After entering these parameters, the matrix can be operated directly from the PC keyboard.
Switching codes: only lower case letters are used
First of all, operating mode must be selected: video only, audio only or both – the same as when
using the keyboard of the matrix -
Operating mode: ASCII
To only switch video, press the letter v 118
To only switch audio, press the letter a 97
To switch video and audio, press letter f 102
Output codes:
Output 1, press the letter q 113
Output 2, press the letter w 119
Output 3, press the letter e 101
Output 4, press the letter r 114
Output 5, press the letter t 116
Output 6, press the letter y 121
Output 7, press the letter u 117
Output 8, press the letter i 105
Input codes:
Input 1, press the number 1 49
Input 2, press the number 2 50
Input 3, press the number 3 51
Input 4, press the number 4 52
Input 5, press the number 5 53
Input 6, press the number 6 54
Input 7, press the number 7 55
Input 8, press the number 8 56
The method of operation from a PC keyboard is as follows:
When the working mode has been selected: video only (v), audio only (a), or both (f), you are ready
to assign settings.
To select any output press the key corresponding to the output you wish to use, according to the
table above. For example, if you wish to use output 1 you must press the letter (q). This output will then
remain selected automatically.
To send an input to the previously selected output you only need to press a number from 1 to 8,
depending on the output you want.
Communication from the matrix is bidirectional, so that if you press (.) (point), on the keyboard the
matrix returns its state to the PC.
Example: aq1w2vq1w5
Start with the letter a to indicate an audio assignment, output 1 (q) with input 1 (1), output 2 (w) with input 2
(2). Continue with the letter v to indicate the video assignments, output 1 (q) with input 1 (1), output 2 (w)
with input 5 (5).
The front panel should not be cleaned with dissolvent or abrasive substances because
silk-printing could be damaged. To clean it, use a soft cloth slightly wet with water and neutral liquid
soap; dry it with a clean cloth. Be careful that water never gets into the unit through the holes of the front