Installation Instructions for
_Please refer to your Use _t Care Ouide for more details.
Pro arin For Installation
Besureto coordinatesite preparation and installationwith your kitchen
Includethese minimum guidelines in yoursite preparation:
Chooseaplace near agroundedelectrical outlet.
Do not useanextension cord or anadapter plug.
Avoid direct sunlight andclose proximity to a range,dishwasher or
other heatsource.
Floorshould belevelandable to support afully loaded refrigerator.
Therefrigerator's Ice& Water Dispenser
requires water supply access.
Planfor easyaccessto counter tops when
removing food.
For complete accesstodrawers and freezer
baskets,doors must beableto fully open.
Loadrefrigerator from side of cabinet only.
Do not run retainingstraps over handles nor over-tighten straps.
Neveruse refrigerator handlesto movethe refrigerator.
Allow thefollowing clearancesfor easeof installation, proper air circulation, and
plumbing andelectrical connections: Sides & Top:3/8 inch / Rear:1inch
ConnectWaterSu I
BeforeInstalling The WaterSupplyLine, YouWill Need:
, BasicTools:adjustablewrench, flat-bladescrewdriver,
andPhillips screwdriver
* Accessto a household cold water linewith water
pressure between30 and 100psi.
Awater supply line made of 1Ainch OD,copper or
stainless steeltubing. Todetermine the length oftubing
needed,measurethe distancefrom the icemaker inlet
valve at the backofthe refrigerator to your cold water
pipe. Thenaddapproximately 7 feet, so therefrigerator can bemoved outfor cleaning.
Ashutoff valve to connect the water supply line to your household watersystem. DONOTusea self-
piercing type shutoff valve.
. Acompressionnutandferrule(sleeve)for connectingacopperwatersupplylinetothe icemakerinletvalve.
French Door Bottom Freezer/Refrigerator
ToConnectWaterSupplyLine ToIceMakerInlet Valve
1. Disconnectrefrigerator from electric power source.
2. Placeendof water supply lineinto sink or bucket.
TurnON water supply andflush supply line until
water isclear.Turn OFFwater supply atshutoff valve.
3. Removeplasticcap from water valve inletand
4. If you use copper tubing - Slidebrass compression
nut,then ferrule (sleeve)onto water supply line.
Pushwater supply lineinto watervalve inlet asfar
as it will go (1Ainch). Slideferrule (sleeve)into valve
inletandfinger tighten compression nut ontovalve.
Tightenanother half turn with a wrench; DONOT
overtighten. See Figure 1.
Ifyou usestainlesssteeltubing - Thenutand
ferrule arealreadyassembledonthetubing. Slide
compressionnutontovalve inletand finger tighten
compressionnutontovalve.Tightenanotherhalf turn
with awrench; DONOTovertighten.See Figure2.
5. Withsteelclamp andscrew,securewater supply line
(coppertubing only) to rearpanelof refrigeratoras
6. Coilexcesswater supply line (coppertubing only),
about 21/2turns, behind refrigerator as shown and
arrangecoils so they do not vibrate or wear against
anyother surface.
7. TurnONwater supply atshutoff valve andtighten
connections that leak.
\\ past c Water Tub a u /_/_ Clamp
\\ to ice Maker _[ _ II
\_FiliTube_ II,, II Brass
\_ - ,u,// IICompression
; pp
moylng refrigerator out for cleaning.)
Figure 1
Reconnect refrigerator toelectrical power source.
Toturn icemaker on, lowerwire signal arm (side
mounted) or set the icemaker's On/Offpower switch
tothe 'T' position (rearmounted).
3 Level Refrigerator & Adjust )oors (if necessary)
Guidelines for final positioning of your refrigerator
* Allfour corners ofthe cabinetmust restfirmly on floor.
* Thesides should tilt 1Ainch from front to back (to
ensure that doors close andseal properly).
* Doors should align with each other and belevel.
Most ofthese conditionscanbe met by raising or lowering
the adjustable front rollers,
Tolevel the cabinetusing the front rollers:
1 Youcan raise or lower eachdoor. Use a_/_inch ;ket
wrenchto turn theadjustment screws (1 perside).
Toraise: turn adjustment screw clockwise.
Tolower: turn adjustment screw counterclockwise.
Ensure both doors are bind-free with their seals
touching the cabinet on all four sides and thatcabinet is
After unit is leveled, lower anti-tip leg until it contacts
° Boor Boor°}°
DO NOT REMOVE this label until the refrigerator has been leveled.
Please follow all instructions for leveling your refrigerator.
Doors final adjustment using the adjustable lower hinge (select models, if
1 Open doors to 90 degrees.
2 Remove screw.
3 Lift the door while adjusting the washer.
To raise the door: rotate washer clockwise.
To lower the door: rotate washer counter-clockwise.
4 Replace the screw, ensuring it is between the spokes of the hinge washer. Screw will not be
tight, just insert until it is flush with the hinge.
Bottom of Door
Raising/Lowering Door
4 Leveling Freezer Drawer (if necessary)
Push Against I
Freezer Drawer I
4. ii
5. I_
5 Remove Internal Shi zn ...........................................................................
Electrolux uses packing foam and tape to secure the internal parts of your refrigerator for
shipping. Once the refrigerator is in position, you can remove this material.
Remove Screw
Check gasket seal around top,
bottom, and sides of freezer drawer.
If gasket is not sealed, open drawer
and slightly loosen 4 drawer screws
(2 on each side) to allow drawer to
Close drawer and recheck the seal
on the gasket (A). Open the drawer
grabbing by the sides in the center
(B). Be careful not to rotate the
Tighten 4 drawer screws.
Recheck gasket seal.
Install the toe grille by fitting into
What's Next?
Congratulations! You are ready to begin enjoying your new Electrolux refrigerator.
, For important safety instructions and to learn how to operate your refrigerator, please read
the entire Use & Care Guide.
, You may want to start with the "Normal Operating Sights & Sounds" section of the Guide to
learn what to expect during typical operation.
• Please register your product. You can register online at www.electroluxappliances.com, or
you can simply send in the Registration Card.
[]Installation Check List
[] Handles are secure and tight
[] Door seals completely to cabinet on all sides
[] Fresh food doors are level
[] Refrigerator is level, side to side and tilted
1/4" front to back
[] Toe grille is properly attached to refrigerator
[] Cabinet is sitting solid on all corners
Electrical Power
[] House power turned on
[] Refrigerator plugged in
Ice Maker
[] House water supply connected to
[] No water leaks present at all connections
[] Ice Maker is turned ON.
[] Ice & Water Dispenser operates correctly
[] Select "Water" and fill a glass of water.
Final Checks
[] Shipping material removed
[] Fresh Food and Freezer temperatures set
/f you are not satisfied with the installation of your refrigerator, please contact the store you purchased it from or call 1-877-435-3287 for assistance. P/N:241940501