4 Convert Oracle JKS Keystore to PKCS #12 format
RSA BSAFE Cert-J 6.2.4 Troubleshooting Guide
Convert Oracle JKS Keystore to PKCS #12 format
The keytool utility has an importkeystore option, for JDK1.6.x onwards, which
can be used to convert a JKS keystore to PKCS #12 format:
-srckeystore src_jks_keystore
-destkeystore destination_p12_keystore
-srcstoretype JKS
-deststoretype PKCS12
-srcstorepass src_keystore_password
-deststorepass destination_keystore_password
-srckeypass src_keys_password
-destkeypass destination_keys_password
Note: The ciphers used to encrypt the PKCS #12 keystore are the same used
in the JKS keystore. These may include a Non-FIPS 140 cipher, for example
RC2. To convert these into a FIPS 140 approved cipher, for example
Triple-DES, write a simple java class to import the PKCS #12 file and then
export it back out to a file. By default Cert-J always uses FIPS 140 approved
algorithms when exporting PKCS #12 files. Refer to the Welcome to the
Crypto-J Toolkit -> Learn About the JsafeJCE API -> Key Storage
section of the RSA BSAFE Cert-J Developers Guide for information about
how to load and export PKCS #12 keystores.
Errors when Running a Java Web Start Application
The following errors can occur when running a Java Web Start application on the
client side:
Failed to validate signing of launch file. The signed version
does not match the downloaded version
In addition to signing all jar files, the Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP) file
must be signed. Refer to the following link for more details.
• The application launch for a Java Web Start application is blocked by a security
warning on the client side.
In addition to signing the JNLP file and all jar files using the same trusted
certificate, the application provider must follow the security guidelines from Java
Web Start. Refer to the document provided by Oracle at