Number Pads
Useto settime ortemperature.
Oven Light Pad (Control Panel)
theOven Light Padtoturnovenlighton oroff.Note: A beepwillsoundeverytimetheOven Light
Pad istouched.
Display Window
Showstimeofday, timer,andovenfunctions. 88_8 8 i888c ° 888:
Display Numbers: STOPTII_ _]_ _I_OVEiVLOCKPKi_AE_ LOCI(P61D_dr_]
• Showtime ofday.
• Countdownoftime remainingwhen usingtime functions.
• Showtemperatureofoven asitrisestoreachprogrammedtemperatureandthe settempera-
tureonceit is reached.
• Recallprogrammedtemperatureortimewhen commanded.
• Rounding of Display Numbers: Temperature rangeis 100° to 550°F and can be set in 5°
increments.Whensettingtemperature,thecontrolwillroundittothe nearest10°.Forexample,
if237oisentered,thecontrol willroundthetemperatureto240°.
• Serveasaremindertoshutovendoor, ifitisopen,forself-cfeaningoperationwhentheword,
• "Err"willappearinthe Displaywhenanimpropertemperatureortimehasbeenentered. "Err"
will flash and a beepwill be heardthree times. Then, the Displaywill returnto the previous
Displaybeforethe errorwas entered.
Indicator Words:
• Flashto promptnext step.
• Indicatestatusofprogrammedfunction.
• Showprogrammedfunctionwhenrecalled.
• Showovenselected. U -isthe upperoven; L- isthe loweroven. (ModelWW30430)
Chimes vs. Beeps
• A chime soundis usedto designatetheend of atimingor cookingoperation.
• A beepsound will be heardwhen any pad istouched. A series of shortbeeps are usedto
designateanincorrectentry,door isopenwhensetfor aself-clean,probeneedstoberemoved
End of Cycle Chimes:
• Theend ofcycle chimes isfour short chimesfollowed by "reminder"chimes for aspecified
lengthoftime,untilyoucancelthatfunction. FortheTimerfunction,there aretwo "reminder"
chimes every 30 seconds for five minutes. For the Timed Cook, functions there is one
"reminder"chimeeveryminuteforten minutes.To cancelthese"reminder"chimes,touchthe
appropriatepad again (eitherthe Timer Pador Cook Time Pad). You may also touchthe
CancelOffPad tocancelthe"reminder"chimes,but itwilla/socancelallotheroven functions.
• Ifyouwould liketoeliminateallthe "reminder"chimesentirely,touchandholdthe CaneelOff
Padfortwelveseconds. (Thiswillnot eliminate the initialfour shortchimes).
• To return the "reminder"chimes,touchand hold the CancelOff Padfor twelve seconds.
[NOTE: _enn-AirT_chang_the_v_nt_a24h_urc__ck_r_e_s`us(C)degr__s_c_ntacty_urauth___zedServiceContractoror installer, l