RGB Pixel Tube Lights - USER MANUAL 15
RUNNING: One color running over a
background color.
RUN: Running color from 0° to 360°, 2800
to 8000 K, BLK (no color)
RUN INT: Running color intensity from
0% to 100%
BACK: Background color from 0° to 360°,
2800 to 8000 K, BLK (no color)
BAK INT: Background color intensity
from 0% to 100%
SPEED: Speed of running color from 1
to 10
LENGTH: Length of running color from
1 to 8
GRDNT: Gradates running color into the
background color On/Off
DIR: Direction left or right
FLOW: Four user defined colors, CCT, or
no color, flowing one at a time into
the next.
CLR1: Color 1 from 0° to 360°, 2800 to
8000 K, BLK (no color)
CLR2: Color 2 from 0° to 360°, 2800 to
8000 K, BLK (no color)
CLR3: Color 3 from 0° to 360°, 2800 to
8000 K, BLK (no color)
CLR4: Color 4 from 0° to 360°, 2800 to
8000 K, BLK (no color)
SPEED: Speed of color change from 1
to 10
DIR: Direction left or right
INT: Intensity from 0% to 100%