Wenger Flex Conductor’s Stand Basket Accessory Assembly Instructions

Assembly Instructions
Assembly Instructions
Conductor’s Stand
Basket Accessory
©Wenger Corporation 2019 Printed in USA 2019-08 Part #236C128-02
Wenger Corporation, 555 Park Drive, P.O. Box 448, Owatonna, Minnesota 55060-0448
Questions? Call.....USA: (800) 4WENGER (493-6437) • Worldwide: +1-507-455-4100 • wengercorp.com
Polycarbonate Desk with
Baskets Attached
Basic Instructions to be used with the Flex
Conductor’s Stand only!
For more detailed product information, refer to the Owners Manual 236C146.
Polycarbonate Desk Flex Conductor’s Stand procedure only,
see the next page for the High-Pressure Laminate Desk Flex Conductor’s Stand procedure.
Polycarbonate Desk Flex Conductor’s Stand
1. To attach each basket, insert four #8-32 x 1/4” binding post barrels
through the holes in the top of the desk surface and the basket tab.
2. Use the included 3/32” allen wrench to secure a
#8-32 x 5/16” socket screw to each binding post barrel
at the underside of the basket tab.
Note: If necessary, the desk can be rotated while
attaching the baskets.
#8-32 x 1/4"
Binding Post Barrel
#8-32 x 5/16"
Socket Screw
#8-32 x 1/4"
Binding Post
#8-32 x 5/16"
Socket Screw
High-Pressure Laminate Desk Flex Conductor’s Stand
1. Remove the fasteners that attach the desk lip to the front of the desk surface.
These can be discarded after the assembly.
2. To attach each basket:
a. At the back of the desk, insert two #8-32 x 1/4” binding post barrels through
the holes in the top of the desk surface and the basket tab.
b. At the front of the desk, insert two #8-32 x 1/4” binding post barrels through
the holes in the top of the desk surface, desk lip and the basket tab.
c. Use the included 3/32” Allen wrench to secure a
#8-32 x 5/16” socket screw to each binding post barrel
at the underside of the basket tab.
Note: If necessary, the desk can be rotated while
attaching the baskets.
Laminate Desk with
Baskets Attached
High-Pressure Laminate Desk Flex Conductor’s Stand procedure only,
see the previous page for the Polycarbonate Desk Flex Conductor’s Stand procedure.
#8-32 x 1/4"
Binding Post Barrel
#8-32 x 5/16"
Socket Screw
#8-32 x 1/4"
Binding Post
#8-32 x 5/16"
Socket Screw
Desk Lip
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Wenger Flex Conductor’s Stand Basket Accessory Assembly Instructions

Assembly Instructions

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