Symptoms Action
You suspect a optical drive problem.
1. Perform the problem determination procedures in the
optical drive documentation.
2. Before servicing a optical drive ensure that it is not in
use and that the power connector is correctly
attached to the drive. If the load or unload operation
does not function, replace the optical drive.
3. Run the online advanced optical diagnostics in
problem determination mode. If an SRN is displayed,
look up the SRN in the Reference code finder and do
the listed action.
4. If the problem is with a SCSI optical drive, use MAP
0050: SCSI bus problems.
5. If the problem is with a SCSI optical drive, use the
SCSI bus service aid to exercise and test the SCSI bus.
6. Refer to MAP 0020: Problem determination procedure
for problem determination procedures.
SCSI Disk Drive Problems
You suspect a disk drive problem.
Disk problems are logged in the error log and are
analyzed when the online disk diagnostics are run in
problem determination mode. Problems are reported if
the number of errors is above defined thresholds.
If the diagnostics are booted from a disk, then the
diagnostics can only be run on those drives that are not
part of the root volume group. However, error log
analysis is run if these drives are selected. To run the
disk diagnostic tests on disks that are part of the root
volume group, the standalone diagnostics must be used.
1. Run the online advanced disk diagnostics in problem
determination mode. If an SRN is displayed, look up
the SRN in the Reference code finder and do the
listed action.
2. Run standalone disk diagnostics. If an SRN is
displayed, look up the SRN in the Reference code
finder and do the listed action.
3. Use the certify disk service aid to verify that the disk
can be read.
4. Use MAP 0050: SCSI bus problems.
5. Use the SCSI bus service aid to exercise and test the
6. Refer to MAP 0210: General problem resolution for
problem determination procedures.
Identify LED does not function on the drive plugged into
the SES or SAF-TE backplane.
Use the ″identify a device attached to a SES device″
service aid listed under SCSI and SCSI RAID Hot-Plug
Manager on the suspect drive LED. If the drive LED
does not blink when put into the identify state, use FFC
2D00 and SRN source code ″B″ and go to read the notes
on the first page,.
Activity LED does not function on the drive plugged
into the SES or SAF-TE backplane.
Use the certify media service aid (see certify media) on
the drive in the slot containing the suspect activity LED.
If the activity LED does not intermittently blink when
running certify, use FFC 2D00 and SRN source code ″B″
and go to MAP 0210: General problem resolution.
Diskette Drive Problems
You suspect a diskette drive problem.
1. Run the diskette drive diagnostics. If an SRN is
displayed, look up the SRN in the Reference code
finder and do the listed action.
2. Use the diskette media service aid to test the diskette
3. Use the backup/restore media service aid to exercise
and test the drive and media.
Token-Ring Problems
Chapter 1. AIX diagnostic programs 5