7.3L Timing Cover Repair Plate

DieselSite 7.3L Timing Cover Repair Plate Installation guide

  • I have reviewed the user manual for the Timing Cover Repair Plate. This document details the procedure for installing the repair plate on a 7.3L engine's timing cover, focusing on preparing the surface, applying silicone, and securing the plate using dowel pins. I am ready to answer any questions you may have about the installation process.
  • What should be removed before installing the plate?
    What needs to be removed from the surface area of front timing cover?
    What should be used to remove oil residue?
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1. Remove Balancer and LPOP.
2. Remove all old silicon, gasket material, and all debris from surface area of front timing cover
and at least ½outside the area.
3. Use parts cleaner to remove all oil residue and put paper towels or something to keep any
residual oil from dripping out while you prepare the plate.
4. Make sure you check which side faces the timing cover and place a thin even layer of silicon
on the plate.
5. Remove the towels and before any oil comes out, place the plate against the front cover
aligning with the dowel pins.
6. Install plate tool and use existing pump bolts to compress plate and silicon.
Tighten to 15 Ft-Lbs.
7. After at least 12 hrs, remove bolts and plate tool. If you need to use a screwdriver to pry off,
make sure you only grab the tool and not grab the repair plate.
8. Use an exacto or razor blade to trim all excess silicon from inside grooves and around crank.
9. Install pump and harmonic balancer and start engine. Check for leaks.