cobas e 602

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cobas® mobicheck
App for Android and iOS devices
User Manual and Installation Instructions
Software version 1.04
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
Publication information
As no further changes have been made to the app and no
module-specific topics are covered in the manual, the
rest remains as is.
Edition notice This publication guides trained laboratory technicians of
cobas® 8000 modular analyzer series in using the
cobas® mobicheck app. The mentioned network
prerequisites are addressed to network administrators.
Every effort has been made to ensure that all the
information contained in this publication is correct at the
time of publishing. However, the manufacturer of this
product may need to update the publication information
as output of product surveillance activities, leading to a
new version of this publication.
Copyright © 2015 - 2016, Roche Diagnostics GmbH. All rights
Trademarks The following trademarks are acknowledged:
NEEDS ANSWERS are trademarks of Roche.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective
Feedback Every effort has been made to ensure that this publication
fulfills the intended use. All feedback on any aspect of
this publication is welcome and is considered during
updates. Contact your Roche representative, should you
have any such feedback.
Contact address
Software versions Revision date Changes
App Data manager/
control unit
1.1 1.01 1.05.00 / 05-01 April 2015 First version
1.2 1.04 1.06.00 / 06-02
or higher
November 2016 cobas e 801 analytical module support added
y Revision history
Roche Diagnostics GmbH
Sandhofer Strasse 116
68305 Mannheim
Table of contents 3
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
Table of contents
Publication information 2
Contact address 2
Table of contents 3
Intended use 5
Symbols and abbreviations 5
What is new in publication version 1.2 6
1 General safety information
Safety precautions 11
2 Using the app
Overview of the app 15
Using basic features of the app 16
About icons and colors 17
Home menu and System status menu 19
Alarms menu 23
Reagents menu 26
Routine menu 30
3 Installation and setup
About requirements of the app 39
Installing the app 41
Setting up Wi-Fi connection, control unit,
and data manager 43
Setting up the app 48
4 Network configuration and troubleshooting
Description of network configuration 63
Description of TCP port mapping 64
List of troubleshooting hints 65
Sending log files in case of malfunction 67
Index 71
4 Table of contents
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
Intended use
The cobas® mobicheck is a software application that is
intended to monitor instrument status, reagent usage,
and alarm information provided by Roche analyzers.
The cobas® mobicheck app is intended to be installed
on mobile devices (selected Apple mobile devices and
Android devices) and to be used in combination with
Roche analyzers (e.g., the cobas® 8000 modular analyzer
Symbols and abbreviations
Product names Except where the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
following product names and descriptors are used.
Symbols used in the publication
Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used:
Product name Abbreviation
cobas® 8000 modular analyzer
cobas® 8000 data manager data manager
cobas® mobicheck app
cobas c pack reagent cassette
cobas e pack reagent cassette
y Product names
Symbol Explanation
o List item
u Related topics containing further information
q Tip. Extra information on correct use or useful
r Start of a task
I Extra information within a task
f Result of a user action within a task
c Frequency of a task
n Duration of a task
d Materials that are required for a task
j Prerequisites of a task
u Topic. Used in cross-references to topics.
p Task. Used in cross-references to tasks.
w Figure. Used in figure titles and cross-
references to figures.
y Table. Used in table titles and cross-references
to tables.
y Symbols used in the publication
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
What is new in publication version 1.2
This section provides an overview of all major changes in
this publication.
Setting up the data manager The data manager configuration is necessary for the app
to work.
u Setting up the data manager (46)
Abbreviation Definition
AU Analytical unit
CISPR Special international committee on
radio interference
CU Control unit
DM Data manager
HL7 Health Level 7, standards for
interoperability of healthcare
iOS Operating system for Apple mobile
IP address Internet Protocol address
LAN Local area network
QC Quality Control
SU Sampler unit
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
VPN Virtual Private Network
Wi-Fi Wireless local area network (also
y Abbreviations
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
1 General safety information.....................................................................................9
2 Using the app .......................................................................................................... 13
1 General safety information
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
Table of contents
General safety information 1
In this chapter
Safety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1 General safety information
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
Table of contents
1 General safety information
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
General safety information 11
Safety precautions
To avoid serious or fatal injury, read and
comply with the following safety precautions.
Insufficient knowledge and skills As an operator, ensure that you know the relevant safety
precaution guidelines and standards and the information
and procedures contained in these instructions.
r Follow standard laboratory practices, especially when
you work with biohazardous material.
Infectious samples In a laboratory, the surface of the mobile device may
come into contact with sample material of human origin.
Therefore, after use in a laboratory, the mobile device
must be treated as potentially biohazardous.
r For disinfection procedures, refer to the instructions
for using mobile devices in your laboratory in
combination with the manufacturer’s guidelines.
Electromagnetic interference The cobas® 8000 modular analyzer series is designed
and tested to CISPR 11, Class A standard. Mobile devices
that emit electromagnetic waves may cause the system to
r Do not operate the mobile device in close proximity to
cobas® 8000 modular analyzer series.
Leak of sensitive information In order to avoid unauthorized access to data, observe the
following instructions:
r Create only encrypted (password-protected) backups
from your mobile device.
Open TCP ports The use of this app requires that the TCP ports 35851-
35853 of the Roche firewall (FortiGate-40C) are open
towards the Roche laboratory network. There is no further
risk associated with this setting. However, we recommend
that you take the following step before you open the
r Review the laboratory Wi-Fi access and security
settings to keep the laboratory network and the Roche
corporate network secure and protected from external
1 General safety information
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
12 Safety precautions
2 Using the app
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
Table of contents
Using the app 2
In this chapter
Overview of the app . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Using basic features of the app . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
About icons and colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Home menu and System status menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Checking the current alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Checking alarms per module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Alarms menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Viewing instrument alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
About the Alarm details screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Reagents menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Checking the status of the reagents . . . . . . . . . . . 26
About the Reagent details screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Routine menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Choosing reagents that must be replaced . . . . . . 30
Using the app as a checklist while loading new
reagents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2 Using the app
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
Table of contents
2 Using the app
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
Using the app 15
Overview of the app
The app enables you to monitor the status of the
connected systems.
The menus display the following information:
The Home menu displays an overview of all issued
The System status menu displays the status of each
system and module.
The Alarms menu displays a list of instrument alarms
that have occurred.
The Reagents menu displays a list of all reagents and
highlights the reagents that issued an alarm.
The Routine menu displays the reagents that you
need to replace and offers a checklist for loading
them on the corresponding modules.
The Settings menu allows you to configure the app.
Stopping the app The app runs continuously in the background. To stop the
Android app, you must force a stop in the application
manager. For iOS, use the app switcher to stop the app.
2 Using the app
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
16 Using basic features of the app
Using basic features of the app
To handle the app more easily, you must know how to
navigate through the app or how to update the
information on a screen.
r To use basic features of the app
To expand the application’s menu screen, choose the
menu button located in the top left corner of each
menu screen.
To access a menu, for example, the System Status
menu, choose it from the app’s menu screen.
To close the expanded screen, tap the menu button
I You can close other expanded screens, e.g., the
filtering screen or sorting screen, in the same way.
To update the information on the current screen, tap
on the screen and pull down.
f The time of the latest update is shown in a gray
box on the screen.
q The pull to refresh feature is not available for the
Routine menu. For some devices with iOS 6, we
recommend using two fingers to update the screen.
u Related topics
About icons and colors (17)
Update interval (58)
2 Using the app
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
Using the app 17
About icons and colors
In the app, several icons and colors are used. The color of
the icons indicates the alarm level.
The upper part of the Home menu and the System
Status menu contain different symbols that indicate the
general status of the system.
u Home menu and System status menu (19)
Icon buttons Some screens contain icon buttons for navigation or for
filtering and sorting data.
Plug symbol: If the plug symbol is displayed, the
analyzer is not connected with the app.
If the plug symbol is not displayed, the analyzer is
connected with the app.
Alarm icon: The colored circle shows the highest level of
instrument alarms. The badge number indicates the
number of instrument alarms with the highest level.
Reagent icon: The colored circle shows the highest level
of reagent alarms. The badge number indicates the
number of reagent alarms with the highest level.
Module status icon: The colored circle shows the
module status with the highest priority. The badge
number indicates the number of the modules in the
highest priority status.
Menu button: The menu button expands the application’s
menu screen.
Back button: The back button leads back to the previous
screen. This button is available in the top left corner of the
Alarm details screen and Reagent details screen.
2 Using the app
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
18 About icons and colors
Colors The app uses colors to indicate the alarm level or to show
the status of a system.
Filter button: The filter button allows you to display only
specific alarms.
If you select a filter other than the default filter, the button is
highlighted white.
Sorting button: The sorting button allows you to display alarms
in a specific order.
If you select a sorting option other than the default sorting
option, the button is highlighted white.
Color Alarms Reagents Module status
Red alarm generated by Sample
Stop, System Stop, or Emergency
A reagent is empty on this module.
The corresponding tests cannot be
performed (reagent masking) until
the reagent is loaded.
Red alarm or Sample Stop
Action needed immediately
Yellow alarm is generated by data
alarms or problems with the
instrument. The instrument does
not stop operation.
The number of available tests or
the remaining volume of a reagent
is below the yellow alarm level.
Yellow alarm
Action needed as soon as possible
The number of available tests or
the remaining volume is below the
amount of reagent set for one day.
This reagent cassette or bottle is
currently in use.
The amount of reagent is sufficient.
Operation or Standby
No action needed
Power off
y Color-coding
2 Using the app
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
Using the app 19
Home menu and System status menu
The Home menu and the System status menu give an
overview of the instrument alarms and reagent alarms of
all systems connected to your mobile device.
Furthermore, you can see the status of the connected
Home menu
If you select a system, the Home menu displays all alarms
of the selected system. You can directly access the details
of an alarm.
u Checking the current alarms (20)
2 Using the app
Roche Diagnostics
cobas® mobicheck · 1.04 · User Manual and Installation Instructions · V1.2
20 Home menu and System status menu
System status menu
If you select a system, the System status menu displays
all modules of the selected system. The modules in which
an alarm occurred are marked with an alarm or reagent
icon. You can access the instrument alarms or reagent
alarms for each module separately.
u Checking alarms per module (21)
Checking the current alarms
To get a status overview of all connected systems, you
choose the Home menu.
r To check the current alarms
Choose the Home menu.