12, For electricdryers: I
Reviewelectricalrequirementsonpage 6 of theseinstructions.
IMPORTANT- All U.S. modelsare producedfor a 3-WIRESYSTEM /®l _er_ I®
CONNECTION. Thedryer frame isgroundedto the neutralconductor
at the terminalblock. A 4-WIRE SYSTEMCONNECTIONis required
for newor remodeledconstruction,mobile homes,or if local codesdo
notpermit groundingthroughneutral. If the 4-wiresystemis used, _ _ |
the dryerframecannotbe groundedto the neutralconductorat the / O
terminalblock. Referto the followinginstructionsfor 3-and 4-WIRE ,Figure 25
Removethe terminalblock cover plate. (See figure25.) I i
A protectiveconduit(plastic)is providedforthe powercord. Cutthe
conduitsothat it isapproximately18 inchesshorterthan the power
cordandthreadthe powercordthroughthe conduit. (Seefigures26 &
Insertthe powercord with a U.L.listedstrain reliefthroughthe hole Figure26
providedinthe cabinetnearthe terminal block. Note, a strain relief
must be used.
Do not loosenthe nuts alreadyinstalledonthe terminalblock. Be
sure they aretight. Usea 3/8 inchdeep nut driver.
Ifthe powercord hasterminals,placethe terminals overthe existing
nutsonthe posts. The neutral (whiteorcenter wire on powercord) Figure27
conductormust alwaysbe connectedto the center (silvercolored)
postofthe terminal block. 3-Wire System with
Securein placeusingthe nuts providedin the parts oackage. If the ,__,,_Power
Cord Attached
powercord does not haveterminals, usethe cuppedwashersahead
of the nuts. Ground
Besure the terminalblock nutsaretight. Securethe powercord in
position. Tightenthe strain reliefscrew(s)in order to clamp the strain
reliefto the cord. (See figure28.)
Replacethe terminalblock cover. Neutral
BEFOREOPERATINGOR TESTING,followthe groundingdirections
on page 5. Strain
Removetheground strap screw fromthe terminalblock support. Fold Figure28
the groundstrap over so bothendsof the ground strap are attached
to the centerterminalblock post. 4-Wire System with
Connectthe neutral (white)conductorof the cord to the center (silver) Power Supply Attached
postof theterminal block. Connectthe grounding(green)wire of the
cord to the terminalblock supportusingthe groundstrap screw. -- ° Folded
Connectthe redand blackwires of the cord to the outer posts ofthe Neutral _ _.'_'_ Ground
terminalblock. Post ----. __/ StrapBe surethe terminalblock nutsare ontight. Securethe powercord in
positiOn.reliefto theTightencord,the(seeStrainfigurerelief29.)screw(s)in orderto clamp the strain •///__ /e NeutralReplacethe terminalblock cover. Strain
WARNING: If convertingfrom 4-wireelectricalsystemsto 3-wire,the o _ Relief
groundstrap mustbe reconnectedto terminalblock supportto ground (_ 4''/
thedryer frameto the neutral conductor. Figure29
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