3. Voice. This file can be used to listen to recordings.
4. Settings. This file can be used to switch settings to your preferences based on options
5. Version. This represents the version in use on the MP3 Player.
6. Info. This represents the amount of free memory space available on the MP3 Player.
7. Folder. This file holds the songs and recordings that have been uploaded or recorded on the
MP3 Player.
8. Exit.
Playing Music:
Follow these steps to play music:
1. Go to Play Music on the main menu and press the >l button.
2. You can scroll through tracks within the Play Music folder by scrolling to the right or left with the
Mode button.
3. Once desired track or recording has been found, press down >l to play. Press again to pause.
4. To get back to Main Menu, hold down the Mode button for 2 seconds.
5. An additional way to find desired song or recording is to scroll with Mode button to Folders on
the main menu and press the Mode button down. Search folders for artists, albums, and songs.
Folders on the MP3 Player will mirror how your folders are set up on your computer.
6. Once desired track or recording has been found, press the Mode button down. To select the
song, press down on the Mode button a second time. To delete the track or recording, press the
Mode button to the right and press down the Mode button.
7. To get back to main menu from the Folders file, press the >l button until previous screen
8. Press Mode button to the right to go to next track or recording.
9. Press Mode button to the left to go back to the beginning of the current track or recording or
press Mode button to the right twice to go to the previous track or recording.
10. To adjust the volume use the Volume bar and press the – button to turn the volume down or
press the + button to increase the volume.
Play Mode Options
1. While song is playing, press down the Mode button once. Then press Mode button down a
second time. This will repeat the desired part of any track or recording. To unlock the repeat,
press down the Mode button once.
Deleting Music Files
There are 2 ways to delete music files. You can delete them from the MP3 Player directly or using
the computer.
To delete music directly from the MP3 Player, follow these steps:
1. Scroll to Folder and press Mode button down.
2. Select desired track or recording and press down Mode button.
3. Scroll over to highlight delete and press down Mode button.
4. Scroll over to highlight yes and press down Mode button.
To delete music files using the computer, follow these steps:
1. Connect your MP3 Player to the computer.
2. Open My Computer folder and select MP3 Player.
3. Local folder where your music files are stored.
4. Right click and delete the music files or folder you desire to delete.
The Centon player has a built-in microphone allowing you to record your own voice, an interview, or a