A-Programme Selector - Rotatng the knob
n both drectons t's possble to select the
desred dryng program. To cancel the
selectons or swtch off the dryer rotate the
knob on OFF.
B- Dsplay Dgt - The dsplay shows the
remanng tme for dryng, the postponed
tme n case of delayed start selecton and
other notfcatons settng.
C-Buttons -
1.Start/Pause Button - To start the selected
program and/or suspend t.
3.Rapds Button - It's possble swtch an
automatc program to RAPID program, up to
3 mnutes after the start of the cycle. The
progressve pressure ncreases the tme (30-
45-59 mnutes).
After ths selecton to reset the automatc
functonng s necessary to swtch off
the dryer. In case of ncompatblty, all LEDs
flash quckly for 3 tmes.
4.Dryng Selecton Button
It allows to set the desred dryness level
edtable opton up to 5 mnutes after the
startng of the cycle:
- Ready to Iron : It leaves the garments
slghtly wet to facltate ronng.
- Dry Hanger : To get garment ready to be
- Dry wardrobe : For laundry that can be
drectly stored.
-Extra-dry : To get completely dry
garments, deal for full load.
Ths applances s equpped wth Dryng
Manager Functon. On automatc cycles,
each level of ntermedate dryng, pror to the
reachng the selected one, s ndcated by
flashng the lght ndcator correspondng to
the degree of dryng reached.all LEDs flash
quckly for 3 tmes.
5.Delay Start Button - It allows to delay the
start of the program from 1 to 24 hours n 1-
hour ntervals. The delay selected s shown
on the dsplay.
After pressng the START button the tme showed
decrease hour after hour.
Openng of the porthole wth delayed start set,
after re-closng the porthole, press start agan to
resume the countng.
6.Memo - Ths opton allows you to
store the optons set on a cycle.
STORAGE When the cycle s runnng push the
button "memory" for three seconds. The control
lght "memory" flashes for three tmes and stores
the set optons connected to the cycle selected n
the flange.
Recall: After the selecton of the cycle Push the
button "memory" for recall the stored optons
(not the cycle).
7.Tme cycle selecton - It's possble transform
a cycle from automatc to programmed, up to 3
mnutes after the start of the cycle.
The progressve pressure ncreases the tme n
10-mnute ntervals. After ths selecton to reset
the automatc functonng s necessary to
swtch off the dryer. In case of ncompatblty, all
LEDs flash quckly for 3 tmes.
8.Keylock - Ths functon allows to block
unwanted changes of the set optons on the
bezel , durng dryng phase.
Actvaton/ Inactvaton: Push 4 and 5 buttons
smultaneously for two seconds . The sgn
"LOC" appears on the dsplay. Unlockng the
opton, on the dsplay appears the sgn "Unl",
only once. In case of openng of 'porthole' wth
actvated key lock, the cycle stops but the lock
s kept: to restart the cycle, you must remove
the lock and restore Start. When the dryer s
off, the opton s automatcally nactvated.Key
lock can be modfed at any tme of the cycle.
2.Anti Crease
This option allows to activate an anti-creases
movement of the drum pre cycle in case of
activation of the delay and at the end of
drying cycle. It is activated every 10 minutes,
up to 6 hours after the end of the drying cycle.
Useful when it's not possible to remove
To the movements set the knob to OFF.