1. 2104 Model DS4 or Model TS4 label .......................xvi
2. Linecord caution label .............................xvi
3. Power supply cover caution label ........................xvii
4. Fusing caution label .............................xvii
5. 2104 Model DS4 weight label..........................xviii
6. 2104 Model TS4 weight label ..........................xix
7. Standby condition label ............................xx
8. Power cables and SCSI connectors on the 2104 Model DS4 ..............xxi
9. Ground pin (220 V 2104 Model DS4 ) .......................xxii
10. Ground pins (-48 V 2104 Model DS4) .......................xxii
11. Power cables and SCSI connectors (2104 Model TS4) ................xxiii
12. Ground pin (2104 Model TS4) .........................xxiv
13. Removing the power from a 2104 Model DS4 ....................xxv
14. Removing power from a 2104 Model TS4 .....................xxvii
15. Linecord caution label ............................xxix
16. Power supply cover caution label ........................xxix
17. Fusing caution label .............................xxix
18. 2104 Model DS4 weight label ..........................xxx
19. 2104 Model TS4 weight label ..........................xxxi
20. Location of standby condition .........................xxxii
21. 2104 Model DS4 and Model TS4 subsystems.....................1
22. Lights and switches on the 2104 Model DS4 .....................5
23. Lights and switches on the 2104 Model TS4 .....................6
24. SCSI interface card switches ...........................9
25. Other switches on SCSI interface card .......................11
26. Disk drive module lights ............................13
27. Parts locations on the 2104 Model DS4 ......................14
28. Parts locations on the 2104 Model TS4 ......................15
29. Back connectors on the 2104 Model DS4 ......................16
30. Back connectors of the 2104 Model TS4 ......................17
31. Mainline-power connector (220 V ac) .......................18
32. Mainline power connector (-48 V dc) .......................18
33. Serial number labels .............................19
34. Single bus, one SCSI attachment, 14 disk drive modules ................23
35. Single bus, two SCSI attachments, 12 disk drive modules................24
36. Dual bus, two SCSI attachments, seven disk drive modules x 2 .............25
37. Power cables and SCSI connectors for the 2104 Model DS4...............29
38. Ground Pins (2104 Model DS4: -48 V) .......................31
39. Power cables and SCSI connectors (2104 Model TS4) .................32
40. Ground pin (2104 Model TS4) ..........................33
41. Opening the front cover of a 2104 Model TS4 ....................56
42. Removing the front cover of a 2104 Model TS4 (1) ..................57
43. Removing the front cover of a 2104 Model TS4 (2) ..................58
44. Removing the power from a 2104 Model DS4 ....................59
45. Removing power from a 2104 Model TS4 ......................60
46. Removing a dummy disk drive module from a 2104 Model DS4 .............62
47. Opening the handle of a disk drive module .....................63
48. Removing a disk drive module ..........................63
49. Placing a disk drive module into a safe position ...................64
50. Installing a dummy disk drive module on a 2104 Model DS4. ..............65
51. Installing a disk drive module in a 2104 Model DS4 ..................66
52. Closing the handle of a disk drive module .....................67
53. Removing the SCSI bridge card assembly cover ...................68
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