5.2 Programmable Functions
The following functions are the most common functions
programmed for use in the frequency converter for
enhanced system performance. They require minimum
programming or set-up. Understanding that these
functions are available can optimize a system design and
possibly avoid introducing redundant components or
functionality. See the product-specic programming guide,
for instructions on activating these functions.
5.2.1 Automatic Motor Adaptation
Automatic motor adaptation (AMA) is an automated test
procedure used to measure the electrical characteristics of
the motor. AMA provides an accurate electronic model of
the motor. It allows the frequency converter to calculate
optimal performance and eciency with the motor.
Running the AMA procedure also maximizes the automatic
energy optimization feature of the frequency converter.
AMA is performed without the motor rotating and without
uncoupling the load from the motor.
5.2.2 Motor Thermal Protection
Motor thermal protection can be provided in 2 ways.
One method uses a motor thermistor. The frequency
converter monitors motor temperature as the speed and
load vary to detect overheating conditions.
The other method calculates motor temperature by
measuring current, frequency, and operating time. The
frequency converter shows the thermal load on the motor
in percentage and can issue a warning at a programmable
overload setpoint. Programmable options at the overload
allow the frequency converter to stop the motor, reduce
output, or ignore the condition. Even at low speeds, the
frequency converter meets I
t Class 20 electronic motor
overload standards.
5.2.3 Built-in PID Controller
The built-in proportional, integral, derivative (PID)
controller is available, eliminating the need for auxiliary
control devices. The PID controller maintains constant
control of closed-loop systems where regulated pressure,
ow, temperature, or other system requirements must be
maintained. The frequency converter can provide self-
reliant control the motor speed in response to feedback
signals from remote sensors.
The frequency converter accommodates 2 feedback signals
from 2 dierent devices. This feature allows regulating a
system with dierent feedback requirements. The
frequency converter makes control decisions by comparing
the 2 signals to optimize system performance.
5.2.4 Automatic Restart
The frequency converter can be programmed to restart the
motor automatically after a minor trip, such as momentary
power loss or uctuation. This feature eliminates the need
for manual resetting and enhances automated operation
for remotely controlled systems. The number of restart
attempts and the duration between attempts can be
5.2.5 Flying Start
Flying start allows the frequency converter to synchronize
with an operating motor rotating at up to full speed in
either direction. This feature prevents trips due to
overcurrent draw. It minimizes mechanical stress to the
system since the motor receives no abrupt change in
speed when the frequency converter starts.
5.2.6 Sleep Mode
Sleep mode automatically stops the motor when demand
is at a low level for a specied time. When the system
demand increases, the frequency converter restarts the
motor. Sleep mode provides energy savings and reduces
motor wear. Unlike a setback clock, the frequency
converter is always available to run when the preset wake-
up demand is reached.
5.2.7 Run Permissive
The frequency converter can wait for a remote system-
ready signal before starting. When this feature is active, the
frequency converter remains stopped until receiving
permission to start. Run permissive ensures that the system
or auxiliary equipment is in the proper state before the
frequency converter is allowed to start the motor.
5.2.8 Full Torque at Reduced Speed
The frequency converter follows a variable V/Hz curve to
provide full motor torque even at reduced speeds. Full
output torque can coincide with the maximum designed
operating speed of the motor. This variable torque curve is
unlike variable torque converters that provide reduced
motor torque at low speed, or constant torque converters
that provide excess voltage, heat, and motor noise at less
than full speed.
Product Features
Parallel Drive Modules
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