 ≤ x ≤ 100.0.
SOURCE page description
STYP (?) {i} 5-14 Set (Query) Source Type to Off (0), SIne (1), 2-Tone (2), Noise (3) or
Chirp (4).
SLVL (?) i {,x} 5-14 Set (Query) the Level of sine, tone 1, tone 2, noise, chirp (i=0..4) to x mV.
SFRQ (?) i {,f} 5-14 Set (Query) the Frequency of sine, tone 1, tone 2 (i=0..2) to f Hz..
NTYP (?) {i} 5-14 Set (Query) the Noise Type to white (0) or pink (1).
SCAL (?) {i} 5-14 Set (Query) Source Cal off (0) or on (1) (noise and chirp only).
APHS 5-14 Do Auto Phase (chirp source only).
PLOT AND PRINT page description
PLOT 5-14 Plot the entire graph (or graphs).
PTRC 5-14 Plot the trace (or traces) only.