Lucent Technologies MERLIN LEGEND Reporter Specification


This manual is also suitable for

Installation and Use
Copyright © 1997 Lucent Technologies 555-640-200
All Rights Reserved Comcode 107910085
Printed in USA Issue 1.0
January 1997
Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this document was complete and accurate at the time of printing.
However, information is subject to change.
Intellectual property related to this product (including trademarks) and registered to AT&T Corporation has been transferred
to Lucent Technologies Incorporated. Any references to AT&T within the text can now be interpreted as references to
Lucent Technologies.
Your Responsibility for Your System’s Security
Toll fraud is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an unauthorized party, for example, persons other
than your company's employees, agents, subcontractors, or persons working on your company's behalf. Note that there
may be a risk of toll fraud associated with your telecommunications system, and if toll fraud occurs, it can result in sub-
stantial additional charges for your telecommunications services.
You and your System Manager are responsible for the security of your system, such as programming and configuring your
equipment to prevent unauthorized use. The System Manager is also responsible for reading all installation, instruction, and
system administration documents provided for this product in order to fully understand the features that can introduce risk of
toll fraud and the steps that can be taken to reduce that risk. Lucent Technologies does not warrant that this product is
immune from or will prevent unauthorized use of common-carrier telecommunication services or facilities accessed through or
connected to it. Lucent Technologies will not be responsible for any charges that result from such unauthorized use.
Carbon Copy is a trademark of Microcom Systems, Inc.
Hayes is a registered trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.
HiCom/9 is a trademark of Cherry Hill Software.
MARK-IV is a trademark of Equinox Systems, Inc.
Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks, Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
MERLIN LEGEND is a registered trademark of Lucent Technologies.
RocketPort is a registered trademark of Comtrol Corporation.
This product incorporates portions of the Kermit file transfer protocol which was developed by the Columbia
University Center for Computing Activities.
This product contains portions of software, © 1988 Faircom Corp.
Ordering Information
Call: Lucent Technologies Fulfillment Center
Voice 1 800 457-1235 International Voice 317 361-5353
Fax 1 800 457-1764 International Fax 317 361-5355
Write: Lucent Technologies Fulfillment Center
P.O. Box 4100
Crawfordsville, IN 47933
Order: Document No. 555-640-210, Issue 1, January 1997, Comcode 107910085
Support Telephone Number
In the continental U.S., Lucent Technologies provides a toll-free customer helpline 24 hours a day. Call the Lucent
Technologies Helpline at 1 800 628-2888 or your Lucent Technologies authorized dealer if you need assistance when
installing, programming, or using your system. Consultation charges may apply. Outside the continental U.S., contact your
local Lucent Technologies authorized representative.
Lucent Technologies Fraud Intervention
If you suspect your are being victimized by toll fraud and you need technical support or assistance, call
BCS National Service Center at 1 800 628-2888.
Heritage Statement
Lucent Technologies
formed as a result of AT&T’s planned restructuringdesigns, builds, and delivers a wide range of
public and private networks, communications systems and software, consumer and business telephone systems, and
microelectronic components. The world-renowned Bell Laboratories is the research and development arm for the company.
About This Guide vii
How to Use This Guide vii
Related Resources ix
Terminology ix
PART I Standard System
1 About MERLIN LEGEND Reporter 1-1
The Basics 1-2
What Is a Call Record? 1-2
How MERLIN LEGEND Reporter Works for You 1-3
The Workplace 1-4
Menus and Dialog Boxes 1-4
On-line Help 1-5
MERLIN LEGEND Reporter Icons 1-6
Starting and Ending a Work Session 1-6
2 Installation 2-1
Checking the Equipment 2-2
Gathering Information 2-4
Installing the Software 2-4
Loading Remote Access Software 2-4
Loading MERLIN LEGEND Reporter Software 2-6
Setting Up MERLIN LEGEND Reporter 2-7
Establishing the SMDR Interface 2-12
Verifying Call Processing 2-14
Completing a Minimal Setup 2-15
What's Next 2-15
3 System Management 3-1
Your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Tasks 3-2
Administration 3-3
Organization Table 3-3
Immediate Output 3-6
Alert / Alarm Numbers 3-7
Account Codes 3-8
Password 3-9
PART I Standard System (continued)
3 System Management (continued)
Configuration 3-10
Dialed Digit Processing 3-10
Call Types 3-12
Lines 3-13
Call Collection Interface 3-15
Immediate Output to Printer 3-17
Accounting Period 3-19
Users 3-20
Customization 3-21
Organization Levels 3-21
Location Table 3-22
Languages 3-23
4 Reports and Listings 4-1
Common Functions 4-2
Running a Report or Listing on Demand 4-3
Scheduling Reports 4-4
Output 4-6
Chart 4-8
Report-Specific Functions 4-9
Organization Reports 4-9
Selection Reports 4-11
Account Code Reports 4-12
Traffic Reports 4-13
Viewing Functions 4-15
Report Viewer 4-15
Message Log 4-16
Immediate Output 4-16
5 Utilities 5-1
Backup and Restore 5-2
Call Record Edit 5-3
Call Record Deletion 5-4
File Import/Export 5-5
Database File Maintenance 5-7
System Upgrades 5-8
Call Processing Status 5-8
PART II Multi-site Configuration
6 MERLIN LEGEND Reporter at a Polled Site 6-1
Helping Central Site to Add This Site 6-1
Preparing This Site to Be Polled 6-2
Enable "Save Call Data for Sending" 6-2
Enable the Call Sender Interface 6-2
Add the Central Site as a "System User" 6-3
7 PSU at a Polled Site 7-1
Connecting the Unit 7-2
Configuring the Unit 7-3
Powering Up the Unit 7-4
Setting Up the Site 7-4
8 Central Site of a Multi-site Configuration 8-1
Overview 8-2
Setting Up the Central Site 8-3
Adding Polled Sites 8-4
Multi-site Functions 8-6
Site Selection 8-6
Call Collection Interfaces and Schedules 8-6
Reports 8-9
Call Processing Status 8-9
Part III Appendices
A Worksheets A-1
System-wide Parameters A-2
Call Collection Interface A-4
Call Collection Polling Schedule A-6
Telephone Lines & Facilities A-8
Organization Levels 1 and 2 A-10
Organization Level 2 and higher A-12
B Sample Reports B-1
C Specifications C-1
Processor C-1
Serial Port Pinouts C-2
Modems C-2
Capacities C-3
Implementation Guidelines C-4
D Getting Assistance for Problems D-1
How to Report a Problem D-1
Using Remote Access D-2
Basic Troubleshooting D-3
E PC Serial Ports E-1
Background E-1
IRQ Mechanism E-2
Serial Ports Under Windows E-4
Workarounds and Solutions to the IRQ Conflict Probrem E-5
Selecting an Add-In Serial Port Card E-6
GL Glossary GL-1
IN Index IN-1
Issue 1 January 1997 vii
I. About This Guide
This guide explains how the MERLIN LEGEND
Reporter works and how it is used for
calling group or other cost center reporting operations. The guide is divided into three
parts, corresponding to standard system functions, those specific to a multi-site
configuration, and appendices with additional reference material.
Most system functions are documented in PART I, which is organized
into chapters that follow the order of the MERLIN LEGEND Reporter
menu system, preceded by an overview and installation. Information
specific to multi-site configurations is indicated by the Multi-site icon in
the margin:
How to Use This Guide
This guide is intended for installers and the system manager. It assumes some
familiarity with the Microsoft Windows
operating environment. Examples in this guide
show Windows 3.1 / Windows for Workgroups 3.11 desktop, menus, and dialog boxes. If
you have Windows 95, these items may look slightly different. In the samples below, the
Windows 95 version is first.
Windows 95
Windows 95
About this Guide
viii Issue 1 January 1997
Installers should read the following material:
Chapter 2, Installation, provides instructions to load the application, set it up, and
verify call processing; its companion Appendix A, Worksheets, provides blank
worksheets to collect the information required at this time.
Chapter 6, MERLIN LEGEND Reporter at a Polled Site, provides additional
installation instructions to enable sending SMDR data to a Central Site.
Chapter 7, PSU at a Polled Site, provides detailed instructions to install a
Pollable Storage Unit at a remote site.
Chapter 8, Central Site of a Multi-site Configuration, provides additional
installation instructions in a multi-site configuration, as well as instructions to add
polled sites.
System managers should read the following material:
Chapter 1, About MERLIN LEGEND Reporter, provides an overview of the
system and simple explanations of logging in and using system menus and
dialog boxes.
Chapter 3, System Management, describes the functions used to set up and
update the information that keeps your system running smoothly.
Chapter 4, Reports and Listings, describes all report-generating and viewing
functions; its companion Appendix B, Sample Reports, shows report printouts.
Chapter 5, Utilities, describes the functions used in maintaining the system files,
as well as backup operations.
Appendix C, Specifications, provides technical information about the system
requirements and capacities.
Appendix D, Getting Assistance for Problems, describes basic troubleshooting
and, if necessary, how to obtain help.
Appendix E, PC Serial Ports, provides detailed information about PC serial ports,
as well as how to resolve IRQ conflict problems.
About This Guide
Issue 1 January 1997 ix
Related Resources
The documents listed below are part of the MERLIN LEGEND Communications System,
Release 3.1 and 4.0 documentation set. Within the continental United States, these
documents can be ordered from the Lucent Technologies Fulfillment Center by calling
1 800 457-1235.
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System, Release 3.1 and Release 4.0 DocumentationSet
Document Title
System Documents
555-025-600 BSC Products Security Handbook
555-640-118 System Manager’s Guide
555-640-110 Feature Reference
555-640-116 Pocket Reference
555-640-111 System Programming
555-640-112 System Planning
555-640-113 System Planning Forms
555-640-105 Data and Video Reference
555-640-200 Release 4.0 to Releases 4.1 and 4.2 Upgrade Notes
Telephone User Support
MLX-10D , MLX-10DP , MLX-16DP , MLX-28D , and
MLX-20L Display Telephones User’s Guide
555-640-150 MLX-10D Display Telephone Tray Cards (5 cards)
555-640-152 MLX-28D and MLX-20L Telephone Tray Cards (5 cards)
555-640-124 MLX Non-Display Telephones User’s Guide
MXL-10 Non-Display Telephone Tray Cards (6 cards)
555-640-120 Analog Multiline Telephone User’s Guide
555-640-126 Single-Line Telephone User’s Guide
555-640-138 MDC 9000 and MDW 9000 Telephones User’s Guide
System Operator Support
555-640-134 MLX Direct-Line Console Operator’s Guide
555-640-132 Analog Direct-Line Console Operator’s Guide
555-640-136 MLX Queued Call Console Operator’s Guide
Miscellaneous User Support
555-640-130 Calling Group Supervisor’s Guide
Documentation for Qualified Technicians
555-640-140 Installation, Programming, and Maintenance (IP&M) Binder
About this Guide
x Issue 1 January 1997
In the context of this guide, we use the following terms:
Telephone system refers to the MERLIN LEGEND Communications System,
Release 4.1 or later.
Multi-site configuration refers to the configuration of a Model 5,000, Model 10,000,
or Model 20,000 MERLIN LEGEND Reporter that allows the site where it is installed
(the Central Site) to connect with and report on up to 25, 50 or 100 sources of call
records respectively (polled sites).
The term multi-site configuration also refers to the collection of all sites' databases
and their relationships to the Central Site. Thus, when we document in PART II -
Multi-site Configuration a MERLIN LEGEND Reporter (or a PSU) at a Polled Site,
we refer to a site where a Model 50 or Model 200 MERLIN LEGEND Reporter (or a
PSU) is installed and configured to send its SMDR call records to the Central Site
when requested by a Central Site poll.
Cost Center is the default name for Level 2 of your organization. If you are using
MERLIN LEGEND Reporter for calling groups, you can change the name to Calling
Groups or any other name you coose. The default name Cost Center will be used
throughout this guide.
Product: MERLIN LEGEND® Reporter
Document: Installation and Use, Issue 1
Note to readers:
We welcome your feedback on this book and the MERLIN LEGEND Reporter product. Your
suggestions will help us improve the quality of our reference materials and products. Thank you for
taking the time to give us your comments.
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Please be advised that Lucent Technologies reserves the right to use your suggestions without any obligation to compensate you for those
Issue 1 January 1997 1-1
MERLIN LEGEND Reporter is a new Windows tool designed to work with your telephone
system to help you manage telephone facilities and track their effectiveness in your
Why telephone and calling group management? Simple. Telephones and calling groups
are a major asset in handling customers, as well as a source of revenue for service-
oriented companies. Here are some ways MERLIN LEGEND Reporter can help.
Monitoring usage of telephone facilities (When are our phone lines busiest?
What is the average waiting time for callers? Can we do better? we
add/subtract phone lines? ...change our staffing patterns?)
Traffic reports let you understand availability problems throughout peak calling
hours and help you determine if you have a staffing problem or not enough
telephone lines.
Responding to customer calls (Did the customer hang up before anybody
answered? Who called? Is this a frequent occurrence?)
Your Caller ID service pays off: MERLIN LEGEND Reporter can print out
these numbers immediately so your staff can call back as soon as they become
Correcting misuse/abuse of facilities (Are we using our telephones to the
fullest? Do we have a problem with unauthorized use of services?)
Too many calls using the wrong local / long distance facilities or clogging these
lines are due to a misunderstanding on the part of the users or because pooled
and/or restricted access lines in your telephone system are not set correctly.
Reports on your calling patterns including the use of account codes for limited
access facilities give you information to address these issues.
About MERLIN LEGEND Reporter
1-2 Issue 1 January 1997
MERLIN LEGEND Reporter can help you answer these and similar questions for
MERLIN LEGEND calling groups or any type of cost center you identify. Doing so is not
difficult; the next few pages introduce some concepts concerning telecommunications
management and briefly describe how the system works. We recommend that you
become familiar with these topics to derive the most benefit from MERLIN LEGEND
The Basics
Telephone management refers to the procedure of collecting call records from your
telephone system, processing them, and then producing meaningful reports. Here is how
it works:
As you complete a phone
call, your telephone system
prepares a call record which
is collected by MERLIN
LEGEND Reporter.
The call record is processed
according to the various
databases as defined by the
system manager and then it
is stored on the hard disk.
At report time, call records
are sorted by user's criteria
and then printed.
What Is a Call Record?
At the completion of every incoming or outgoing call, your telephone system can create
an electronic record of its occurrence and output it to its SMDR (for Station Message
Detail Recording) port.
This record details information such as date, time and duration of the call, talk-time
(incoming calls to calling groups only), digits dialed (may include account code if used),
and the extension and line used. In the case of incoming calls, the calling number may
appear if it is a line with Caller ID service and the originating telephone company
provided this information.
The talk-time value is 00:00:00 for incoming calls to the following:
extensions other than a calling group programmed as an Auto Login or Auto
Logout group type
a calling group assigned as an Integrated VMI group type and used when a
voice messaging system (for example, MERLIN LEGEND MAIL
) is
connected to the system
a calling group assigned a a Generic VMI group type and used when a voice
messaging system is connected to the system
About MERLIN LEGEND Reporter
Issue 1 January 1997 1-3
a call answered by an eligible Calling Group overflow receiver that is
administered as the Listed Directory Number (the extension for the Queued
Call Console (QCC) queue
MERLIN LEGEND Reporter links each field in the call record to functions which sort the
call, process it, adjust running sub-totals (summary buckets), and finally stores or
discards it.
The figure below illustrates a breakdown of the information in an outgoing (Dir. = C) and
two incoming (Dir. = I) call records:
Dir. Date/Time Number Dialed Duration Line Ext. Acct.Code Talk-time
10/17/95 11:34 1716381600 00:07:28 01 32 1111
I 10/17/95 12:04 7163836880 00:05:20 12 15 00:05:12
I 10/17/95 12:30 IN 00:03:14 12 15 00:03:10
How MERLIN LEGEND Reporter Works for You
The following list highlights major features in the MERLIN LEGEND Reporter system:
Call Collection MERLIN LEGEND Reporter collects call records from a telephone
directly from the telephone system SMDR port
by file transfer (another application collects SMDR and then
provides the file to MERLIN LEGEND Reporter)
from a Pollable Storage Unit (PSU). The PSU itself connects to
the telephone system; a direct line or a modem connects the
PSU to the MERLIN LEGEND Reporter.
Call Processing Call record details are processed and stored on the PC hard drive,
under the current accounting period database. If the following features
are enabled, they are executed automatically prior to storing a call:
Immediate printouts of certain calls (for example, calls with
Caller ID information that were abandoned by the caller)
Dialed number privacy (all or part of the phone numbers called
by selected extensions are masked for example, for an
executive on a private line)
Reports The system provides an extensive library of reports suitable for tele-
communications facilities management. Reports can be scheduled to
run automatically at user-defined intervals or generated on demand:
Organization Reports
Account Code
Line / Facility
Call Record
About MERLIN LEGEND Reporter
1-4 Issue 1 January 1997
Account Code Reports
Selection Reports
Traffic Reports
Archives Data from the last accounting period is kept as an archive. This may
be backed up to floppy diskettes for safe-keeping and, if needed,
restored to the PC to print reports from that period.
Remote Access Optionally, MERLIN LEGEND Reporter users can install Remote
Access software and a modem to receive remote assistance from the
Multi-site MERLIN LEGEND Reporter can also work to collect data from multiple
Configuration MERLIN LEGEND ststems. One site the Central Site serves as
the processing center, receiving SMDR from multiple sites for inclusion
in reports. Each site collects SMDR from its own telephone system via
PC file transfer, PSU, or another MERLIN LEGEND Reporter. The
Central Site then privately arranges for the PC file to be sent or uses
MERLIN LEGEND Reporter to schedule polls from a PSU or a
MERLIN LEGEND Reporter at the remote site.
Information specific to multi-site configurations is indicated by the icon
in the margin of the text.
About MERLIN LEGEND Reporter
Issue 1 January 1997 1-5
The Workplace
MERLIN LEGEND Reporter works with all basic elements in Windows icons, menus,
and dialog boxes. Setup automatically creates the main menu and icons for various
Menus and Dialog Boxes
The main menu displays the titles of pull-down menus. All operations are initiated here,
through a system of sub-menus like the one shown below.
An ellipsis (...) next to an
option leads to a dialog box
for example:
A triangle (
leads to a
cascading sub-menu.
Dimmed options are not
accessible to you.
Dialog boxes are used to provide instructions to complete a task. To do so, you provide
all requested information in the list boxes , text boxes , or check boxes and
then use a command button to carry out the operation.
About MERLIN LEGEND Reporter
1-6 Issue 1 January 1997
You may work with a mouse and keyboard. This document shows examples using the
Quick Reference*
Using the mouse
Using the keyboard
Open a menu or
dialog box
Click on the option's name. Press Alt and do either (1) or (2):
(1) move to the option's name with the arrow keys
and press Enter.
(2) type the underlined letter in the name for
example, type R for Reports.
Close a menu Click elsewhere. Press Esc (this also closes a dialog box).
Move to or select a
box or a button in a
dialog box
Click on the item of
Move with Tab (forward) or Shift+Tab (backward)
and/or press and hold Alt while typing the under-
lined letter in the item’s name for example, type
E for the Edit button.
Select from a list in a
dialog box
Click on the
arrow to
open the box, then click on
the item of interest.
Press the up and down arrow keys.
* See your Windows manuals for further details on these elements.
On-line Help
Help is available in one of two ways:
(1) From the main menu, select Help, then I
to open the main Help Contents for MERLIN
LEGEND Reporter:
Like any Windows "help," you click on
specially marked topics to jump to that topic.
To learn how to use Help, press F1 or select
Help from the Windows Help menu.
(2) From a dialog box, press the F1 key for
specific instructions to complete it:
Again, you click on specially marked topics, to
jump to...
(a) an explanation of the term
(b) or to a related topic
About MERLIN LEGEND Reporter
Issue 1 January 1997 1-7
MERLIN LEGEND Reporter Icons
After installing MERLIN LEGEND Reporter, you will see icons on your Windows' Desktop
(if using Windows 3.1), or on the task bar buttons (using Windows 95). The following
icons are used to open or use a feature:
MERLIN LEGEND Reporter. Icon to reopen the main menu after it has been
Immediate Output. Icon to open the Immediate Output file. This function is also
accessible as an option under the Listings menu.
Message Log. Normal or message alert icons to open the Message Log
file. This function is also accessible under the Listings menu.
Report Viewer. Icon to reopen a report window after it had been reduced.
This function is accessible as an option under the Reports menu.
The following icons represent system tasks. They have been designed for access by
service personnel:
or or
Protocol. Icon for the task that manages call record trans-
missions from a site. Opens a diagnostic window to monitor
actual transmissions.
Format. Icon for the task that interprets call records as they are sent from a
site's telephone system. Opens a diagnostic window to monitor that task.
Call Collection Scheduler. Icon for the task that manages the timetable for call
record collection in the background. Not accessible by users.
Starting and Ending a Work Session
Once the system manager has configured MERLIN LEGEND Reporter for users, a
work session should start by logging in and end by logging out. This preserves
system security, in that only those allowed to run reports or delete or change data can do
1. To start a session, select the Login! entry from the startup menu:
a. Type your User ID, tab to the next entry
and type your Password (asterisks
mask your entries), then click OK.
b. When the full MERLIN LEGEND
Reporter menu appears, open the
function desired.
2. To end a session when your work is done, select Logout! from the main menu:
The full MERLIN LEGEND Reporter menu is replaced by the startup menu.
Issue 1 January 1997 2-1
2 Installation
This chapter contains instructions to install MERLIN LEGEND Reporter and verify call
processing. It includes a summary of custom setup procedures, with references to the
appropriate detailed explanations in this manual.
The chapter is organized into installation tasks, as follows:
Checking the Equipment. This involves taking an inventory of the requirements
for a successful installation. This section is formatted as an installation log so
you can check off items and jot down important system information.
Gathering Information. This involves completing the worksheets used to collect
information required at installation.
Installing the Software. This involves loading the software package and setting
up MERLIN LEGEND Reporter with worksheet information.
Establishing the SMDR Interface. This involves checking SMDR programming at
the telephone system and connecting it to the PC.
Verifying Call Processing. This involves checking that calls are received and
processed correctly.
Completing a Minimal Setup. This involves finalizing the setup of any incomplete
databases and starting call processing.
What’s Next. This involves reviewing a list of MERLIN LEGEND Reporter
features you may wish to implement at this time.
Examples show Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11 dialog boxes.
2-2 Issue 1 January 1997
Checking the Equipment
Verify that the following equipment is in place and properly set up, as documented in its
installation manuals (see the Required Configuration table for equipment specifications).
Single-site Multi-site
486 class / 25 MHz speed
8 Mb RAM
486 class / 66 MHz speed
8 Mb RAM
5 Mb for the application software
80 Mb for data (25,000 call records)
5 Mb for the application software
200 Mb for data (62,500 call records)
Serial Ports
and Modems
See Serial Port
Pinouts and
Modems in
appendix C.
A COM port available
for SMDR
input at all times
An additional COM port available
during Remote Access
A 9600-baud (or faster) modem for
Remote Access
A COM port available
for SMDR input at
all times
A 1200-baud (or faster) modem for
SMDR input
An additional COM port available
Remote Access
A 9600-baud (or faster) modem for
Remote Access
Bus, PS/2, or serial mouse (a serial mouse may cause IRQ conflicts. See
Appendix E for information on IRQ conflicts and solutions), VGA color monitor,
parallel printer
(must support graphics and 10-17 characters/inch)
Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 or Windows 95 (if PC is on a
LAN, MERLIN LEGEND Reporter will require special installation.)
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Lucent Technologies MERLIN LEGEND Reporter Specification

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