Communication Server 1000
This approach works on Communication Server 1000 (CS 1000) with Release 4.5 or later.
For IP Phone 1150E, use Element Manager (EM) to load the 0627C36.bin file to the SSs.
The phones will then upgrade when they register.
Use the following steps to manually load and distribute the FW file on the CS system.
1. The firmware can be uploaded via the "Centralized File Upload" page by navigating
"IP Telephony > Software > File Upload". This will place the files in the "/u/fw"
directory on the signaling server.
2. Once the file exists on the signaling server, locate the "IP Telephony Firmware
Upgrade" page by navigating "IP Telephony > Software > Telephony Firmware".
3. By default, the "Firmware Versions" table displays information on "All Phone
Models", which is really all phones models listed in the currency file. The new
firmware will not appear here since the set type is not identified in the currency file.
4. Selecting "Local Models Only" will display information on all phone models for which
firmware exists on the signaling server. Although the 1150E is not identified in the
currency file, it will still appear in this view and can be managed accordingly.
5. Distribute the FW file to the cards in the system.
6. After distribution, when 1150E phones register, the new FW will be
downloaded to them. After downloading, the phone should reset and come
back up, running the new FW.
Method 2: Automatic TFTP Download at Bootup Procedure
IP Phone 1150E will always execute an automatic TFTP download on bootup if a TFTP IP
address has been configured and a FW upgrade is available. The 1150e.cfg file is
downloaded and the Download_Mode and Version information processed. If the
Download_Mode is FORCED, the FW file is always downloaded. If the Download_Mode is
AUTO, the Version field is compared to the phone’s current FW version string. If the
existing version is older than the new version, the FW download is started.
Since the Download_Mode of FORCED always triggers a download of the FW, it is
recommended to only use that mode when the FW must be downgraded and
return the
Mode to AUTO after all of the phones have been downgraded.
During a TFTP download and upgrading of the phone’s Flash memory, please be patient. Do not
unplug/reboot the phone during the process!
The TFTP file transfer takes about 15 seconds, followed by another 2.5 minutes to burn the
file into the Flash memory.
During that time the phone displays the message “[FW] writing…” and flashes the Blue
Feature Status LED.
When finished writing the new FW, the Blue LED will stop flashing and the phone displays
“[FW] finished”, reboots, and comes up running the new FW version.
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