SDA/WaveMaster 8 Zi-B Oscilloscopes Operator's Manual
Signal Interfaces
Teledyne LeCroy instruments offer a variety of interfaces to input analog or digital signals. See the oscilloscope
product page at teledynelecroy.com for a list of compatible input devices.
ProBus Interface
Channel inputs C1B and C4B on ≥ 25 GHz models utilize the ProBus interface.
The ProBus interface contains a 6-pin power and communication connection and a BNC signal connection to the
probe, with sense rings for detecting passive probes. It offers both 50 Ω and 1 MΩ input impedance and provides
probe power and control for a wide range of probes such as high impedance passive probes, high impedance active
probes, current probes, high voltage probes, and differential probes.
The ProBus interface completely integrates the probe with the channel. Upon connecting a Teledyne LeCroy probe,
the probe type is recognized and some setup information, such as input coupling and attenuation, is performed
automatically. This information is displayed on the Probe Dialog, behind the Channel (Cn) dialog. System (probe plus
instrument) gain settings are automatically calculated and displayed based on the probe attenuation.
The ProBus interface may have a BNC-terminated cable connected directly to it. Depending on the BNC connector
used on the cable, the interface is rated for up to 4 GHz with 50 Ω coupling or 1 GHz with 1 MΩ coupling.
Note: Operational bandwidth is equal to the maximum input frequency of your oscilloscope model. See the
product datasheet.
ProLink Interface
The ProLink interface is used on the A inputs of all DDA, SDA and WaveMaster 8 Zi-B.
The ProLink interface contains a 6-pin power and communication connection and a Blind Mate Adapter (BMA) signal
connection to the probe. It offers 50 Ω input impedance and provides probe power and control for a wide range of
probes with bandwidth ratings from 3 GHz to 20 GHz.
ProLink Interface Adapters
Teledyne LeCroy's ProLink Adapters (LPA-*) provide the ability to connect different terminated cables to a ProLink
interface. The following cable types are supported:
lBNC, using the LPA-BNC interface adapter.
lSMA , using the LPA-SMA adapter.
lK-Type (2.92 mm), using the LPA-K-A adapter.
These adapters are only for cable connection since they do not provide the power and communication interfaces
required for probe usage. They may be provided standard with your instrument (depending on model) or are
available as an optional accessory.
The mating end of the ProLink adapter has four fastening clips (right).
To install an adapter: align the male 6-pin connector with the BMA female
connector and push the adapter straight forward. You are likely to notice some
resistance and hear clicks as the four clips snap into place. Tighten the captive