Section 7.9.1: Updated MCV DO Control Setpoint Input Limits
Section 7.9.1 NOTE 2 has been updated to:
Entries in the table will be limited to avoid sending setpoints to the MFC that are unobtainable by the equipment. User will see a range
for allowable total ow values based on the O2%. If these ranges are violated at any point, the row will be highlighted red. If, under certain
circumstances these limits could be violated (e.g., Max CO2 ow is required from pH loop while max. Total Flow is required from MCV DO
loop), the row will highlight yellow. MFC setpoints will be limited to 100% in this case and O2% will be maintained at the expense of the
requested Total Flow.
Section 7.14: New Alarm Types Added to Table 7-20
Table 7-20. Alarm type.
Alarm Event How to Clear
Recirculation Pump Low Flow Alarm –
Recirculation pump flow rate is between
10 and 30 mL/min.
If pH loop is active, pH loop output is
limited to ≤50% while this alarm is active.
Increase recirculation pump speed to be
greater than 30 mL/min.
Recirculation Pump Low Low Flow Alarm –
Recirculation pump flow rate is less than
10 mL/min.
All control loops are interlocked. Message
appears on pump faceplate warning the
user to increase recirculation pump speed
for 60 seconds. After 60 seconds the alarm
is activated and message alerts the user of
alarm condition.
Increase recirculation pump speed to be
greater than 10 mL/min.
MFC Over Flow Alarm – MFC setpoint from
MCV DO loop is equal to its maximum flow rate
Graphics appear next to the applicable
MFC alerting user of alarm.
Reconfigure MCV DO control table to not
exceed MFC maximum flow rates.
Recirculation Pump Leak is detected Recirculation pump is interlocked, and
graphics appear next to the recirculation
pump alerting the user of the leak status.
Leak must be cleaned up, and once liquid is no
longer detected, the alarm and interlock must
be reset from the recirculation pump interlock
faceplate or via the refresh button in the
bottom left hand corner of the main screen.
Section 7.14: Updated Equipment Module Interlock List, replaces Table 7-21
Table 7-21. Equipment module interlock list.
Equipment Module (EM) Conditions to Interlock
All EMs
Recirculation pump flow rate is less than 10 mL/min. for 60 seconds.
When Global Abort is initiated.
Pressure HIHI alarm is active.
MCV Temperature EM
After agitator is off for 30 seconds.
Any MCV Heater fault is active.
MCV Temperature sensor failed or out of range.
MCV Temperature Sensor is disconnected.
MCV Temperature HIHI alarm is active.
Pressure HIHI alarm is active.
FBRX Temperature EM
After agitator is off for 30 seconds.
Any FBRX Heater fault is active.
FBRX Temperature sensor failed or out of range.
FBRX Temperature Sensor is disconnected.
FBRX Temperature HIHI alarm is active.
Pressure HIHI alarm is active.
MCV DO Sensor failed.
Any MCV DO sensor fault active.
Air MFC Fault.
CO2 MFC Fault.
Valve XV-0117 Fault.
Agitator Fault.
Pressure HIHI alarm is active.
FBRX DO Sensor failed.
Any FBRX DO sensor fault active.
Recirculation pump is interlocked.
Recirculation pump leak detected.
Pressure HIHI Alarm is active.
Any pH sensor fault active.
MCV Media HIHI Alarm is active.
Base Pump is interlocked.
CO2 MFC is interlocked.
Valve XV-0117 Fault.