110TB (Tile Bridge) Cabinet
Simple ye t sophist icat ed, t he 11 0 T B is t he first product of its kind: a t rue ceiling
m o u n ted su b wo o fer. Eng in eered to d eliver lo w freq u ency exten sio n (-3 dB @
31 H z) an d im p act fro m a co n cealed ceilin g m ou n ted p o sitio n , t he 110TB in te-
grates almost invisibly into any indoor environment by us ing a standard air
handling v e nt cover as a spea ke r g rille. The e asy t o inst a ll 110TB d ro p s seam lessly
int o a 2’ x 2 ’ ceiling t ile without any spe cial const ruction re quire ment s. Each corner
of t he cabine t is fitt e d w it h a seismic t e th e r point . This sy st e m can also be flown in
fre e space v ia 3/ 8 ” t hre a de d rod, chain or aircraft cable. Fire rating is NFPA class A.
Wh eth er yo u r ap p licatio n calls fo r low lev el warm t h o r h ig h SPL slam , th e 110TB
p ro vid es th e req uired p u nch .
110SR (Sheet Roc k) Ca binet
The secon d in t he Tannoy family of true ce iling mou nted su bwoofers, t he 11 0 SR
is eng ineered to deliver lo w freq u ency exten sio n (-3 d B @ 31 H z) an d im p act fro m
a conce aled posit ion. It is spe cifically de sig ne d for flu sh mount in sh e et ro ck ceilings,
walls, ov erh a ngs or any posit ion offe ring ade quate clearance and su itable st ruc-
tu ral su p p o rt. The 110SR featu res seism ic teth er p o in ts, an d safe an d secu re
inst allation w ith a st urdy pre-inst allation ring. The pre -in stallat ion ring is available
separately for new con struction where the sheet rock installers are in ahead of the
contractor. A unique benefit of the 110SR is that it remains serviceable, and fully
re mov e a ble, from t he ground after insta llation by simply remov ing t he low profile
grille. Fire rating is NFPA class A.
110C S (C o rner Sub wo o fer) C ab inet
Th e co rn er m ou n ted su b w o o fer , a flexib le co u sin o f th e 110TB an d 110SR, is
en g in eered to d eliver m axim u m lo w freq u ency exten sio n (-3 d B @ 31 H z) and
im p act fro m a co rne r p ositio n . The 110CS m ay b e p o sitio n ed d irectly o n th e flo o r,
or at any point up to the ceiling by means of the sturdy mounting rails. Corner
positioning offers a significant advantage in terms of gain over other conventional,
fr e e-st a nding subs. C orner placement t urns t he floor and w a lls in to direct radiat ing
su rfa ces t hat can re sult in severa l de cibe ls of additional gain. In addit ion , pa int able
finish and convenient placement options contribute to the decorative appeal of the
110C S. Like th e 110TB an d 110SR, th e 110 Co rn er Su b wo o fer is p o sitio n ed to
deliver the mos t from your mus ic sys tem.