IBA ibaDaVIS Owner's manual

  • I have read the ibaDaVIS user manual. This document describes a Data Visualization and Information Service designed for analyzing product and process data using databases, ibaHD-Server, and DAT files. It offers long-term analysis, root cause analysis, and supports various data sources with a web-based interface. I am ready to answer your questions about ibaDaVIS.
  • What are the supported data sources for ibaDaVIS?
    Which web browsers are compatible with ibaDaVIS?
    Is it necessary to install an additional app to use ibaDaVIS?
    What is the purpose of ibaDaVIS?
Data Visualization and Information Service
Issue 3.0
Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy
iba AG
Koenigswarterstrasse 44
90762 Fuerth
Main oce +49 911 97282-0
Fax +49 911 97282-33
Support +49 911 97282-14
Engineering +49 911 97282-13
Web www.iba-ag.com
Unless explicitly stated to the contrary, it is not permied to pass on or copy this document, nor
to make use of its contents or disclose its contents. Infringements are liable for compensaon.
© iba AG 2023, All rights reserved.
The content of this publicaon has been checked for compliance with the described hardware
and soware. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be ruled out, and we do not provide guaran-
tee for complete conformity. However, the informaon furnished in this publicaon is updated
regularly. Required correcons are contained in the following regulaons or can be downloaded
on the Internet.
The current version is available for download on our web site www.iba-ag.com.
Version Date Revision Author Version SW
3.0 09-2023 Virtual funcons tg/ip 3.0.0
Windows® is a brand and registered trademark of Microso Corporaon. Other product and
company names menoned in this manual can be labels or registered trademarks of the corre-
sponding owners.
3.0 3
ibaDaVIS Contents
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon ................................................................................................7
1.1 Target group and previous knowledge ..................................................................... 7
1.2 Notaons .................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Used symbols ............................................................................................. ...............8
2 Introducon ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 System Requirements ............................................................................................. 11
2.2 Licensing ................................................................................................................. 12
3 First steps ........................................................................................................................ 13
3.1 Installaon and program start ................................................................................ 13
3.1.1 Installaon of ibaDaVIS via command line ............................................................. 14
3.2 Registraon ............................................................................................. ................ 15
3.2.1 Create custom authencaon page........................................................................ 16
3.3 ibaDaVIS Status App ............................................................................................... 18
3.4 Program interface ................................................................................................... 19
3.5 Conguraon concept ............................................................................................ 20
4 Conguraonofdatasources ........................................................................................... 21
4.1 Conguraon of the database connecon ............................................................. 22
4.1.1 Examples for database connecons ....................................................................... 25
4.1.2 Table sengs .......................................................................................................... 26
4.1.3 Opons ................................................................................................................... 28 DAT le signals in segment tables ........................................................................ 29
4.1.4 DAT File Sengs .....................................................................................................30 Opons - DAT File Sengs ................................................................................... 31 Analysis ................................................................................................................31 Reference ............................................................................................. ................ 32
4.2 Conguraon of the ibaHD-Server connecon ...................................................... 33
4.2.1 Add Time-based HD store ....................................................................................... 36 Time-based HD data on dashboard ..................................................................... 37
4.2.2 Add Event-based HD store ...................................................................................... 38 Event-based HD data on dashboard .................................................................... 39
5 Conguraonofdashboards ...........................................................................................41
4 3.0
Contents ibaDaVIS
5.1 Custom images for dashboards and folders ........................................................... 45
6 Addingtheles ............................................................................................................... 46
7 Conguraonofvirtualfuncons .................................................................................... 48
7.1 Virtual funcons in datasources ............................................................................. 48
7.1.1 Overview of virtual funcons ................................................................................. 51
7.2 Virtual funcons in les .......................................................................................... 53
8 Tiletypes ........................................................................................................................ 55
8.1 Basic le properes ................................................................................................56
8.1.1 Axis scaling and signal assignment ......................................................................... 59
8.1.2 Selecng the DAT Files ............................................................................................ 60
8.2 Line chart ................................................................................................................ 62
8.2.1 Zoom funcon - Line chart ..................................................................................... 63
8.2.2 Display DAT le signals ............................................................................................ 64
8.2.3 Using the DAT le event lter ................................................................................. 67
8.2.4 Highlighng signals from DAT les .......................................................................... 67
8.2.5 Visualize reference signals ...................................................................................... 68
8.2.6 Markers in HD stores .............................................................................................. 69
8.2.7 Appearance of text signals ...................................................................................... 71
8.3 Scaer chart ........................................................................................................... 72
8.3.1 Zoom funcon - Scaer chart ................................................................................. 73
8.4 Histogram ............................................................................................................... 74
8.4.1 Class lter - Histogram ............................................................................................ 75
8.5 Pie chart ............................................................................................. ..................... 77
8.5.1 Circle segment lter - Pie chart .............................................................................. 79
8.6 Gauge...................................................................................................................... 80
8.7 Table ....................................................................................................................... 82
8.7.1 Sorng and lter funcon ....................................................................................... 84
8.7.2 CSV Export, Download of DAT/PDF les.................................................................. 86
8.7.3 Download link for PDF, CSV, ZIP, PARQUET les ...................................................... 87
8.7.4 Update database table records ............................................................................... 88
8.7.5 Interacon line selecon ........................................................................................ 88
8.8 Bullet Graph ....................... ..................................................................................... 89
3.0 5
ibaDaVIS Contents
8.9 Bar chart ................................................................................................................. 90
8.9.1 Bar lter - Bar chart ................................................................................................92
8.10 Value display ...........................................................................................................93
8.11 Heat map ................................................................................................................95
9 Workingwiththedashboards .........................................................................................98
9.1 Edit dashboard ....................... ...................................................................... ........... 99
9.2 Tiles in dashboard view ........................................................................................ 100
9.2.1 Change a le .........................................................................................................101
9.2.2 Shiing a le and change le size ......................................................................... 101
9.2.3 Display of the datasets on les ............................................................................. 102
9.3 Share - Dashboards as links .................................................................................. 103
9.4 Filter opons ............................................................................................. ............ 104
9.4.1 Reset zoom lter ............................................................................................. ......106
10 UserManagementinibaDaVIS ...................................................................................... 107
10.1 Users ..................................................................................................................... 109
10.1.1 User Permissions .................................................................................................. 111
10.1.2 Dashboard Permissions ........................................................................................ 113
10.1.3 Datasource Permissions ........................................................................................ 114
10.2 User groups........................................................................................................... 115
11 UserProle ................................................................................................................... 117
12 Sengs ......................................................................................................................... 119
12.1 Analysis Conguraon .......................................................................................... 119
12.1.1 Connecon of DAT Files/ibaHD data and analysis ................................................120
12.1.2 Using the Analysis conguraon .......................................................................... 120
12.2 Work Shi Denion ............................................................................................ 122
13 ColorScheme ................................................................................................................ 124
13.1 Color selecon in datasources .............................................................................. 125
13.2 Color selecon in diagrams .................................................................................. 127
13.3 Import/export color scheme ................................................................................ 128
14 Help .............................................................................................................................. 129
15 Logging ......................................................................................................................... 131
6 3.0
Contents ibaDaVIS
16 Appendix ...................................................................................................................... 132
16.1 General ................................................................................................................. 132
16.2 Installaon under Windows user account ............................................................ 133
16.3 Installer IP Address ............................................................................................... 134
16.4 HTTPS protocols ............................................................................................. ....... 135
16.5 Changing the applicaon's basic color ..................................................................136
16.6 Localizaon les .................................................................................................... 136
16.7 Open source licenses ............................................................................................ 136
16.8 Embedding ibaDaVIS ............................................................................................ 137
16.9 Refresh Browser.................................................................................................... 137
17 Supportandcontact ...................................................................................................... 138
3.0 7
ibaDaVIS About this documentaon
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon
This documentaon describes the funcon and use of the Data Visualizaon and Informaon
Server ibaDaVIS. ibaDaVIS is designed for analyzing product and process data. The screenshots
in this manual mainly show desktop views (tablet and smartphone views may deviate).
1.1 Targetgroupandpreviousknowledge
This manual is aimed at qualied professionals who are familiar with handling electrical
and electronic modules as well as communicaon and measurement technology. A person
is regarded as professional if he/she is capable of assessing safety and recognizing possible
consequences and risks on the basis of his/her specialist training, knowledge and experience
and knowledge of the standard regulaons.
1.2 Notaons
In this manual, the following notaons are used:
Acon Notaon
Menu command Menu Logic diagram
Calling the menu command Step 1 – Step 2 – Step 3 – Step x
Select the menu Logic diagram – Add – New funcon
Keys <Key name>
Example: <Alt>; <F1>
Press the keys simultaneously <Key name> + <Key name>
Example: <Alt> + <Ctrl>
Buons <Key name>
Example: <OK>; <Cancel>
Filenames, paths Filename, Path
Example: Test.docx
8 3.0
About this documentaon ibaDaVIS
1.3 Usedsymbols
If safety instrucons or other notes are used in this manual, they mean:
■ Observe the specied measures.
■ Observe the specied measures.
■ Observe the specied measures
A note species special requirements or acons to be observed.
Tip or example as a helpful note or insider p to make the work a lile bit easier.
Reference to addional documentaon or further reading.
3.0 9
ibaDaVIS Introducon
2 Introducon
With the DataVisualizaon and InformaonService ibaDaVIS, measurement, process and quali-
ty data can be visualized and analyzed web-based. ibaDaVIS enables both the long-term analysis
of product and process data across measurement les and the root cause analysis by drilling
down to high-resoluon measurement data.
ibaDaVIS oers a completely new overview and clarity via in-depth insight into data and pro-
cesses. Systems and machines can be compared with each other based on their characterisc
values. The precise informaon required to monitor systems and machines and to idenfy weak
points and opmizaon potenals can be quickly and easily displayed.
The producon or process can be viewed over long periods of me. Long-term trends, histo-
grams, tables or pie charts are visualizaon and lter elements in one. Plant operators, process
technologists or decision makers see the same data with ibaDaVIS regardless of whether on a
PC, mobile tablet or smart phone.
ibaDaVIS uses the latest web technologies and supports all common web browsers such as
Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. The responsive design enables convenient operaon includ-
ing via tablets or smartphones. Here, only a web browser is needed to connect to ibaDaVIS. In-
stallaon of an addional app is not necessary.
10 3.0
Introducon ibaDaVIS
In the navigaon area of ibaDaVIS, the dashboards can be organized hierarchically by locaon,
machine or user groups in order to achieve views of specic assets or producon sites or a
problem- or user-specic view of the plant or machine. The dashboards can be accessed from
anywhere on the web via the structure tree and visualize in les the assigned quality or charac-
terisc values from databases or the high-resoluon measured values from iba measurement
les. With the help of virtual funcons, signals or trends can be easily compared and stascal
and other values can be calculated. For example, exceeded limit values can be quickly displayed
and detected. A wide variety of le types, such as trend displays, scaer charts, histograms, ta-
bles, gauges, pie charts, or bullet graphs are available. The data can be displayed directly or in
aggregated form depending on the selected le. All les can be quickly and easily resized and
individually posioned by dragging and dropping.
ibaDaVIS shows characterisc values or measured values from the same dened me range on
all les. The me range can be selected directly with date and me or relavely, for example for
the last 7 days. All les are updated directly aer selecon and show values from the desired
me range. The les can also be used as lter objects. For example, by clicking on a segment in
the pie chart, the lter is automacally set to the selected group. In this way, a specic material
group can be selected, for example. Due to the implicit lter funcon of ibaDaVIS, all les of the
dashboard now show the data points or trends that are part of the selected material group.
By zooming in a trend graph, the me range for all displayed characterisc values on the
dashboard can be narrowed down very quickly. To track the characterisc values of a specic
product, for example, simply enter the product number in the table. The table immediately dis-
plays the product-related characterisc values and oers a download of the iba measurement
le or the previously created product report.
In the following gure the data ow within the iba system is shown.
3.0 11
ibaDaVIS Introducon
2.1 SystemRequirements
■ Central Windows based PC (or VM) for ibaDaVIS service with access to a database system or
■ Operang system for ibaDaVIS service: Windows 8.1 (64 Bit), Windows 10 (64 Bit), Windows
Server 2012 R2 (64 Bit), Windows Server 2016 (64 Bit), Windows Server 2019 (64 Bit), Win-
dows Server 2022 (64 Bit), Windows 11 (x64)
■ Licence service: Codemeter Runme for Windows v7.21a or higher from WIBU-SYSTEMS AG
required, the lastest version of CodeMeter Runme is included in ibaDaVIS Installer
Higher versions of CodeMeter Runme cannot be used in conjuncon with Windows 7, Win-
dows Server 2008, Windows 8.
■ ibaHD-Server v2.5 or higher
■ Database systems: Microso SQL Server, MySQL, Maria DB, SQLite, ORACLE and PostgreSQL
for storing the tables in iba format or open databases.
■ Supported HTML 5 capable webbrowser under: Windows, iOS and Android like e.g. Google
Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microso Edge, etc.
12 3.0
Introducon ibaDaVIS
2.2 Licensing
ibaDaVIS is basically protected with a dongle. For the use in connecon with virtual machines
the license can be transferred from the dongle to a so license. The dongle must be plugged
into the PC on which the ibaDaVIS service is operated. The licenses are dierenated according
to the number of congurable les. The base version of ibaDaVIS contains 12 les. The num-
ber can be expanded with upgrade licenses, each with 12 les. The number of dashboards and
registered users of ibaDaVIS are not subject to licensing. The number of datasources is also not
This license includes the possibility to install soware updates free of charge for two years.
Aer this period has expired, the possibility to install soware updates can be extended
by purchasing an EUP (Extended Update Period) as part of a maintenance contract for 1 year at
a me.
Order no. Product name Descripon
34.040010 ibaDaVIS-V2 Data Visualizaon and Informaon
Service (12 les)
34.040100 ibaDaVIS-upgrade by 12 Tiles Upgrade by 12 les
34.041010 ibaDaVIS-EUP Extended Update Period - 1 year
34.041100 ibaDaVIS-EUP upgrade by 12 Tiles Extended Update Period - 1 year
30.800001 ibaHD-Server-API-Read gRPC-API interface to query saved
signals and events from exisng
HD stores
Table 1: Available licenses
3.0 13
ibaDaVIS First steps
3 First steps
3.1 Installaonandprogramstart
Install the ibaDaVIS soware on the computer on which the ibaDaVIS service is to be started.
Make sure that the computer has sucient memory.
You can nd the "iba Soware & Manuals" le on the data carrier in the directory
1. Run the ibaDaVIS_vx.y.z.exe le and follow the instrucons in the installaon
At the start of the installaon process, you can open the version history with
the View version history link. Read through the informaon about the changes
and system requirements. Make sure that the new soware version meets your
project requirements.
2. Accept the license agreement.
3. Check your license informaon, if necessary.
4. Select the installaon directory.
5. Dene a specic IP address (oponal) and determine a free port number under which the
ibaDaVIS service will be accessible as an applicaon.
6. You can select the addional soware ibaManagement Studio Agent for installaon (opon-
7. A desktop shortcut for opening ibaDaVIS with the default browser can be created on the
desktop (oponal).
8. The soware WIBU CodeMeter Runme can be selected for installaon (oponal).
9. Select the user account (oponal).
Local system account (default)
This account is sucient if the server process works only on the local computer and does
not need any other special user-related rights.
This user
Select this opon if the server process requires other special user-specic rights. The user
account entered here must have these rights (Windows User Management).
Further informaon about creang and using for service accounts is provided
in the "Informaon Security for iba Products" guide, which you can nd in the
download area on the iba website
10. Start the installaon process with <Install>.
14 3.0
First steps ibaDaVIS
11. Select whether you want to open ibaDaVIS with the current default browser and nish the
installaon with <Complete>.
If starng ibaDaVIS service correctly was not possible, a corresponding message
is displayed. For troubleshoong, possible causes can be localized via the log
les, see chapter ì Logging, page 131
Furthermore, it is checked whether the installaon is taking place within the
update period stored in the dongle or in the so license. If this is not the case,
a message appears with informaon about oponally purchasing an EUP (Ex-
tended Update Period) or a maintenance contract, see also chapter ì Licensing,
page 12
3.1.1 InstallaonofibaDaVISviacommandline
The installaon of ibaDaVIS can also be started via a command line. This is helpful for central
soware administraon or when using deployment systems.
The installer oers various opons and we provide a list of the most useful ones for installing
the soware.
You can control how the installaon should take place and which components should be in-
stalled with the command line switches that are set aer the call of the installaon program.
ibaDaVIS_vx.y.z.exe [/SILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES] [/LANG="xx"]
With this switch you install the soware "Silent Mode", i.e. no interacon
is required during the installaon.
Without specifying further parameters, the installer is executed as if
<Next> was always pressed in the dialog. With a new installaon thereby
the program parts from the default seng are installed. With an update in-
stallaon the selected program parts from the previous installaon remain
/TASKS= This switch allows you to specify whether a desktop icon should be created
during installaon.
3.0 15
ibaDaVIS First steps
/DIR= Use this buon to specify the installaon folder, i.e. the program folder.
/DIR="C:\Programme (x86)\iba\ibaProduct"
/LANG= This switch selects the language of the installaon program. If nothing is
specied, the system language is used.
You can nd more language packs in the chapter ì User Prole, page 117
3.2 Registraon
Enter the address hp://localhost:80 based on the logic for the web address
hp://[PC-name]:[Port] in your web browser, see ì ibaDaVIS Status App, page 18. In or-
der to use all display forms and funcons in correct form, the use of the web browser Google
Chrome or Mozilla Firefox is currently recommended. In future soware versions addional web
browsers will be available. If you use the standard port address 80 for registraon, you do not
have to enter the port number.
For the individual registraon, you can use the name and the port number of the
PC. For this purpose, enter the PC name and the port number in the address line
of the web browser.
Following the inial login, via hp://localhost:80 or hp://[PC-name]:[PortNr], you will be for-
warded to the following authencaon page.
16 3.0
First steps ibaDaVIS
The credenals for the inial login as administrator are:
User admin
Password Admin#1
It is recommended to change this password aer installaon. This way, unautho-
rized usage will be impeded.
3.2.1 Createcustomauthencaonpage
The authencaon page of ibaDaVIS allows you to replace the ibaDaVIS product icon and the
ibaDaVIS product name with a custom image and a custom text line, such as your company
name. Below the authencaon elds, an HTML page can also be added, such as the contact
address of your administrator or support. For security reasons, only simple HTML pages are sup-
3.0 17
ibaDaVIS First steps
ibaDaVIS authencaon page: Custom authencaon page:
Informaon about the custom icon, the header text and the HTML page are oponal sengs,
which can be added in the JSON conguraon le C:\ProgramData\iba\ibaDaVIS\cong.json.
Local le path to the custom image, which replaces the ibaDaVIS product icon. The size of the
displayed image is limited in order to keep the authencaon elds in the visible range (max.
image width 300 pixels).
Replaces the product name ibaDaVIS, for example with your own company name.
File path to the HTML page that is shown under the authencaon elds.
Limit the visible range of the HTML page as a numerical value in pixels.
18 3.0
First steps ibaDaVIS
3.3 ibaDaVISStatusApp
Aer installing ibaDaVIS, a corresponding tray icon appears in the taskbar.
The icon shows the current status of the applicaon and oers a context menu, for example for
controlling service acvies. The following opons can be selected:
Open in Browser Open the current standard browser via the
URL of the local ibaDaVIS service
Start Service - Stop Service - Restart Service Start, stop or restart ibaDaVIS service
Open Log/Conguraon Folder Open the Windows le explorer under
Support List of iba subsidiaries and partners worldwide
ibaDaVIS version history
Save informaon for iba support... Compilaon of applicaon-related informa-
on, e.g. log and project les, as a Zip le for
iba support requests.
Version history ibaDaVIS version history
Help Start online help
Exit Closing ibaDaVIS status
The ibaDaVIS Status app can be manually started via the Windows start menu.
3.0 19
ibaDaVIS First steps
3.4 Programinterface
The following view appears aer a successful login:
The dashboard is managed and edited in this view. When logging in for the rst me, this list is
empty, as the datasources, dashboards and les need to be congured rst. See chapter ì Con-
guraon concept, page 20.
The administraon menu shows the name of the logged in user. When logging in for the rst
me, this is “admin.
The menu contains links to
the DatasourceManagement to congure the datasource. See ì Conguraon of datasources,
page 21
the UserManagement to manage local/domain users and groups. See ì User Management in
ibaDaVIS, page 107
personal sengs under UserProle. See ì User Prole, page 117
Sengs for analysis conguraon, work shis and the color scheme, see ì Sengs, page 119
the onlineHelp, see ì Help, page 129.
20 3.0
First steps ibaDaVIS
Here, you nd addional informaon about the ibaDaVIS version number, licenses, network ad-
dresses, dongle versions etc. You can nd addional informaon about licenses and dongles in
chapter ì Licensing, page 12; the version history is stored under the version number. If you
need support, you can nd iba branches and partners under Contact Informaon.
Log out of ibaDaVIS.
ibaDaVIS oers touch-opmized working, which is why the term “tapping” is
used in the following. Of course, it is also possible to always use a mouse and to
click on the corresponding buon for all work steps.
3.5 Conguraonconcept
The conguraon generally occurs in three steps:
■ Conguraon of the datasources, see ì Conguraon of datasources, page 21
■ Dashboard conguraon, see ì Conguraon of dashboards, page 41
■ Adding new les, see ì Adding the les, page 46