PB-1525 Wood Pellet Burner System: Installation and Operation Manual
Rev 1.0, OCTOBER 2011
Page 10 of 67
The PB-1525 Wood Pellet Burner System requires the use of an existing, up
to date chimney sized appropriately for the boiler or furnace used. An
existing masonry or Class A metal chimney may be used provided that it
meets local code. When no local code exists, follow the requirements of
NFPA 211: “Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel-
Burning Appliances”. Certain Canadian Codes may require the chimney
be fully relined prior to installation.
WARNING! If the boiler and/or furnace is not properly cleaned and
maintained, chimney temperatures can approach or exceed
1000° F and create unsafe conditions that can lead to fire.
Regular cleaning and maintenance routines must be
CAUTION! The PB-1525 should not be used in a system installed in a
chimney serving multiple boilers or furnaces unless
specifically allowed by local Code AND the use of an
interlock system is used such that only one unit may use
the chimney at any given time.
The PB-1525 should not be used in conjunction with a flu
damper. If a flue damper exists in the existing system, as is
typical for wood fired boilers and furnaces, the damper
must be removed prior to the installation of the PB-1525.
NOTE The existing chimney should be cleaned and inspected
prior to installation of the PB-1525 Wood Pellet Burner
Pellergy recommends yearly cleaning of the chimney to
remove the buildup of ash and maintain proper and safe
system functionality.
Installation of the PB-1525 Wood Pellet Burner System
1. Plan ahead. Ensure proper installation, operation and
maintenance space is available before beginning installation.
Ensure the PB-1525 burner can be disassembled for proper cleaning
in the intended installation space.
2. Remove oil burner and oil burner mounting plate (if applicable).
3. Inspect all gaskets and mounting surfaces. Replace any gasket
material that is damaged, or that is worn or deteriorated to the