Xtreme Power Conversion Corporaon
XPRT 6kVA & 10kVA User’s Manual
Page 8
Uninterrupble Power Supply
Do not aempt to service the UPS unless you have had proper training. Refer all maintenance
and servicing, except replacement of the baeries, power unit (10kVA), and plug-in cards, to
properly qualied, skilled, and competent service personnel.
Qualied, skilled personnel are persons who (because of their training, experience, and posion as well as their
knowledge of appropriate standards, regulaons, health and safety requirements and working condions) are
authorized to be responsible for the safety of the equipment, at all mes whilst carrying out their normal dues
and are therefore aware of, and can report, possible hazards (observe IEC 60364 and naonal wiring regulaons
and accident prevenon rules).
The informaon provided in this manual covers single phase 6000 and 10000 VA uninterrupble power systems,
their basic funcons, operang procedures, opons available, and emergency situaons. It also includes informa-
on on how to ship, store, handle, and install the equipment. Only detailed requirements of the UPS units are
described herein, and installaon must be carried out in accordance with this manual. Electrical installaon must
also carefully follow local legislaon and regulaons. Only qualied personnel should conduct these installaons
as failure to acknowledge electrical hazards could prove to be fatal.
Product Descripon
Many dierent kinds of sensive electrical equipment can be protected by an Uninterrupble Power Supply (UPS)
including computers, workstaons, process control systems, telecommunicaons systems, sales terminals, other
crical instrumentaon, etc. The purpose of the UPS is to protect these systems from poor quality ulity power,
complete loss of power, or other associated problems.
Electrical interference exists in many forms, causing problems in AC power, from lightning, power company ac-
cidents and radio transmission motors, air condioners, and vending machines. Protecon of sensive electrical
equipment is vital to protect against power outages, low or high voltage condions, slow voltage uctuaons,
frequency variaons, dierenal and common-mode noise, transients, etc.
To prevent power line problems from reaching crical systems causing damage to soware, hardware, and equip-
ment malfuncons, the UPS maintains constant voltage, isolang crical load output and cleaning the ulity AC
Double Conversion On-Line Technology
A double conversion on-line technology UPS provides completely isolated, clean, uninterrupted single-phase pow-
er to your crical systems, while maintaining the baeries for their maximum potenal. In the event that the
power failure lasts longer than the UPS backup me, the UPS will shut down avoiding baery damage. When the
input AC voltage returns, the UPS will automacally return online to recharge the baeries.
As shown in the block diagram below:
• An input lter reduces transients on the incoming ulity.
• To maintain full baery charge, the AC input power is reced and regulated in the recer feeding power
to the baery converter and inverter.
• DC power is converted to AC in the inverter, passing it on to the load.
• Power is maintained from the baery during a power failure.
• The converter increases voltage appropriately for the inverter.