4) At the screen shown in [Picture 4], use F1 ↑ and F2 ↓ arrow
keys to move the cursor to 'PROGRAM' under INSTALL and
press F7 SELECT to enter the screen in [Picture 6].
5) Data file Installation:
program and data are installed using FDD or USB memory stick.
Selecting THREAD under INSTALL in [Picture 4] creates the
same screen.
When you use a diskette, insert the diskette to FDD and press F1
FDD key. When you use a USB memory stick, connect it
press F1 GO key. To cancel, press F3 CANCEL.
to USB PORT and press F2 USB. To cancel, press F3 CANCEL.
7) If you want to upgrade the program of thread sensing board,
When you use a diskette, insert the diskette to FDD and press F1
FDD key. When you use a USB memory stick, connect it
3) Program Installation:
6) [Picture 7] is a screen that is automatically created when
to USB PORT and press F2 USB. To cancel, press F3 CANCEL.
*Reference: USB memory stick Format Type
File system of USB memory stick must be FAT 16
to be loadable. If it is formatted as FAT 32, the
USB cannot be used.
Picture 5
Picture 6
Picture 7
─ Ver.2009 1st ────────────────────── SunStar Co., Ltd ─