Problem Soluton
Whle gntng one of the burners all the
hob burner gnters spark
It s normal
When pressng the selected knob (wth an ntegrated gnton devce) or the
gnton button sparks are re-leased at all the burners .
After settng the knob to smmerng flame
poston - the flame des or s too hgh
Avod draughts n the ktchen,–
Call the fitter to adjust smmerng flame poston – .
Flame s unstable
Check to make sure that the burner components are clean, dry and –
placed correctly.
Parts made of stanless steel (nox) deve-
lop stans that cannot be removed wth the
use of standard cleaners
Stanless steel surfaces should be cleaned – each tme they get soled
and only wth the use of specal stanless steel cleaner.
Smoke comng out of the oven
Open the wndows to ar the ktchen,
When the oven cools down, clean ts nteror.
Use the drp tray when grllng foods.
Damaged power lead In order to avod hazards, damaged power lead should be exchanged
at the manufacturer’s or by a specalst servcng pont, or by a qualfied
Cookng results are not what you expec-
The cookng parameters gven n the nstructon manual should be tre-
ated as gudance only. In practce, these parameters are dependable on
the weght and consstency of food, cookng tray level, etc. Therefore, we
recommend makng a few trals for your favourte foods and then wrtng
down the optmal tme and temperature.
Ignters fal to gnte or not always gnte
the gas
Check to make sure the cooker s connected to the electrcal mans.–
Clean and dry the gnters and burner components.–
Check to make sure the burner caps and heads are placed correctly.–
Press on the burner cap and rub t aganst the head by turnng rght –
and left.
Rub the gnter electrode wth the use of hard brush or smooth file –
Gas burners fal to gnte Check to make sure the rubber hose supplyng gas from the gas cyln-
der s not squeezed.
Check to make sure the gas man valve s open.
Check to make sure the gas cylnder s not empty.
In case a new cooker has been nstalled or the gas cylnder has been
replaced wth a new one, then t s necessary to repeat the gnton
procedure untl the gas reaches the burner.
Check to make sure the nozzle or burner flame holes are not clogged
or flooded. If so, un-clog the nozzle hole usng a pn or needle. Clean
the burner flame holes wth the use of brush, and then dry all compo-
Flame des after releasng the knob Your cooker s equpped wth a flame falure safety devce
Where the gnton devce s bult n the knob set the
knob to large fla-
me , press the knob and when the gas has gnted keep t pressed
all the way n for another few seconds. .