Protect Your Model, Yourself & Others…
Follow These Important Safety Precautions
1. Your Sequence 1.20 ARF should not be considered a toy,
but rather a sophisticated, working model that functions very
much like a full-size airplane. Because of its performance
capabilities, the Sequence, if not assembled and operated
correctly, could possibly cause injury to yourself or spectators
and damage to property.
2. You must assemble the model according to the instructions.
Do not alter or modify the model, as doing so may result in an
unsafe or unfl yable model. In a few cases the instructions may
differ slightly from the photos. In those instances the written
instructions should be considered as correct.
3. You must take time to build straight, true and strong.
4. You must use an R/C radio system that is in good condition,
a correctly sized engine, and other components as specifi ed
in this instruction manual. All components must be correctly
installed so that the model operates correctly on the ground
and in the air. You must check the operation of the model and
all components before every fl ight.
5. If you are not an experienced pilot or have not fl own this type
of model before, we recommend that you get the assistance
of an experienced pilot in your R/C club for your fi rst fl ights.
If you’re not a member of a club, your local hobby shop has
information about clubs in your area whose membership
includes experienced pilots.
6. While this kit has been fl ight tested to exceed normal use,
if the plane will be used for extremely high stress fl ying, such
as racing, or if an engine larger than one in the recommended
range is used, the modeler is responsible for taking steps to
reinforce the high stress points and/or substituting hardware
more suitable for the increased stress.
7. WARNING: The cowl, landing gear and wheel pants included
in this kit are made of fi berglass, the fi bers of which may cause
eye, skin and respiratory tract irritation. Never blow into a
part (wheel pant, cowl) to remove fi berglass dust, as the dust
will blow back into your eyes. Always wear safety goggles, a
particle mask and rubber gloves when grinding, drilling and
sanding fi berglass parts. Vacuum the parts and the work area
thoroughly after working with fi berglass parts.
We, as the kit manufacturer, provide you with a top quality,
thoroughly tested kit and instructions, but ultimately the
quality and fl yability of your fi nished model depends
on how you build it; therefore, we cannot in any way
guarantee the performance of your completed model,
and no representations are expressed or implied as to the
performance or safety of your completed model.
Remember: Take your time and follow the instructions to
end up with a well-built model that is straight and true.
Engine Recommendations
The glow engine sizes are straightforward and as printed
on the cover. You cannot get any simpler than with the O.S.
1.20AX 2-stroke. If a 4-stroke is preferred, the O.S. 1.55FS-a
provides gobs of “grunt” to get you through all the advanced
pattern maneuvers. Both engines may use the standard O.S.
muffl ers that come with them.
Propellers: On the O.S. 1.20AX we preferred the APC 16
x 8 propeller (APCQ1608). With the O.S. 1.55FS-a the APC
17 x 8 (APCQ1710) was preferred.
❍ 1/4" [6.4mm] R/C foam rubber (HCAQ1000)
❍ 3' [900mm] standard silicone fuel tubing (GPMQ4131)
❍ Great Planes Dead Center Hole Locator (GPMR8130)
❍ 8-32 tap and drill set (GPMR8103)
Brushless Electric Motor
The 50-65-450kV RimFire 1.20 powered by a 5,000mAh 6S
battery and APC 17 x 8E propeller fl ies the Sequence 1.20
nicely. With throttle management the Sequence completes the
Intermediate pattern sequence with a little time to spare. This
combination puts out approximately 1900 watts @ 7,700rpm,
85A (static ground readings of a newly-charged battery). In-
fl ight, the maximum current draw during full-throttle bursts
will be approximately 72A with an average current draw of
around 40A when using the throttle judiciously. 72A is above
the motor’s 50A constant current limit (but under its 80A surge
limit), so full-throttle may be used only in bursts. Always use
a Watt meter to verify the current your setup is drawing. (See
more about motor setup on page 25.)
❍ ElectriFly RimFire 1.20 brushless motor (GPMG4770)
❍ Great Planes brushless motor mount for large motors
(GPMG1260) OR optional wood motor mount box
(GPMA4282 illustrated on page 28)
❍ Great Planes Silver Series 80A Brushless ESC
❍ FlightPower Pro 50 6S (22.2V) 5000mAh 50C LiPo
(FPWP5103) OR FlightPower EON-X 30 6S (22.2V)
5000mAh 30C LiPo (FPWP6702) OR (2) FlightPower
EON-X 30 3S (11.7V) 5000mAh 30C LiPo (FPWP6698)
and ElectriFly series adapter (GPMM3143)
NOTE: See LiPo Battery Charger Requirements on page
4 to help you decide on a battery.
❍ Great Planes 6mm male/4mm female bullet adapters
(GPMM3119) OR Great Planes 4mm female bullet
connectors (GPMM3115) and 3/16" [5mm] heat shrink
tubing (GPMM1056)