Esatto ECI604T User manual

  • Hello! I'm your chat assistant, and I've reviewed the user manual for the Esatto Induction Cooktop ECI604T. This document provides key information on the safe use, installation, maintenance, and operation of your cooktop. I can assist you with questions about the appliance's features, like its touch controls, timer function, and the safety features. I am ready to help!
  • What type of cookware should I use with this induction cooktop?
    What should I do if the cooktop surface cracks?
    Can children use this cooktop?
V1.1 0123
Everything you need
for your 60cm Induction
Cooktop is in this
User Mnul
User Manual 2
Congrtultions on purchsing your new Induction Cooktop. The Estto brnd
is proudly distributed within Austrli by Residenti Group Pty Ltd.
Plese refer to the wrrnty crd t the rer of this mnul for informtion
regrding your product’s prts nd lbour wrrnty, or visit us online t:
At Residenti Group, we re customer obsessed nd our Support Tem re
there to ensure you get the most out of your pplince. Should you wnt to lern
more bout your new cooktop, it's fetures or importntly tking cre of the
pplince, our Support Tem re here to help.
You cn use our online Support Centre t nytime by visiting:
Or you cn contct us vi phone by diling: 1300 11 HELP (4357).
It is importnt tht you red through the following use nd cre mnul
thoroughly to fmilirise yourself with the instlltion nd opertion
requirements of your pplince to ensure optimum performnce.
Agin, thnk you for choosing n Estto pplince nd we look forwrd
to being of service to you.
Kind Regrds,
The Residenti Tem
Residenti roup
Head Office
165 Brkly Avenue
Burnley, Victori
Austrli 3121
600 546 656
PO Box 5177
Burnley, Victori
Austrli 3121
1300 11 4357
Pge 2
Pge 4
Sfety Instructions
Pge 8
Pge 12
Product Overview
Pge 13
Pge 20
Cooking Advice
Pge 21
Pge 22
Pge 25
Technicl Dt
Pge 26
Your Receipt
Pge 27
Purchse Detils
Pge 28
User Manual 4
Red this mnul thoroughly before rst use, even if
you re fmilir with this type of product. The sfety
precutions enclosed in here reduce the risk of
electric shock nd injury when correctly dhered to.
Mke sure you understnd ll instructions nd
Keep the user mnul in  sfe plce for future
reference, long with the completed wrrnty
informtion nd purchse receipt. If you sell or
trnsfer ownership of this product, pss on these
instructions to the new owner.
Alwys follow bsic sfety precutions nd
ccident prevention mesures when using n
electricl pplince. The following sttements you
will see in this booklet hve these menings:
WARNING: Indicting informtion concerning
your personl sfety.
CAUTION: Indicting informtion on how to
void dmging the pplince, benchtop or
IMPORTANT: Indicting tips nd informtion
bout use of the pplince.
Domestic use only: This pplince is intended
for indoor household use only. It is not intended
for commercil, industril or outdoor use. It is not
intended for use in  recretionl vehicle.
Purpose: Do not use this pplince for nything
other thn its intended purpose. Other uses re
not recommended nd my cuse re, electric
shock or personl injury.
Attchments: The use of ttchments is not
recommended by the pplince mnufcturer
nd distributor s they my be hzrdous.
Improper use: Dmge due to improper use,
or repirs mde by unqulied personnel will
void your wrrnty. We ssume no libility
for ny eventul dmges cused by misuse
of the product or noncomplince with these
IMPORTANT: The pplince must be instlled
using the instructions in this user mnul. The
mnufcturer is not responsible for ny dmge
tht might be cused by defective plcement, nd
incorrect instlltion.
This pplince is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physicl, sensory
or mentl cpbilities or lck of experience nd
knowledge unless they hve been given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the pplince by 
person responsible for their sfety.
Children should be supervised to ensure tht they
do not ply with the pplince.
If the supply cord is dmged, it must be
replced by the mnufcturer, its service gent or
similrly qulied persons in order to void
 hzrd.
This pplince is intended for indoor domestic
(or household) use only, nd is not intended for
commercil, trde or industril use.
Do not repir or replce ny prt of the pplince
unless speciclly recommended in the mnul.
All other servicing should be done by  qulied
Prior to using your Induction Cooktop, plese red
ll sfety nd operting instructions thoroughly.
Plese ensure you follow the steps below before
using this product:
This cooktop must only be instlled in
ccordnce with the instructions provided.
Incorrect instlltion my cuse hrm to
persons, dmge property nd void the product’s
Unpck the pplince but keep ll pckging
mterils until you hve mde sure the new
Induction Cooktop is undmged nd in good
working order. We recommend you keep the
originl pckging for storing your Induction
Cooktop when not in use or trnsporting.
WARNING: Plstic wrpping cn be 
suoction hzrd for bbies nd children, so
ensure ll pckging mterils re out of their
Sfety Instructions
IMPORTANT: Inspect the pplince for ny
dmge heck for ny dmge or defects. In the
cse of dmge, do not use this product nd
contct the Residenti Group support tem on 1300
11 HELP (4357) for further dvice should you wish to
clim for dmge/mrks under the mnufcturer’s
wrrnty. This does not ect your sttutory rights.
It is importnt to use your cooktop sfely.
Follow these instructions crefully to void potentil
electric shock, re or deth.
In certin circumstnces electricl pplinces
my be  sfety hzrd. Check the conformity
of voltge nd power settings, which re
specied on the informtion plte ttched to
the pplince nd/or pckging, with the usge
conditions vilble.
Disconnect the pplince from the mins
electricity supply before crrying out ny work
or mintennce on it.
Altertions to the domestic wiring system must
only be mde by  qulied electricin.
A mens for disconnection must be
incorported in the xed wiring in ccordnce
with the wiring rules.
If the pplince is being hrdwired, it must be
instlled by n uthorised technicin.
If the supply cord or plug is dmged, it must
be replced by the mnufcturer, its service
gent or similrly qulied persons in order to
void  hzrd.
Do not cook on  broken or crcked cooktop.
If the cooktop surfce should brek or crck,
switch the pplince o immeditely t the
mins power supply (wll switch) nd contct 
qulied technicin.
The electricl connection must be ccessible
fter instlltion.
Follow these instructions crefully to void potentil
injury or deth.
This pplince complies with electromgnetic
sfety stndrds.
However, persons with crdic pcemkers
or other electricl implnts (such s insulin
pumps) must consult with their doctor or implnt
mnufcturer before using this pplince to mke
sure tht their implnts will not be ected by the
electromgnetic eld.
Filure to follow this dvice my result in deth.
The pplince cn be used by children ged from
8 yers nd bove nd persons with reduced
physicl, sensory or mentl cpbilities or lck
of experience nd knowledge if they hve been
given supervision or instruction concerning use of
the pplince in  sfe wy nd understnd the
hzrds involved. Children shll not ply with the
Children should be supervised to ensure tht
they do not ply with, sit, stnd, or climb on the
Do not store items of interest to children in
cbinets bove the pplince. Children climbing
on the cooktop could be seriously injured.
Clening nd user mintennce shll not be
mde by children without supervision.
This pplince is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physicl,
sensory or mentl cpbilities, or lck of
experience nd knowledge, unless they hve
been given supervision or instruction concerning
use of the pplince by  person responsible for
their sfety.
Remove ll pckging before using the pplince.
Otherwise, serious dmge or injury my result.
User Manual 6
Follow these instructions crefully to void 
potentil injury.
Tke cre - pnel edges re shrp.
The rzor-shrp blde of  cooktop scrper is
exposed when the sfety cover is retrcted.
Use with extreme cre nd lwys store sfely
nd out of rech of children.
Filure to use cution could result in injury or
If the surfce is crcked, switch o the pplince to
void the possibility of electric shock, for cooktop
surfces of glss-cermic or similr mteril which
protect live prts.
To void  hzrd, this pplince must be
instlled ccording to the instructions in this
user mnul for instlltion. Filure to instll the
pplince correctly could invlidte ny wrrnty
or libility clims.
This pplince should be connected to  circuit
which incorportes n isolting switch providing
full disconnection from the power supply.
All cbinetry nd mterils used in the
instlltion must be ble to withstnd  minimum
temperture of 50°C bove the mbient
temperture of the room it is locted in,
whilst in use.
Certin types of vinyl or lminte kitchen
furniture re prticulrly prone to het dmge
or discolourtion t tempertures below the
guidelines given bove.
Any dmge cused by the pplince being
instlled without dhering to the temperture
limits set out bove will be the libility of the
owner. To void ny hzrds, limit ccess to the
under-bench section of the cooktop.
Dmge cn occur to bench tops if pots nd pns
re llowed to overlp the bench top. This cn
result in het being trnsferred to the bench top.
Ensure tht correct sized pots  pns re used.
Pns should be lifted on nd o the cooktop
surfce nd not drgged. Cooking zones should
not be switched on without cookwre plced
on it. Do not plce empty cookwre onto the
cooking zones when in use.
The pplince nd its ccessible prts become
hot during use.
Cre should be tken to void touching heting
Unttended cooking on  cooktop with ft or oil
cn be dngerous nd my result in  re.
NEVER try to extinguish  re with wter, but
switch o the pplince nd then cover me
e.g. with  lid or  re blnket.
The cooking process hs to be supervised. A
short term cooking process must lwys be
t ll times. Boilover cuses smoking nd gresy
spillovers tht my ignite.
The pplince nd its ccessible prts become
hot during use. Cre should be tken to void
touching heting elements
Do not store items on the cooking surfces.
Never leve ny objects or utensils on the
pplince. Metllic objects such s knives, forks,
spoons nd lids should not be plced on the
cooktop surfce since they cn get hot
The pplince is not intended to be operted by
mens of n externl timer or seprte
remote-control system.
Do not plce hevy objects on the pplince, use
for storge or s  cutting surfce s shrp edges
cn dmge the surfce.
This pplince is designed for cooking food only.
Use t bsed, stble, inductive cooking rted
cookwre only.
Only use cooktop gurds designed by the
mnufcturer of the cooking pplince or
indicted by the mnufcturer of the pplince
in the instructions for use s suitble or cooktop
gurds incorported in the pplince. The use of
inpproprite gurds cn cuse ccidents.
No combustible mteril or products should be
plced on this pplince t ny time.
During use, ccessible prts of this pplince will
become hot enough to cuse burns.
Do not let your body, clothing or ny item other
thn suitble cookwre contct the Induction
glss until the surfce is cool.
Hndles of sucepns my be hot to touch.
Check sucepn hndles do not overhng other
cooking zones tht re on. Keep hndles out of
rech of children. Filure to follow this dvice
could result in burns nd sclds.
Never use your pplince s  work or storge
Do not plce or leve ny mgnetic objects
Sfety Instructions (Continued)
(e.g. credit crds, memory crds) or electronic
devices (e.g. computers, mobile phones) ner
the pplince, s they my be ected by its
electromgnetic eld.
Never use your pplince for wrming or heting
the room.
After use, lwys turn o the cooking zones nd
the cooktop s described in this mnul (i.e. by
using the touch controls). Do not rely on the pn
detection feture to turn o the cooking zones
when you remove the pns.
Do not plce or drop hevy objects or stnd on
your cooktop.
Do not use pns with jgged edges or drg pns
cross the Induction glss surfce s this cn
scrtch the glss.
Ensure tht the kitchen is well ventilted or
mechnicl ventiltion is in use while cooking on
this pplince.
Do not store or use mmble mterils or
erosols ner the cooktop. Items mde from
luminium, plstic, plstic lm  sugr-bsed
foods should lso be kept wy from the
pplince, s they my fuse to the surfce.
WARNING The surfce temperture of this
pplince exceeds 95°C. To void  hzrd,
under bench ccess must be restricted. A bord
must be instlled underneth the cooktop. Het
from the underside of the unit will be expelled by
inbuilt fns do not block.
WARNING The cooktop will become hot during
nd directly fter use. Do not touch the surfce
during this time, s it my be hot nd cn cuse
burns. To void burns nd injury, children should
be kept wy.
Do not modify this pplince
Clening my only be commenced on the
pplince once it hs cooled down nd is turned
o. Filure to clen properly cn dmge the
Do not use  stem clen, stem jet or ny other
high-pressure clening equipment to clen the
Do not use scourers or ny other hrsh brsive
clening gents to clen your cooktop, s these
cn scrtch the Induction glss.
During trnsporttion, protective pckging ws
used to protect the pplince ginst ny dmge.
After unpcking, plese dispose of ll elements of
pckging in  wy tht will not cuse dmge to
the environment.
All mterils used for pckging the pplince re
environmentlly friendly; they re 100% recyclble
nd re mrked with the pproprite symbol.
CAUTION: During unpcking, the pckging
mterils (polythene bgs, polystyrene pieces, etc.)
should be kept out of rech of children.
The symbol on the product, or in its pckging,
indictes tht this product my not be treted s
household wsted, Insted, it should be tken to the
pproprite wste collection point for the recycling
of electricl nd electronic equipment.
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you
will help prevent potentil negtive consequences
for the environment nd humn helth, which could
otherwise be cused by the inpproprite wste
hndling of this product.
For more detiled informtion bout the recycling
of this product, plese contct your locl council,
your household wste disposl service, or the shop
where you purchsed the product.
User Manual 8
Instlltion Instructions
IMPORTANT: The pplince must be instlled using the instructions in this user mnul. The mnufcturer
is not responsible for ny dmge tht might be cused by defective plcement, nd incorrect instlltion.
The work surfce is squre nd level, nd no structurl members interfere with spce requirements.
The work surfce is mde of  het-resistnt nd insulted mteril.
If the cooktop is instlled bove n oven, the oven hs  built-in cooling fn.
The instlltion will comply with ll clernce requirements nd pplicble stndrds nd regultions.
A suitble isolting switch providing full disconnection from the mins power supply is incorported in the
permnent wiring, mounted nd positioned to comply with the locl wiring rules nd regultions.
You consult locl building uthorities nd by-lws if in doubt regrding instlltion.
You use het-resistnt nd esy-to-clen nishes (such s cermic tiles) for the wll surfces surrounding
the cooktop.
Cut out the work surfce ccording to the sizes shown in the drwing. For the purpose of instlltion nd
use, leve  minimum of 50mm spce round the cut out.
Be sure the thickness of the work surfce is t lest 30mm. Plese select het-resistnt nd insulted work
surfce mteril (Wood nd similr brous or hygroscopic mteril shll not be used s work surfce
mteril unless impregnted) to void the electricl shock nd lrger deformtion cused by the het
rdition from the hotplte.
As shown below:
L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) D (mm) A (mm) B (mm) X (mm) F (mm)
590 520 60 56 560 +4
490 +4
The sfety distnce between the sides of the cooktop nd the inner surfces of the worktop should be t
lest 3mm.
Under ny circumstnces, mke sure the Induction cooker hob is well ventilted nd the ir inlet nd
outlet re not blocked. Ensure the induction cooker hob is in good work stte. As shown below:
WARNING The sfety distnce between the hotplte nd the cupbord bove the hotplte should be t
lest 650 mm.
Under ll circumstnces, mke sure the induction cooktop is well ventilted nd the ir inlet nd outlet re
not blocked. Ensure the induction cooktop is in good working stte (s shown below).
AB (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm)
Plese refer to your rngehood’s
user mnul for minimum clernces
from the top of the cooktop surfce
to your rngehood
50 minimum 50 minimum Air intke Air ventiltion:
Mke sure the induction cooktop is well ventilted nd tht ir inlet nd outlet is not blocked. In order to
void ccidentl touch with the overheting bottom of the cooktop, or getting unexpected electric shock
during working, it is necessry to put  wooden insert, xed by screws, t  minimum distnce of 50mm
from the bottom of the cooktop. Follow the requirements below.
There re ventiltion holes round outside of the cooktop. You must ensure these holes re not blocked
by the worktop when you put the cooktop into position.
Be wre tht the glue tht join the plstic or wooden mteril to the furniture, hs to resist to
temperture not below 150 °C, to void the unstuck of the pneling.
The rer wll, djcent nd surrounding surfces must therefore be ble to withstnd n temperture
of 90 °C.
Min. 50mm
Mx. 5mmMx. 5mm
User Manual 10
Instlltion Instructions (Continued)
The power supply cble is not ccessible through cupbord doors or drwers.
There is dequte ow of fresh ir from outside the cbinetry to the bse of the cooktop.
If the cooktop is instlled bove  drwer or cupbord spce,  therml protection brrier is instlled
below the bse of the cooktop.
The isolting switch is esily ccessible by the user.
The unit should be plced on  stble, smooth surfce (such s the pckging). Do not pply force onto
the controls protruding from the cooktop.
Fix the cooktop on the work surfce by screwing the two brckets on the bottom of the cooktop fter
instlltion (see digrm below).
Adjust the brcket position to suit for dierent tble top thickness.
Installation Instructions
Under any circumstances, the brackets cannot touch with the inner surfaces of the worktop after installation
(see picture).
1. The induction hotplate must be installed by qualified personnel or technicians. We have
professionals at your service. Please never conduct the operation by yourself.
2. The hob will not be installed directly above a dishwasher, fridge, freezer, washing machine or
clothes dryer, as the humidity may damage the hob electronics.
3. The induction hotplate shall be installed such that better heat radiation can be ensured to
enhance its reliability.
4. The wall and induced heating zone above the table surface shall withstand heat.
5. To avoid any damage, the sandwich layer and adhesive must be resistant to heat.
6. A steam cleaner is not to be used.
Connecting the hob to the mains power supply
This appliance is provided with a 10A power plug.
Before connecting the hob to the mains power supply, check that:
1. The domestic wiring system is suitable for the power drawn by the hob.
2. The voltage corresponds to the value given in the rating plate
3. The power supply cable sections can withstand the load specified on the rating plate.
To connect the hob to the mains power supply, do not use adapters, reducers, or branching devices, as
they can cause overheating and fire.
The power supply cable must not touch any hot parts and must be positioned so that its temperature will not
exceed 75°C at any point.
If the cable is damaged or to be replaced, the operation must be carried out the by after-sale
agent with dedicated tools to avoid any accidents.
If the appliance is being connected directly to the mains an omnipolar circuit-breaker must be
installed with a minimum opening of 3mm between contacts.
The installer must ensure that the correct electrical connection has been made and that it is
compliant with safety regulations.
The cable must not be bent or compressed.
The cable must be checked regularly and replaced by authorised technicians only.
Allow disconnection of the appliance after installation.
If the appliance is being hardwired, a means for disconnection must be
incorporated in the fixed wiring in accordance with the wiring rules.
IMPORTANT: Under no circumstnces re the brckets to touch with the inner surfces of the worktop
fter instlltion (see digrm bove).
The pplince must be instlled using the instructions in this user mnul. The mnufcturer is not
responsible for ny dmge tht might be cused by defective plcement, nd incorrect instlltion.
If you re not condent to conduct the instlltion by yourself, plese contct our Service tem on
1300 11 HELP (4357) to llocte you  qulied technicin.
Do not instll the cooktop directly bove  dishwsher, fridge, freezer, wshing mchine or clothes dryer,
s the humidity my dmge the cooktop electronics
The induction hotplte shll be instlled such tht better het rdition cn be ensured to enhnce
its relibility.
The wll nd induced heting zone bove the tble surfce shll withstnd het.
To void ny dmge, the sndwich lyer nd dhesive must be resistnt to het.
Do not use  stem clener.
This pplince is provided with  10A power plug.
Before connecting the hob to the mins power supply, check tht:
The domestic wiring system is suitble for the power drwn by the hob.
The voltge corresponds to the vlue given in the rting plte
The power supply cble sections cn withstnd the lod specied on the rting plte.
To connect the hob to the mins power supply, do not use dpters, reducers, or brnching devices, s they
cn cuse overheting nd re.
The power supply cble must not touch ny hot prts nd must be positioned so tht its temperture will
not exceed 75°C t ny point.
If the cble is dmged or to be replced, the opertion must be crried out the by fter-sle gent with
dedicted tools to void ny ccidents.
If the pplince is being connected directly to the mins n omnipolr circuit-breker must be instlled
with  minimum opening of 3mm between contcts.
The instller must ensure tht the correct electricl connection hs been mde nd tht it is complint
with sfety regultions.
The cble must not be bent or compressed.
The cble must be checked regulrly nd replced by uthorised technicins only.
Allow disconnection of the pplince fter instlltion.
If the pplince is being hrdwired,  mens for disconnection must be incorported in the xed wiring in
ccordnce with the wiring rules.
Servicing MUST only be crried out by uthorised personnel.
To mintin sfe opertion, it is recommended tht the product be inspected every ve yers by n
uthorised service person.
If the supply cord is dmged, it must be replced by the mnufcturer, its service gent
or similrly qulied persons in order to void  hzrd.
WARNING: Never instll  cooktop tht hs been dmged. Plese contct our Service Tem
for ssistnce.
User Manual 12
Product Overview
This cooktop hs been designed with  power limiter to ensure the cooktop does not exceed 2200W,
llowing it to be plugged in to  stndrd 10mp power socket.
Note: If hrdwiring, the power limittions will remin.
The images in this user manual are for reference only. Your appliance may appear dierently.
A. Zone selection controls
B. Power  Timer regulting controls
C. Child lock button
D. Timer button
E. Power button
2 3
1 4
1. 1500W Zone
2. 2000W Zone
3. 1500W Zone
4. 2000W Zone
5. Touch control pnel
Operting Instructions
Induction cooking is  sfe, dvnced, ecient, nd economicl cooking technology. It works by
electromgnetic vibrtions generting het directly in the pn, rther thn indirectly through heting
the glss surfce. The glss becomes hot only becuse the pn eventully wrms it up.
Before using your new Induction cooktop:
Red this guide, tking specil note of the ‘Sfety Instructions’ section.
Remove ny protective lm or stickers tht my still be on your induction cooktop.
Operting the cooktop using only one or two zones will provide optiml results.
As the cooktop is equipped with  power limiter, when more zones re turned on the power level will
chnge for ech zone.
You cn use ny one zone t power level 9 (full power).
When using ny two zones together, the mx power levels will be:
Zone 1: Power level 7
Zone 2: Power level 6
Zone 3: Power level 7
Zone 4: Power level 7
When using ny three zones together, the mx power levels will be t power level 6.
When using ll four zones together, the mx power levels will be:
Zone 1: Power level 5
Zone 2: Power level 5
Zone 3: Power level 5
Zone 4: Power level 6
The tble below shows the pproximte times to boil 1 litre of tp wter:
POWER LEVEL 1500W Zone 2000W Zone
9Under 5 minutes
Test results: 4:43
Under 3 minutes
Test results: 2:54
7Under 7 minutes
Test results: 6:15
Under 6 minutes
Test results: 5:40
Note: The bove results re indictive only.
Your results my vry depending on cookwre nd wter temperture.
User Manual 14
Operting Instructions (Continued)
The controls respond to touch, so you don’t need to pply ny pressure.
Use the bll of your nger, not just the tip.
You will her  beep ech time  touch is registered.
Mke sure the controls re lwys clen, dry, nd tht there is no object
(e.g.  utensil or  cloth) covering them. Even  thin lm of wter my mke
the controls dicult to operte.
Only use cookwre with  bse suitble for induction cooking.
Look for the induction mrk on the pckging or on the bottom on the pn.
You cn check whether your cookwre is suitble by checking if the bse of the pn is mgnetised. If it is,
the pn is suitble for induction cooking.
You cn lso test by plcing some wter in  pn, if displys nd the wter is not heting, the pn is not
Cookwre mde from pure stinless steel, luminium or copper without  mgnetic bse, glss, wood,
porcelin, cermic, nd erthenwre re not suitble for induction cooking.
Do not use cookwre with jgged edges or  curved bse.
Mke sure tht the bse of your pn is smooth, sits t ginst the glss, nd is the sme size s the
cooking zone. Use pns whose dimeter is s lrge s the grphic of the zone selected. Using  lrge pot 
slightly wider energy will be used t its mximum eciency. If you use smller pot, eciency could be less
thn expected. Pot less thn 140mm could be undetected by the cooktop. Alwys centre your pn on the
cooking zone.
Alwys lift pns o the induction cooktop – do not slide, or they my scrtch the glss.
This mens tht:
You hve not plced  pn on the correct cooking zone or;
The pn you’re using is not suitble for induction cooking or;
The pn is too smll or not properly centered on the cooking zone.
No heting tkes plce unless there is  suitble pn on the cooking zone.
The disply ‘ ’ will utomticlly turn o fter 1 minute if no suitble pn is plced on it.
1. Touch the power button for three seconds.
After the power is on, the buzzer will beep
once nd ll the displys show either “–”
or “––” indicting the cooktop hs entered
stndby mode.
3. When selecting the heting zone of your
choice, the indicted next to the button
will sh. (See tble on pge 19 for
recommended het settings)
4. Select  het setting by touching
the ‘–’ or ‘+’ buttons.
If you don’t choose  het setting within
1 minute, the induction cooktop will
utomticlly switch o. You will need to
strt gin t step 1. You cn modify the
het setting t ny time during cooking.
2. Plce  suitble pn on the cooking zone
tht you wish to use.
Mke sure the bottom of the pn nd
the surfce of the cooking zone re clen
nd dry.
User Manual 16
You cn lock the controls to prevent unintended use (e.g. children ccidentlly turning the cooking zones on)
by pressing the child lock button. The timer indictor will disply “Lo” when child lock is enbled. To unlock,
touch nd hold the child lock button for  few seconds.
When the controls re locked, ll the controls except the ON/OFF control re disbled.
Operting Instructions (Continued)
1. Select the cooking zone tht
you wish to switch o
3. Turn the whole cooktop
o by touching the ON/OFF
power control.
4. Bewre of hot surfces
When there is residul het, ‘H’ will show
which cooking zone when it is hot to
touch. It will dispper when the surfce
hs cooled down to  sfe temperture.
It cn lso be used s n energy sving
function if you wnt to het further pns,
use the hotplte tht is still hot.
2. Turn the cooking zone o by scrolling
down to “0” or simultneously touching
‘–’ nd ‘+’ buttons together
You cn use the timer in two dierent wys:
Cooking zone uto-o
You cn use the timer to turn one or more cooking zones o fter the set time is up.
The timer of mximum is 99 minutes.
Minute minder
You cn use it s  minute minder. In this cse, the timer will not turn ny cooking zone o when the set
time is up, it will insted mke  buzzing sound to lert you tht the time is up.
Mke sure the cooktop is turned on.
Note: You must use t lest one ctive zone to be ble to use the minute minder function.
1. Touch the controls of the timer.
The minder indictor will strt
shing, nd “10” will show in
the timer disply.
4. When the time is set, it
will begin to count down
immeditely. The disply will
show the remining time nd
the timer indictor will sh for
5 seconds.
2. Set the time by touching
the ‘–’ or ‘+’ timer buttons.
Ech touch will decrese
or increse by 1 minute
Touch nd hold the ‘–’ or ‘+’
buttons to decrese or increse
by 10 minute increments.
5. The lert will sound for
30 seconds nd the timer
indictor will disply “- -” when
the setting time nishes.
Note: This will not
utomticlly turn o the
ctive cooking zone.
3. To cncel the timer, touch
the ‘–’ or ‘+’ buttons together
nd the “00” will show in the
minute disply.
User Manual 18
Setting one cooking zone:
1. Touching the heting zone
selection control tht you wnt
to set the timer for.
(e.g. zone #3)
4. To cncel the timer, touch
the ‘–’ or ‘+’ buttons together
nd the “00” will show in the
minute disply.
2. Quickly touch the timer
control button nd the minder
indictor will strt shing,
nd “10” will show in the
timer disply.
6. When cooking timer expires,
the corresponding cooking
zone will be switched o
5. When the time is set, it
will begin to count down
immeditely. The disply will
show the remining time nd
the timer indictor will sh for
5 seconds.
NOTE: The red dot next to
power level indictor will
illuminte indicting tht
zone is selected.
3. Set the time by touching
the ‘–’ or ‘+’ timer buttons.
Ech touch will decrese
or increse by 1 minute
Touch nd hold the ‘–’ or ‘+’
buttons to decrese or increse
by 10 minute increments.
Other cooking zone will keep operting if they re turned on previously.
The digrms shown in this user mnul re for reference only, your product my pper dierently.
Operting Instructions (Continued)
Auto shut down is  sfety protection function for your induction cooktop. It shuts down utomticlly if
ever you forget to turn o your cooking. The defult working times for vrious power levels re shown in the
below tble:
Power level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Defult working
timer (hour)
8 8 8 4 4 4 2 2 2
When the pot is removed, the induction cooktop will stop heting immeditely nd the cooktop
utomticlly switches o fter 2 minutes.
People with  hert pce mker should consult with their doctor before using this cooktop.
The settings below re guidelines only. The exct setting will depend on severl fctors, including your
cookwre nd the mount you re cooking. Experiment with the induction cooktop to nd the settings tht
best suit you.
Power level Recommended Use
1 - 2 Delicte wrming for smll mounts of food
Melting chocolte, butter, nd foods tht burn quickly
Gentle simmering
Slow wrming
3 - 4 Reheting
Rpid simmering
Cooking rice
5 - 6 Pnckes
7 - 8 Sutéing
Cooking pst
Bringing soup to the boil
Boiling wter
User Manual 20
Tke cre when frying s oil nd ft het up very quickly. At extremely high tempertures, oils nd ft will
ignite spontneously nd this presents  serious risk of re.
When food comes to the boil, reduce the temperture setting.
Using  lid will reduce cooking times nd sve energy by retining the het.
Minimize the mount of liquid or ft to reduce cooking times.
Strt cooking on  high setting nd reduce the setting when the food hs heted through.
When n unsuitble size or non-mgnetic pn (e.g. luminium), or some other smll item (e.g. knife, fork,
key) hs been left on the cooktop, the cooktop utomticlly go on to stndby in 1 minute. The fn will keep
cooking down the induction cooktop for  further 1 minute.
Simmering occurs below boiling point, t round 85 °C, when bubbles re just rising occsionlly to
the surfce of the cooking liquid. It is the key to delicious soups nd tender stews becuse the vours
develop without overcooking the food. You should lso cook egg-bsed nd our thickened suces below
boiling point.
Some tsks, including cooking rice by the bsorption method, my require  setting higher thn the
lowest setting to ensure the food is cooked properly in the time recommended.
To cook juicy vourful steks:
1. Stnd the met t room temperture for bout 20 minutes before cooking.
2. Het up  hevy-bsed frying pn.
3. Brush both sides of the stek with oil. Drizzle  smll mount of oil into the hot pn nd then lower the
met onto the hot pn.
4. Turn the stek only once during cooking. The exct cooking time will depend on the thickness of the stek
nd how cooked you wnt it. Times my vry from bout 2 – 8 minutes per side. Press the stek to guge
how cooked it is – the rmer it feels the more ‘well done’ it will be.
5. Leve the stek to rest on  wrm plte for  few minutes to llow it to relx nd become tender before
1. Choose n induction comptible t-bsed wok or  lrge frying pn.
2. Hve ll the ingredients nd equipment redy. Stir-frying should be quick. If cooking lrge quntities,
cook the food in severl smller btches.
3. Prehet the pn briey nd dd two tblespoons of oil.
4. Cook ny met rst, put it side nd keep wrm.
5. Stir-fry the vegetbles. When they re hot but still crisp, turn the cooking zone to  lower setting,
return the met to the pn nd dd your suce.
6. Stir the ingredients gently to mke sure they re heted through.
7. Serve immeditely.
Cooking Advice