User Manual 6
Follow these instructions crefully to void
potentil injury.
•Tke cre - pnel edges re shrp.
•The rzor-shrp blde of cooktop scrper is
exposed when the sfety cover is retrcted.
Use with extreme cre nd lwys store sfely
nd out of rech of children.
•Filure to use cution could result in injury or
If the surfce is crcked, switch o the pplince to
void the possibility of electric shock, for cooktop
surfces of glss-cermic or similr mteril which
protect live prts.
• To void hzrd, this pplince must be
instlled ccording to the instructions in this
user mnul for instlltion. Filure to instll the
pplince correctly could invlidte ny wrrnty
or libility clims.
•This pplince should be connected to circuit
which incorportes n isolting switch providing
full disconnection from the power supply.
•All cbinetry nd mterils used in the
instlltion must be ble to withstnd minimum
temperture of 50°C bove the mbient
temperture of the room it is locted in,
whilst in use.
•Certin types of vinyl or lminte kitchen
furniture re prticulrly prone to het dmge
or discolourtion t tempertures below the
guidelines given bove.
•Any dmge cused by the pplince being
instlled without dhering to the temperture
limits set out bove will be the libility of the
owner. To void ny hzrds, limit ccess to the
under-bench section of the cooktop.
•Dmge cn occur to bench tops if pots nd pns
re llowed to overlp the bench top. This cn
result in het being trnsferred to the bench top.
•Ensure tht correct sized pots pns re used.
Pns should be lifted on nd o the cooktop
surfce nd not drgged. Cooking zones should
not be switched on without cookwre plced
on it. Do not plce empty cookwre onto the
cooking zones when in use.
•The pplince nd its ccessible prts become
hot during use.
•Cre should be tken to void touching heting
•Unttended cooking on cooktop with ft or oil
cn be dngerous nd my result in re.
NEVER try to extinguish re with wter, but
switch o the pplince nd then cover me
e.g. with lid or re blnket.
•The cooking process hs to be supervised. A
short term cooking process must lwys be
t ll times. Boilover cuses smoking nd gresy
spillovers tht my ignite.
•The pplince nd its ccessible prts become
hot during use. Cre should be tken to void
touching heting elements
•Do not store items on the cooking surfces.
•Never leve ny objects or utensils on the
pplince. Metllic objects such s knives, forks,
spoons nd lids should not be plced on the
cooktop surfce since they cn get hot
•The pplince is not intended to be operted by
mens of n externl timer or seprte
remote-control system.
•Do not plce hevy objects on the pplince, use
for storge or s cutting surfce s shrp edges
cn dmge the surfce.
•This pplince is designed for cooking food only.
•Use t bsed, stble, inductive cooking rted
cookwre only.
•Only use cooktop gurds designed by the
mnufcturer of the cooking pplince or
indicted by the mnufcturer of the pplince
in the instructions for use s suitble or cooktop
gurds incorported in the pplince. The use of
inpproprite gurds cn cuse ccidents.
•No combustible mteril or products should be
plced on this pplince t ny time.
•During use, ccessible prts of this pplince will
become hot enough to cuse burns.
•Do not let your body, clothing or ny item other
thn suitble cookwre contct the Induction
glss until the surfce is cool.
•Hndles of sucepns my be hot to touch.
Check sucepn hndles do not overhng other
cooking zones tht re on. Keep hndles out of
rech of children. Filure to follow this dvice
could result in burns nd sclds.
•Never use your pplince s work or storge
•Do not plce or leve ny mgnetic objects
Sfety Instructions (Continued)