5. Common user setting
'1 )Add administrator information
Press 1 to add user please
input unlock information, like
f¡ngerprint, password (you &*-
shoüld input fingerprint 3 times,
. input password 4-8 digit 2 tirnes
(eg.6666 #))or lC Card
2) Delete user information
Lock funclioñ manágment
(step one)
. Voice broadcásl: press 1 for
*--***"*-§ adm¡nistrator setting.
' press 2 for user $etting.
.t:.. . ._ .. ..
Press 2 voice broadcast:
press 1 lo add user,
press 2 to deleto user.
Lock runction manasment '**_**---*_**, §[:"1#:f,X'j;,:fi :"'
(step one) press 2 lor user setting.
Press 2 voice broadcast:. r
press l fornumberdelete,
press 2 to delete all. €-*---*-..;
for example, press 1,áñd then
input number(01 0#),you will
delete user "01 0".
Press 2 voice broadcast:
press 1 to add user,
press 2 to deiete user-
1) system setting
Voice setting
Lock function mánaEment
(step one)
Voice broadcast: press 1 lor
*--*****"& administratorsetting,
press 2 for user setting.
Préss 3 voic€ broadcast:
pl6asé press 1 for voice s€tting,
2 for unlock móde, 3 for
language §€tting, 4lor time
Voice broadcasti press 1 for
administrator setting,
press 2 for user setting.
Fress 3 voice broadcast:
please press 1 for voice setting,
2lor unlock mode, 3 for
language seleütion, 4 for
time $etting.
Pres§ 1 voice broadcast:
press 1 to open the voice,
press 2 to ciose lhé voice.
you can choose one choice. "
and then ii would tell you
lhat operated sucessfully.
2)Unlock mode setting
Lock function managment
(step one)
Press 2 voice broádüasl:
Press 1 forsingle mode,
press 2 for combinat¡on mode.
Press 3 to enable passage mode. 4.-
Press 4 to carce, passage mode,
you can choose one choice,and
then it would gurde you that
operated sucessfully.