1. Safety
Base surface
Do not install a base stand X2.8R display upon a smooth surfaces. Place ru bber mats between the foot beams of the L ED wall and
the smooth surface to increase friction.
Maximum w ind load for hanging a nd stand ing configuration
The X2.8R display in a hanging configuration must be torn down in case winds exceeds B eaufort force 6 (>50km/hr).
1.4 Proper usage
Proper usage of X2.8R tiles
• No part of the X2.8R tile can come in contact with any type of corrosive substance.
• Using the LED product in an environment with high corrosive gasses (e.g. Sulphur) c an lead to discoloration of the materials.
This discoloration gives a c hange in brightness of the product. T his could lead to uniformity differences and po ssibly also to
failures. Each us e of the product in this kind of env ironme nt nee ds to be c hecked up-front with the supplier.
• X2.8R tiles are to be used in environm ents mee ting the operating specifications.
• X2.8R tiles a re not to be used in environments that are su bject to airborne contaminants such as that produced by s moke
machines (cracked oil) or sim ilar (these deposit a thin layer of greasy residue upon the LE Ds optics, degrading performance).
• X2.8R tiles are not to be exposed to extreme localized heat or cold ex ceeding the temperature specifications.
• X2.8R tiles are not to be exposed to any e lement or situation that will cause any p art of the display to heat be yond what o ccurs
during normal operation. Such situations include but ar e not limited to lasers, ultrasonic vibration, or any type of substance that
prevents p roper ventilation and heat radiation of the X2.8R tiles.
• Power c onnected t o the X2.8R tiles must m eet the s pecifications outlined in the installation manua l.
• Avoid any acc idental bum ping of the tile corners while installing or re moving the X2.8R tiles. Since LED’s of the X2.8R tiles are
mounted near by the edg es of the LED boards, w hich is unavoidable in the design of a high resolution LED-wall, the corners
of the X2.8R tiles beco me sensitive for mech anical damage. B ecause of that it is required to handle the X2.8R tiles with ca re
at all times.
• Never place an X2.8R tile or an X 2.8R m odule upon a surface with the LE D’s facing downwards without protection. This to
prevent damage to the LEDs and the soft lens of the LEDs.
• X2.8R tiles which are not installed and which are not securely stored in an X2.8R flight case, may only be placed vertically upon
flat surfaces free of clutter. M ake s ure that the X 2.8R tile does not rest upon the bottom row of LED’s but upon the provide
studs at the bottom of the rental frame.
• While removing or installing the X 2.8R tile always k eep the LED side of the X2.8R tile parallel with the LED side of the rem aining
neighboring X2.8R tiles. This to avoid any mechanical stress upon the c orners of the X2.8R tiles.
• No force can be applied to the LEDs. Any LEDs dam aged due to m echanical s tress are not covered by the wa rranty.
• Safety and functional features of the display cannot be defe
• It is not allowed to climb or hang any additional equipment on the back of an X2.8R wall. Nothing is to be allowed to hang from
the cables of an X2.8R tile.
• Any failures must be im mediately and appropriately dealt with (equipment returned to Barco). Failing eq uipment cannot be left
to run in a w all.
• No additional tools (hamm ers, pry-bars, etc.) are to be used to force handles or locks into place . All moving parts s hould be
managed by hand.
• Only Barco cab les specified to be used with the X2.8R display are to be used to connect components in the X2.8R wall. Further,
care must be taken to connect signal only according to the installation manual.
• X2.8R tiles are not to be used in the v icinity of any equipment that is not CE and UL/ETL certified.
• X2.8R tiles are not to be transported for any distance in containers other than Barco flight cas es or B arco single unit packaging.
Further, even the use of Barco flight cases or packaging material does not guarantee the X2.8R tiles against damage due to
excessive force of impacts. All warranty claim s regarding damaged X2.8R tiles due to inc orrect packing will be rendered invalid.
• X2.8R tiles are not to be connected to any n on-Barco equipm ent (the X2.8R tiles are NOT HDMI compatible devices, despite
the use of HDMI-style connectors).
• When stacking X 2.8R tiles, only B arco X2.8R feet ca
n be used, and they must be leveled according to the manual before
installing X 2.8R tiles. Improper lev eling can result in excessive forces on the structural components of the X2.8R tiles.
• When han ging X2.8R tiles, only Barco X2.8R trusses can be used and they must be installed and con nected acc ording to the
manual. Improper hanging of X2.8R tiles can result in excess ive forces on the structural components of the X2.8R tiles.
• When stacking or hanging X2.8R tiles, the guidelines outlined in the installation m anual must be followed to prevent mov ement
of the display (including tipping). Further, X2.8R tiles are only to be installed vertically. An y tipping of a dis play will cause u ndue
stress on the structural c omponents of t he X2.8R tiles, and could even a llow the X2.8R wall to fall. • When stacking X2.8R tiles,
the X2.8R stacker must be used .
• When reconnecting components in an X2.8R tile, c are must be taken to ensure that cables are carefully routed according to
the installation m anual to prevent damage to the cables or other parts o f the X2.8R tile.
• X2.8R tiles can be cleaned only in accordance to the procedures defined in the installation man ual.
• Do not hang more than 25 X 2.8R tiles (10 m) tall with the integral rigging hardware.
• The X2 .8R d isplay is an indoor product. Us e the X2.8R tiles only in a dry area away from direct sunlight, dust and moisture.
Never install and use the X2 .8R tiles in an outdoor environment.
R5906159 X2.8R 14/12/2017