CA 94043
TEL: 1-650-314-2500
FAX: 1-650-967-3966
1. Introduction
Alvarion is proud to announce the release of a new BreezeACCESS SU-M-900 firmware version
4.5.22 that incorporates a new enhanced roaming feature that allows better and smoother hand-off
between overlapping cells.
2. New Features
Enhanced Roaming Feature
As an extension to the Best AU algorithm a new “make before break” algorithm has being developed
to continuously scan for neighboring AUs and update the “Best AU” table in the background when the
link quality (RSSI) of the AU in communication drops below a configurable threshold point.
This allows the SU-M to make smart and fast decision to roam to a new AU with a stronger signal (if
such AU exists), even when the quality of the existing link is acceptable. By enabling this feature there
will be a slight impact on the throughput performance of the unit when the algorithm is performing a
roaming scan, but data traffic will be maintained while roaming.
3. Documentation
The information in the release notes is complementary to the product documentation, provided with the
products. BreezeACCESS SU-M-900 Installation Manual covers all installation related topics including
the Roaming parameters and the BreezeACCESS 900 documentation includes system manual and
release notes that explain all other features and installation instructions.
4. Compatibility and Interoperability
Version 4.5.22 is only applicable to BreezeACCESS SU-M-900 and is fully interoperable with
AUs running other firmware versions.
Downgrade of the SU-M-900 from version 4.5.22 will cause the SU-M to loose the roaming
parameter values.
5. Important Notes
It is required to enable the roaming feature and configure the RSSI leaving threshold per SU-M for the
roaming algorithm to be activated.