17 8
Capturing Better Photos & Video with your iPhone
Boost e ect, 144
borders or frames
In nicam app for, 92–93
iPhoto e ects for, 144
Photoshop Express for, 60–61
Plastic Bullet app for, 62
RetroCamera app for, 89
Sloppy Borders app for, 32
buildings, shooting, 31
burst shooting, app for, 75
Camera Bag app, 2, 35, 86–87
camera movement
apps with anti-shake feature, 74, 75
Darkroom app for avoiding, 26, 94–95
holding the camera steady, 26, 50, 105
with macro shots, 34
tripod for reducing, 26, 50, 105
Camera Plus app, 74
Camera Plus Pro app, 74
cameras. See also iPhone camera; toy camera
iPhone compared to DSLR or compact, 1, 15
point-and-shoot, 3
candid shots, 32
Factron Quattro Case, 176
Gri n Clarify, 34, 172
Owle Bubo, 170–171
children, shooting videos of, 110
ClassicTOY app, 80–81
close-up and macro photography
examples, 17, 28, 34
for lling the frame, 28
guidelines for, 34
holding the camera steady, 34
lenses for, 17, 34, 170, 172, 175, 176
minimum focus distance, 17
video, framing heads for, 108
cluttered photos, avoiding, 22, 29
collages, apps for, 64, 66–67
color temperature. See white balance
color wheel, 24
colors. See also saturation
bright and bold, for great images, 24
complementary, 24
correcting in Photoshop Elements, 129
Cross Process app lters for, 98–99
Dash of Color app for, 68–69
E ects tab adjustments in iPhoto, 142–143
at golden hour, 56
hue adjustment in Photoshop Elements,
shi s with cross processing, 64, 65
at sunrise and sunset, 38
white balance, 16, 120, 129, 154–155
compact cameras, 1, 3, 15
complementary colors, 24
composite images, apps for, 64, 66–67
composition. See also cropping
lling the frame, 28
framing heads in video, 108
gridlines for, 74, 75
keeping simple, 22
as key for iPhone photography, 3
lines in, 25
patterns in, 25
portrait versus landscape orientation, 27
Rule of irds for, 29, 36, 104
sense of place in, 23
textures in, 25
vanishing point for, 30
of video, 104
computer, downloading to, 158–160
continuous shooting, app for, 75
adjusting with iPhoto, 142, 144, 148, 150
adjusting with Photoshop Express, 60–61
high, handling, 54–55
Contrast e ect, 142
Cooler e ect, 142
copyrighting photos, app for, 88
countdown timer, 74
crooked images, straightening, 124, 138
Camera Plus app for, 74
digital zoom versus, 14
In nicam app for, 93
iPhoto for, 138
Photoshop Elements for, 123
Photoshop Express for, 60–61
Cross Process app, 98–99
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