access point, 106
iDisk, 165
MobileMe e-mail, 167
shared files, 122–123
Spaces, 45
iChat, 226–227
Internet, 106, 108–109
iTunes Store, 317
MobileMe, 162–163
Action pop-up menu, 34
actions (Address Book), 251, 261
Dashboard, 47
screen savers, 85
adding. See also creating
Address Book contacts, 252–255
audio CD content to iTunes Library, 314–315
backgrounds to video chats, 234–235
buddies in iChat, 228
calendars, 267
to do items to calendars, 270–271
effects to video chats, 234–235
e-mail recipients, 207
events to calendars, 268–269, 275
icons to Dock, 39
images to movie projects, 372
narration to movie projects, 369
soundtracks to movie projects, 366–367
titles to movie projects, 370–371
transitions to movie projects, 368–369
video in iMovie, 360–361, 364–365
Address Book
actions, 251
adding manually, 252–253
finding, 256–257
overview, 251
printing lists, 265
envelopes, printing, 264
adding, 258–259
changing, 262–263
overview, 251
smart, 251
using, 260–261
overview, 250–251
changing, 262–263
overview, 251, 254–255
using, 260–261
Address cards, 262–263
desktop appearance, 80–81
Advanced preferences, 199
AirPort Express Base Station, 105, 132–133
AirPort Extreme Base Station, 105, 110–111, 246–247
AirPort Internet connection, 105, 116–117
alternate function key, 5
antivirus software, 115
appearance (desktop), 80–81
Apple menu, 11
Apple software updates, 280–281
CD burner, 65
closing, 71
DVD burner, 65
installing, 68–69
launching, 70–71
from desktop, 70
from Dock, 70
from documents, 71
overview, 45
PDFs with, 249
overview, 13, 66
preferences, 67
reinstalling, 75
removing, 74–75
switching, 71
synchronization, 143
System Preferences, 78–79
troubleshooting, 71
windows, 10, 25
Applications icons (Dock), 36
Application-specific tools (document), 25
arranging icons, 27
associating keywords with photos, 343
attaching files to e-mails, 211
audio chatting, 230–231
audio content (iTunes), 312
AutoFill, 193
avoiding spam, 216–217
backgrounds (video chat), 234–235
backing up
with iDisk, 165
overview, 143
with Time Machine and external hard drive, 288–291
wirelessly with Time Capsule, 292–293
battery, 88–89
Birthdays calendar, 277
Bluetooth mouse, 150–151
Bonjour, 229, 245
creating, 184–185
navigating to Web sites with, 175–176
organizing, 185–187
Bookmarks mode (Safari), 173
brightness (screen), 5, 91
broadband wireless modem connections, 134–135
Browse mode (Safari), 172
Browser (iMovie), 359
Address Book contacts, 256
iTunes content, 308
for photos in iPhoto, 340
with Tabs, 183–184
Web pages with Firefox, 201
Burn folder, 62–63
burning discs, 64–65