14 Binary Installation for Android
RSA BSAFE Cert-J 6.2.4 Installation Guide
2. Select the jar files to use and add them to the specified directories:
– To work with non-FIPS 140-2 compliant Cert-J:
• Copy all jar files for the selected configuration from Configuration and
Required Jar Files
to the external library file folder in the Android
project, for example, android-project
– To work with FIPS 140-2 compliant Cert-J:
• With the exception of
jcmandroidfips.jar,copy all jar files for the
selected configuration to the external library file folder in the Android
project, for example, android-project
• Copy the FIPS140 jar,
jcmandroidfips.jar, to the relevant folder
for loading.
• To load the FIPS140 jar from the raw resources folder in the Android
project, copy
jcmandroidfips.jar to the raw resources folder,
/res/raw as jcmandroidfips.raw.
• To load the FIPS140 jar from a file, the jar must be available on the
Android device that is running the application as a file, in a location
such as
For details about how to load the jar file, see the section “Introduction to
Cert-J > Android” in the RSA BSAFE Cert-J Developers Guide.
3. Depending on other features to be used, additional jar
files may be required to be
added to the class path. If required, add the LDAP jar file to the class path:
Native CertJ
• <root>/certj/lib/certj.jar
• <root>/certj/lib/certj.jar
• <root>/certj/lib/certj.jar
FIPS Native
• <root>/certj/lib/certj.jar
This configuration will yield faster start-up times.
Table 8 Configuration and Required Jar Files (continued)
Configuration Jar Files to Add to the Class Path