7 Start the stream.
a Click the Sorting button ( ) on the Workspace toolbar to display
the Breakoff and Side Stream windows.
b Click the Stream button ( ) in the Breakoff window to turn on the
8 Check the stream position in the waste aspirator and inspect the stream
image in the Breakoff window.
If you see any dripping or spraying or the stream appears abnormal,
turn off the stream and refer to Troubleshooting the Stream in
Chapter 7 in the user’s guide.
9 Select a new Sort Setup mode, if necessary.
10 Adjust the Amplitude to achieve fast-merging satellites within 6 drops.
For troubleshooting assistance, see Troubleshooting the Breakoff on
page 5 or refer to Sorting Troubleshooting in Chapter 7 in the user’s
11 Enter the generated value as the Drop 1 target.
12 Turn on the Sweet Spot when the drop pattern is stable.
Caution: Do not run fluidics startup with the air and fluid lines
connected to the ethanol shutdown tank. This can cause damage to
the system. Always verify the lines are connected to the sheath tank.
Sort Setup Nozzle (micron) Default pressure (psi)
70 micron 70 70
85 micron 85 45
100 micron 100 20
130 micron 130 10