Corning Ascent® Fixed Bed Reactor Process Development System User manual

User manual
Corning® Ascent® Fixed Bed Reactor
Process Development System
Instruction Manual – Addendum 1: Software Updates
Catalog Number: 6970
This Addendum to the Corning Ascent FBR Process Development Instruction Manual (CLS-AN-633DOC)
describes Ascent FBR PD Controller software updates introduced to improve reliability and enhance the
user experience.
Please contact your Corning representative for more information.
The following sections of the Corning Ascent FBR PD Instruction Manual have been updated:
Section 5.3: Updated Pump Speed Range
Section 6.0: Updated Process Overview
Section 6.0: Updated Phase Run Frequency and Constraints
Section 7.2: New Display Symbols Added
Section 7.3: Updated User Access Levels
Section 7.9.1: Updated MCB DO Control Setpoint Input Limits
Section 7.14: New Alarm Types Added and Equipment Module Interlock List Updated
Section 8.1: Updated Calibration Range and Recommended Speed
Section 8.2.6: Media Exchange Phase Corrections
Appendix 2: New Phase Device Permissives Added
Additional Updates: BRX Loop Volume and MCV Volume Change Restrictions
Section 5.3: Updated Pump Speed Range, Table 5-8
In Section 5.3, Table 5-8, Label P2 Description has been updated to:
Pump speed: approximately 10 to 800 mL/min. (calibration-dependent).
Section 6.0: Updated Process Overview, replaces Figure 6-1
Figure 6-1. One owchart example
of a Corning Ascent FBR process
sequence. The Ascent FBR is a exible
system capable of customization to
t the user’s needs.
Section 6.0: Updated Phase Run Frequency and Constraints, replaces Table 6-1
Table 6-1. Phases run frequency and conditions.
Run Frequency Phase Constraints
Once Initialize Cannot be cancelled.
Media Fill/Prime Cannot run after Harvest Preparation or Lysis Preparation has been completed.
Media Conditioning Cannot run after Harvest Preparation or Lysis Preparation has been completed.
Inoculation Cannot run after Harvest Preparation or Lysis Preparation has been completed.
Cannot run until Media Maintenance has run at least once.
Transfection Cannot run after Harvest Preparation or Lysis Preparation has been completed.
Harvest Preparation Cannot run after Lysis Preparation has been completed.
Lysis Preparation Cannot run after Harvest Preparation has been completed.
Shutdown Cannot be cancelled.
Multiple Media Exchange Cannot run after Harvest Preparation or Lysis Preparation has been completed.
For typical in-process media changes, it is recommended to execute the Media Removal
Phase followed by the Media Addition Phase to avoid removing media from the bioreactor.
Media Maintenance Cannot be cancelled.
Cannot run after Harvest Preparation or Lysis Preparation has been completed.
Completed once before inoculation can be initiated and can be performed any time to
set new culture conditions provided no other phases are running.
Harvest Wash, Cell Release,
Cell Removal, Final Rinse
Cannot run after Harvest Preparation or Lysis Preparation has been completed.
Once Harvest Preparation is initiated, these Harvest Phases can run multiple times to
detach cells from the substrate and collect the cells in the harvest collection bottle.
System Drain, Solution 1,
Solution 2, Solution 3
Cannot run after Harvest Preparation or Lysis Preparation has been completed.
Once Lysis Preparation is initiated, these Lysis phases can run multiple times to lyse cells
and harvest product.
System Drain Can only put Solution 1, Solution 2, and Solution 3 phases on Hold.
Auxiliary Phases Cannot be run while a Harvest or Lysis phase is active (Harvest Prep, Harvest Wash, Cell
Release, Cell Removal, Final Rinse, Lysis Prep, System Drain, Solution 1-3).
Sampling Cannot run after Harvest Preparation or Lysis Preparation has been completed.
Section 7.2: New Display Symbols Added to Table 7.2
Table 7-2. Display symbols and colors.
Illustration Symbol Description Meaning
Process status indicators
System displays text on the recirculation pump faceplate
warning the user of the impending interlock with live
timer. The pump is outlined in red and has a red double
exclamation mark.
Low Low Flow alarm is active.
System displays text on the recirculation pump faceplate
warning the user of the impending interlock with live timer.
The pump is outlined in yellow and has an orange single
exclamation mark.
Low Flow Alarm is Active.
Illustration Symbol Description Meaning
Process status indicators
Recirculation pump is outlined in flashing red rectangle
with “Leak Detected” in red text above the pump.
Exclamation mark in a yellow triangle is shown next
to pump.
Recirculation Pump leak is
detected and active.
Recirculation pump is outlined in flashing white rectangle
with “Leak Cleaned” in black text above the pump. A white
bell is shown next to the pump.
Recirculation Pump Leak was
detected and is no longer active but
has not been acknowledged yet.
Red octagon with “Max Flow” in red text shown next to
applicable MFC. MFC is outlined in yellow rectangle.
MFC Overflow alarm is active.
Section 7.3: Updated User Access Levels, replaces Table 7.3
Table 7-3. Login access levels.
Access Levels
Action Default Operator Engineer Admin
Observe process overview screens 
Sys Button (Software Information/Clean Screen) 
Observe historical trends 
Sys Button (Shutdown) 
Initiate and Cancel Phases 
Use of Global Abort Button 
Change Probe Calibration 
Pump Calibration 
Pressure Zero Point Adjustment during Initialize Phase 
Data Button (Data File Entry/Meta-data Entry/Recirc Volume) 
Change Date and Time 
View Alarm History 
Password Admin Button (Reset user passwords)  
USB File Access  
Enable/Disable VPN  
Set EMs into Operator Mode (Start pumps/pinch valves/MFCs manually)  
Diagnostics  
Change Alarm Setpoints  
Advanced control strategy for FBRX DO  
Enable Bypass
Use Simulated Values
Configure Advanced Properties
Exit Application
Non-Phase Tare Button
Section 7.9.1: Updated MCV DO Control Setpoint Input Limits
Section 7.9.1 NOTE 2 has been updated to:
Entries in the table will be limited to avoid sending setpoints to the MFC that are unobtainable by the equipment. User will see a range
for allowable total ow values based on the O2%. If these ranges are violated at any point, the row will be highlighted red. If, under certain
circumstances these limits could be violated (e.g., Max CO2 ow is required from pH loop while max. Total Flow is required from MCV DO
loop), the row will highlight yellow. MFC setpoints will be limited to 100% in this case and O2% will be maintained at the expense of the
requested Total Flow.
Section 7.14: New Alarm Types Added to Table 7-20
Table 7-20. Alarm type.
Alarm Event How to Clear
Recirculation Pump Low Flow Alarm –
Recirculation pump flow rate is between
10 and 30 mL/min.
If pH loop is active, pH loop output is
limited to ≤50% while this alarm is active.
Increase recirculation pump speed to be
greater than 30 mL/min.
Recirculation Pump Low Low Flow Alarm –
Recirculation pump flow rate is less than
10 mL/min.
All control loops are interlocked. Message
appears on pump faceplate warning the
user to increase recirculation pump speed
for 60 seconds. After 60 seconds the alarm
is activated and message alerts the user of
alarm condition.
Increase recirculation pump speed to be
greater than 10 mL/min.
MFC Over Flow Alarm – MFC setpoint from
MCV DO loop is equal to its maximum flow rate
Graphics appear next to the applicable
MFC alerting user of alarm.
Reconfigure MCV DO control table to not
exceed MFC maximum flow rates.
Recirculation Pump Leak is detected Recirculation pump is interlocked, and
graphics appear next to the recirculation
pump alerting the user of the leak status.
Leak must be cleaned up, and once liquid is no
longer detected, the alarm and interlock must
be reset from the recirculation pump interlock
faceplate or via the refresh button in the
bottom left hand corner of the main screen.
Section 7.14: Updated Equipment Module Interlock List, replaces Table 7-21
Table 7-21. Equipment module interlock list.
Equipment Module (EM) Conditions to Interlock
All EMs
Recirculation pump flow rate is less than 10 mL/min. for 60 seconds.
When Global Abort is initiated.
Pressure HIHI alarm is active.
MCV Temperature EM
After agitator is off for 30 seconds.
Any MCV Heater fault is active.
MCV Temperature sensor failed or out of range.
MCV Temperature Sensor is disconnected.
MCV Temperature HIHI alarm is active.
Pressure HIHI alarm is active.
FBRX Temperature EM
After agitator is off for 30 seconds.
Any FBRX Heater fault is active.
FBRX Temperature sensor failed or out of range.
FBRX Temperature Sensor is disconnected.
FBRX Temperature HIHI alarm is active.
Pressure HIHI alarm is active.
MCV DO Sensor failed.
Any MCV DO sensor fault active.
Air MFC Fault.
CO2 MFC Fault.
Valve XV-0117 Fault.
Agitator Fault.
Pressure HIHI alarm is active.
FBRX DO Sensor failed.
Any FBRX DO sensor fault active.
Recirculation pump is interlocked.
Recirculation pump leak detected.
Pressure HIHI Alarm is active.
Any pH sensor fault active.
MCV Media HIHI Alarm is active.
Base Pump is interlocked.
CO2 MFC is interlocked.
Valve XV-0117 Fault.
Section 8.1: Updated Calibration Range and Recommended Calibration Speed, replaces Table 8-3
Table 8-3. Pump tubing for calibration.
Pump Tubing Type
Typical Full-scale
Calibration Range
Calibration Speed
Media LS17 platinum cured silicone tubing 700 ± 100 mL/min. 25%
Recirculation LS17 PharmaPure® tubing 800 ± 80 mL/min. 25%
Base LS16 platinum cured silicone tubing 90 ± 100 mL/min. 50%
Feed LS16 platinum cured silicone tubing 90 ± 100 mL/min. 50%
Section 8.2.6: Media Exchange Phase Corrections
Step 2, NOTE 2 is updated for this phase to:
Media Exchange creates a media addition setpoint limit based on current conditions (3000 mL – Current MCV Volume + Media Pump
Removal Volume).
Step 5 is updated for this phase to:
In this case, logic is in place to prevent overlling the MCV as follows:
If MCV Volume is <2.75L, the user is prompted to jog the recirc pump in reverse to drain the BRX to desired level. When prompt is
acknowledged, specified removal volume is automatically removed from MCV via the media pump.
If MCV Volume is ≥2.75L AND the Media Removal Volume <BRX Loop Volume, then specified volume is automatically removed from
the MCV via the media pump
If MCV Volume is ≥2.75L AND Media Removal Volume ≥BRX Loop Volume, then the media pump automatically removes the Recirc
Volume (BRX Loop Volume) from the MCV before prompting the operator to jog the recirc pump in reverse to drain the BRX to the
desired level. When prompt is acknowledged, the remaining portion of the specified removal volume is automatically removed from
MCV via the media pump.
Appendix 2: New Phase Device Permissives Added to Table A2-1
Table A2-1. Phase permissives.
Phase Automated Phase Permissive/Devices Put into Program Mode
Lysis Prep All devices and equipment modules.
System Drain Orange valve, red valve, yellow valve, green valve, blue valve, media pump, recirc pump, vent filter heater.
Solution 1 Yellow valve, blue valve, green valve, Air MFC, Agitator, Vent Filter heater, MCV temperature EM, FBRX Temperature EM.
Solution 2 Yellow valve, blue valve, green valve, Air MFC, Agitator, Vent Filter heater, MCV temperature EM, FBRX Temperature EM.
Solution 3 Yellow valve, blue valve, green valve, Air MFC, Agitator, Vent Filter heater, MCV temperature EM, FBRX Temperature EM.
Additional Updates
BRX Loop Volume and MCV Volume Change
During operation of certain phases, the modication
of BRX Loop Volume is disabled with an associated
note in that pop-up window. The BRX Loop Volume
pop-up window is accessed from the Data and then
Recirc Volume buttons on the left button ribbon.
Likewise, during the operation of certain phases the
modication MCV Volume adjustment is disabled with
an associated note on the pop-up window. The MCV
Volume adjustment is accessed from the MCV Vol Adj
button on the Process Overview, Harvest Overview,
and Lysis Overview screens next to the MCV.
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Corning Ascent® Fixed Bed Reactor Process Development System User manual

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