© 2020 Codelocks Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ensure you are logged in to the Codelocks Desktop Client (CDC).
Note: If this is your rst Lock Group, you will have a notication at the top prompting you to create one.
Create a Lock Group
1. In the CDC, select Groups in the left hand navigation bar.
2. Select Add New to create a new Lock Group.
3. Enter the desired Lock Group Name and click Save.
Add Locks to a Group / Create an Initialisation Card
Add locks to your group by creating an Initialisation Card.
1. In the CDC, select Cards in the left hand navigation bar and choose Initialisation.
2. Select New Card, located in the top right hand corner.
3. Name your Initialisation Card for easy identication (e.g. Locker Bank 1).
4. Select the Lock Group you would like to associate the card with.
5. Select your Lock Range (total number of locks that will be associated with this Lock Group / Initialisation Card).
Important Note: A maximum of 250 locks can be initialised per lock group. If you are adding additional locks to an
existing Lock Group, take care to ensure that Lock IDs are not duplicated across multiple Initialisation Cards.
6. From the drop down list, select the desired Operating Mode for your Lock Group. Congure the desired functions and
click Save.
Note: The available functions for your Initialisation Card are determined based on the chosen Operating Mode.
7. If you haven’t done so already, ensure your USB Card Reader is plugged in to the PC.
8. Place a blank compatible card on the USB Card Reader.
9. Locate the pending card you wish to complete in the list, and click the Send icon:
10. A pop-up will appear notifying you that the Card Reader is ready. Click Write. This card is now an Initialisation Card
ready to set up the locks in it’s associated Lock Group.
Note: Your card will now appear in the default view of completed cards, and be given a physical ID.
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Private RCA and Private Standalone Dual Authorisation
When enabled, two valid cards must be presented to gain access.
Re-Lock Delay
Adjust the time the lock is set to re-lock after being opened. The default re-lock delay
is 4 seconds. The re-lock delay can be set to between 2 and 30 seconds.
Public RCA and Public Standalone Maximum Locked Period
Congure the lock to automatically unlock after a predened period.
Note: This is a time based feature and requires the internal clock to be set. This is
set automatically when in RCA Mode, but you will need to run program 12 to correct
any potential time dierences.
Auto-Unlock at a Set Time
Congure the lock to automatically unlock at a predened time.
Note: This is a time based feature and requires the internal clock to be set. This is
set automatically when in RCA Mode, but you will need to run program 12 to correct
any potential time dierences.
LED Locked Indicator
When in a locked state, the Red LED will ash every 5 seconds by default.