Maytag 6 2708140-0498 User manual

User manual

This manual is also suitable for

The installation, including a proper exhaust system, is the responsibility of the owner.
Printedin U.S.A. 6 2708140-0498
Read this before you start...
TOOLS needed for installation
Teflontape or pipejoint Level
compound (gas) Screwdriver (standard)
Cutting knife Ducttape
Pipewrench(gas) Crescentwrench
Ratchet 3/8" deepwell socket
___,(_)_1 5/16" socket (electric- U.S. only)
5/16" nutdriver
Electric Washer/Dryer Only Gas Washer/Dryer Only
Makesure you have everythingnecessaryfor properinstallation.
1. GROUNDEDELECTRICALOUTLET isrequired. SeeElectrical Requirementsstartingon page 6.
2. POWERCORDSfor electricdryers (exceptCanada).
3. GASLINES (if a gas dryer) must meet Nationaland LocalCodes.
4. EXHAUSTSYSTEM- use rigid metalor flexiblemetalexhaust ducting. See Exhaust Requirementsin
this section.
5. UTILITIESSHUTOFFS (electric,gas andwater) mustbe accessibleafterinstallation.
NOTE: Dryerdoor reversalinstructionsare on page 23 items 58 and 59.
I, 69.9 cm • I
Location Location
of Canadian of Canadian
terminal terminal
(electric 1 _8,:_,._
models) .v _,.,} Dryer
_5/16" _cationo yer terminal I,
2.4 block on electric models _' ___L- 3/4"
and power supply cord _ I-tl.9 cm
Connection on gas moaeJs _,'_
Gas Manifold (except Canadian)
--,. . 1_18"
711/2" 2.9 cm
81.6 cm
3/8"rain. Washer
395/32" .95 cm
washer water I 27_/2"
washer drain hose valve connections 69.9 cm
Page 1
Exhaust Hood Type
90° Turns
4" 2-1/2"
Maximumlength of 4-inchdiameter
rigid metalduct
0 65 ft. 59 ft.
1 54 ft. 48 ft.
2 44 ft. 38 ft,
3 36 ft. 30 ft.
4 28 ft. 22 ft.
Maximumlengthof 4-inchdiameter
flexiblestiff wailedmetalduct
0 36 ft. 28 ft.
1 32ft. 24ft.
2 28ft. 20ft.
3 25 ft. 17ft.
4 23ft. 15ft.
Fordifficultinstallationsrequiringa flexibletransition, multi-layeredthinfoil exhaust ductmaybe used.
mustbe the typethat isapproved for dryer installationsby ULor other comparabletesting agency.
mustconformto allapplicablecodes.
mustonly be usedas atransition betweenthe dryer and the wallconnection.
mustnot exceed8 feet in lengthwhen stretched.
mustnot interconnectwithotherthin foil flexibleducts.
mustbe extendedto the full lengthwith any excessremoved.
mustbe installedonly by a qualifiedand trained installer,
mustnot be placed nearsharpobjects.
mustbe keptas straightas possible.
mustnot be usedinsidethe dryer.
mustbe inspectedregularlyto be surethat it hasnot becomecrushedor otherwiserestricted.
Thinfoil ductwill reduceairflowresultingin longer dryingtimes. Toreducethe negativeeffecton drying
performancethe thin foilducting:
shouldbe shapedsuch that thereare no morethan two 90-degreeelbowsin the foil duct.
shouldnot be usedin conjunctionwith rigid duct runsthat are longerthan 20 feet.
shouldnot be usedin ductrunsthat includemorethanthree90-degreeelbows.
shouldbe supportedto minimizesagging.
Seriousblockagecan resultin flexible metalduct if benttoo sharp. Neverinstall anytype of ducting in walls,
ceilings,or otherconcealedspaces.
Keepexhaustduct as straightandshort as possible. Exhaust systemslonger than recommendedcan extend
dryingtimes,affectmachine operationand maycollect lint. Securejoints with duct tape.
Donot usescrews.
Page 3
Exhaust Hood Type
90° Turns
4" 2-1/2"
Maximumlength of 4-inchdiameter
rigid metalduct
0 65 ft. 59 ft.
1 54 ft. 48 ft.
2 44 ft. 38 ft,
3 36 ft. 30 ft.
4 28 ft. 22 ft.
Maximumlengthof 4-inchdiameter
flexiblestiff wailedmetalduct
0 36 ft. 28 ft.
1 32ft. 24ft.
2 28ft. 20ft.
3 25 ft. 17ft.
4 23ft. 15ft.
Fordifficultinstallationsrequiringa flexibletransition, multi-layeredthinfoil exhaust ductmaybe used.
mustbe the typethat isapproved for dryer installationsby ULor other comparabletesting agency.
mustconformto allapplicablecodes.
mustonly be usedas atransition betweenthe dryer and the wallconnection.
mustnot exceed8 feet in lengthwhen stretched.
mustnot interconnectwithotherthin foil flexibleducts.
mustbe extendedto the full lengthwith any excessremoved.
mustbe installedonly by a qualifiedand trained installer,
mustnot be placed nearsharpobjects.
mustbe keptas straightas possible.
mustnot be usedinsidethe dryer.
mustbe inspectedregularlyto be surethat it has not becomecrushedor otherwiserestricted.
Thinfoil ductwill reduceairflowresultingin longer dryingtimes. Toreducethe negativeeffecton drying
performancethe thin foilducting:
shouldbe shapedsuch that thereare no morethan two 90-degreeelbowsin the foil duct.
shouldnot be usedin conjunctionwith rigid duct runsthat are longerthan 20 feet.
shouldnot be usedin ductrunsthat includemorethanthree90-degreeelbows.
shouldbe supportedto minimizesagging.
Seriousblockagecan resultin flexible metalduct if benttoo sharp. Neverinstall anytype of ducting in walls,
ceilings,or otherconcealedspaces.
Keepexhaustduct as straightandshort as possible. Exhaust systemslonger than recommendedcan extend
dryingtimes,affectmachine operationand maycollect lint. Securejoints with duct tape.
Donot usescrews.
Page 3
DONOT exhaustdryer into any wall, ceiling, crawl spaceor a concealedspace of a building,gas vent,
or anyother common ductor chimney. This could createa fire hazardfrom lint expelledbythe dryer.
The exhaustductshould end withan exhaust hoodwith a swingout damperto prevent backdraftsand entry
of wildlife. NEVERuse an exhausthood with a magneticdamper. The hood should haveat least 12inches
of clearancebetweenthe bottom of the hood andthe groundor otherobstruction. The hoodopeningshould
pointdown. NEVERinstall a screenoverthe exhaustoutlet.
Whenpossible,do notexhaust the dryer directlyinto a windowwell in orderto avoid lint build-up. Do not
exhaustundera houseor porch.
If exhaustductworkmustrunthrough an unheatedarea,the duct shouldbe insulatedand slope slightlydown
towardsthe exhaust hoodto reducecondensationand lint build-up.
If an existingexhaust systemis to be used withyour dryer(s) you must besure:
The exhaustsystemmeetsall local,stateand nationalcodes.
That plasticflexibleduct is not used.
Tocompletelyinspectand cleanall lint accumulatingfrom the interiorof the duct.
The ductis not kinkedor crushed.
The exhaust hooddamperopens andcloses freely.
Inspectand cleanthe interiorof the exhaust systemat leasttwice a year. Disconnectelectricservice priorto
cleaning. Check gasline on gasdryers anytimethe dryer is moved.
Frequentlycheckto be sure the exhaust hooddamper opensand closesfreely.
Waterpressureof 20to 120 p.s.i,is requiredto correctlyfill the washerto the proper levels.
Recommendedheightof the stand pipe is 36 inches. Ifthe stand pipeis less than 36 incheshigh,the drain
hoseshould be routedthroughthe clipto raisethe hoseto the proper height. Stand pipe mustbe large
enoughto acceptthe outsidediameterof the drain hose.
Without the 36 inches high elevation, water may run out of the washer prematurely. Shouldthe washer
fill and drain atthe sametime could indicatethat the drain hosehas notbeen elevatedto the proper height.
Thedrain hoseis attachedat the factory.
For bestperformancethe washer mustbe installedon a solidly constructedfloor. Woodfloors mayneedto
be reinforcedto minimizevibration and/or unbalancedload situations. Carpeting and softtile surfaces are
contributingfactorsin vibration and/ortendency for awasher to moveslightly during the spin cycle. Never
installthe washer on a platform or weak supportedstructure.
It is recommendedthe washer never be installedin areaswherewater mayfreeze since the washer will
always maintainsome waterin the water valve, pump and hoseareas. This can cause damageto belts,
pump, hosesand othercomponents. Operatingtemperatureshould be above60°F.
Useonly Naturalor LP (liquidpropane)gases.
A gas dryer is equippedwith a burner orifice foroperationon NATURALgas. If the dryer is to be operated
on LPgas, it mustbe convertedfor safe and proper performanceand mustbe converted by a
qualifiedservice technician. Conversionkits from NATURALto LP,or LP to NATURALareavailable
through your localdealer (seeAccessories). Ifother conversionsarerequired,checkwith the localgas utility
for specific informationconcerningconversionrequirements.
Eachdryerwill providean input of 22,000 B.T.U.per hour.
A 1/2inchgas supplylineis recommendedand mustbe reducedto connectto the 3/8 inchgasline onthe
The internalgas shut-offisaccessedby removingthe accesspanelon the dryer. The shut-offispositioned
for easy accessnearthe gas valve.
The NationalFuelGas Code requiresthat an accessible,approvedmanualgasshut offvalve be installed
within 6feet of the dryer.
Additionally,a 1/8 inch N.P.T.(NationalPipeThread) pluggedtapping, accessiblefor test gaugeconnection,
mustbe installedimmediatelyupstreamof the gas supplyconnectionto the dryer.
Thedryermustbe disconnectedfromthegas supplypipingsystemduringanypressuretestingofthesystem.
DO NOT re-useold flexible metalgasline. Flexiblegasline mustbe design certifiedbyAmericanGas
Association(CGAin Canada). NOTE: Any pipejoint compoundusedmustbe resistantto the actionof any
NOTE: Asa courtesy,mostlocal gas utilitieswill inspecta gas applianceinstallation.
Thedryeruse anautomaticignitionsystemto ignitethe burner. There is no constant burning pilot.
Improperconnectionof the equipment-groundingconductorcan resultin a riskof
electricalshock. Checkwith a qualifiedelectricianor servicemanif you arein
I 1_0 I doubtas to whetherthe applianceis properlygrounded.
Do not modifythe plug providedwith the appliance- if it will not fitthe outlet,
havea properoutletinstalledby a qualifiedelectrician.
Toprevent unnecessaryriskof fire, electricalshock or personalinjury,all wiring
and groundingmust be done in accordancewith the NationalElectricalCode
ANSI/NFPA,No.70-Latest Revision(for U.S.)or the CanadianElectricalcode
CSAC22.1-LatestRevision(for Canada)and localcodes and ordinances. It is
the personalresponsibilityand obligationof the applianceowner to provideadequateelectrical services
forthis appliance.
All gas installationsmustbe donein accordancewiththe NationalFuelGas CodeANSI/Z223.1-Latest
Revision(forthe U.S.)or the CAN/CGA-B149InstallationCodes-LatestRevision(forCanada)and local
codesand ordinances.
Page 5
unnecessaryrisk of fire,
NOTE: Wiring diagram is located inside the access panel, electricalshock or
personalinjury,all wiring
Export models (not U.S. or Canada): and grounding must be
See AdditionalInstructionsfor Export Modelson the following done in accordance
pages, with local codes, with
the National Electrical Code,
GROUNDING ANSl/NFPA(for the United States)
or the Canadian Electrical Code
Eachdryer mustbe grounded. Inthe eventof malfunctionor CSAC22.1 (for Canada).
breakdown,the groundwill reducethe risk of electricalshockby
providing a pathof leastresistancefor electricalcurrent.
Eachapplianceisequippedwitha cordhavinganequipment-grounding
conductoranda groundingplug. Theplugmustbe pluggedintoan
Do notmodifythe plugprovidedwiththeappliance- if it will not fit the
outlet,have a proper outletinstalledby a qualifiedelectrician.
If a separateground isrequiredby local codes,anaccessorygroundwireand groundclamp isavailable. Con-
nectgroundwire to backof unitwiththecabinetgroundscrew and washertheground screwand washerar
foundinthe partspackage. Secureotherend of groundwire to a suitableexternalgroundconnection. The
wire maybe securedwith the clampto a groundedCOLDmetalwater pipe. NEVERCONNECTGROUND
If a powercordis notusedandtheelectricdryeristo be perma-
nentlywired,thedryermustbeconnectedto a groundedmetal, WARNING: Improper
permanentwiringsystem;or an equipmentgroundingconductor connectionof the
mustbe runwiththe circuitconductorsandconnectedto the equipmentgrounding
equipmentgroundingterminal, conductorcan resultin
a riskof electricshock.
U.S.Electricmodelsareshippedwith a groundstrap connected
fromthe neutralterminalblockpostto theframeof eachdryer. If Checkwith a qualified
localcodesprohibitsthe use ofthe groundstrap,the dryermustbe electricianor servicemanif youare in
groundedinaccordancewith localcodes, doubt asto whetherthe applianceis
Eachelectricdryermustbe connectedto a groundedmetal,
permanentwiringsystem;or an equipmentgroundingconductor
mustbe runwith the circuitconductorsand connectedtothe
BEFOREOPERATINGOR TESTING,follow all groundinginstructionsin GroundingSectionabove.
An individualbranch(or separate)circuit servingonly thisapplianceis recommended. DO NOT USEAN
GAS MODELS - U.S. and Canada
A 120volt,60 HzAC,approvedelectricalsupply,witha 15amperefuseor circuitbreakerisrequired.
Page 6
A 120/240volt, 60 HzAC approvedelectricalservicefusedthrougha 30amperefuse or circuitbreakeronboth
sidesofthe lineisrequiredforthe dryeranda 120volt60 HzACapprovedelectricalsupplywith a 15ampere
fuseorcircuitbreakerforthe washer.
Ifa powercord is used,the cord should be pluggedinto a 30 ampere receptacle.
The powercord is NOTprovidedwith U.S. electricmodeldryers.
IMPORTANT: Whenpermittedby localcodes, the dryerelectrical supply may be connectedby meansof a
newpowersupplycord kit, markedfor usewith clothesdryer,that is U.L.listed, ratedat 120/240volts
minimum,30 ampereswiththree No. 10copperwire conductorsterminatedwith closedloopterminals,
open-endspadelugs with turnedup ends orwith tinned leads.
Donot reusea powersupplycordfrom an olddryer. The powercord electricsupplywiring mustbe retained
at the dryercabinet with a suitableULlistedstrain relief.
Ifthe dryer isto be installedin an areawhere local codesdo not permitgroundingthrough neutral,onlya 4
conductorpowercord, ratedand terminatedas above,maybe used.
120/208Volt Electrical Systems:
A U.S.electricwasher/dryermustbe convertedif it isto operateon a 120/208volt electricalsystem. A heating
elementconversionkitis availablefor the dryeralongwith a transformerforthe washer (seeAccessories).
All Canadian models are shipped with the power cord attached.
It is not permissible to convert a dryer in Canada to 208 volts,
Additional Instructions for Export Models
(not U.S. or Canada)
Contactthe distributorthat sold the applianceor: Maytag International,8700W. Bryn MawrAvenue,Chicago,
IllinoisUSA 60631,773-714-0100, for informationon product,shippingdamage,replacementpartsand
Maytagmodels manufacturedfor operationon 60 HzAC are not designedfor useon 50 HzAC
electricalserviceand conversionof the productfrom 60to 50 Hz operationis not recommended. For
additionalinformationon 50 Hz products,contact Maytag International.
The electricservicerequirementscan befound on the data labellocated onthe frontof the dryer behindthe
Exportelectric modelsare manufacturedfor operationon either 230/240volt, 50 Hzor 220 volt, 60 Hz
approvedelectricservice. A two-wireapprovedelectricalservicewith a30 amperefuseor circuitbreakeris
required. The dryermust be properlygroundedwitha groundwire.
IMPORTANT:When permittedbylocal codes,the dryer electricalsupply may be connectedby meansof a
newpowersupplycord kit, markedfor usewith clothesdryers, that is agencylisted, ratedat 240 volts
minimum,30 ampereswith two No. 10copper wire conductorsterminatedwith closed loopterminals,
open-endspadelugs with turnedup ends orwith tinned leads.
Donot reusea powersupplycordfrom an old dryer. The powercord or electricsupplywiring mustbe
retainedat the dryercabinetwith a suitableagencylistedstrain relief.
Ifthe dryer requiresreplacementpartsor accessories,contact your local Maytagdealer fromwhom you
240 EdwardsStreet, S.E.
Cleveland,Tennessee 37311
Phone615-472-3333,for informationon the nearestauthorizedMaytag PartsDistributor.
Contactthe CommercialDistributorfromwhom you purchasedyour applianceor:
8700 W. Bryn MawrAvenue
Chicago, Illinois,USA 60631
Phone312-714-0100,for informationon the nearestauthorizedMaytagParts Distributor.
Page 8
To install...
1•Carefullyremoveany packagingmaterialsfrom the outsideof the
washer. Set asidetwo cornerpostsfor installation. IMPORTANT:
Noticethat the hoses and powercord aretied upwith a shipping
strap. Thestrap should not be cut or removed untilthe machine
is readyto be installed.
Figure 1
2. Laytwo cornerposts behindthe washer and _ ___ -
gentlytip the washerover on to itsback. 4L_____j..jiI if///
3. Usinga screwdriver,pry off the crate bottom
wire retainers(2) and removethe crate bottom
fromthe washer.
Figure2 Figure3
4. Locatetwo 1/2inch hexshippingbolts on bottomof
metalbase. Removeboth bolts, freeingthe tub and Shipping __
suspension. DO NOTBEALARMEDas the lastbolt Bolts
is removed,the tub will jump to a positionwhere it is _
restingagainstthe back of the washer.
Figure4 __'_
5. Loosenthe four adjustablewasher legs and lock nuts. Install
vinyl feetfound in installationpackage. Feetcan be more _--'---
easily installedwhen immersedin hotwater beforeinstalling.
Carefullyraisethe washer backto an uprightposition.
6. At the installationsite, locatethe metalbucklesattachedto
the shippingstraps at backof washer. Carefullycut away
strapsnear both buckles,completely removingboth
bucklesfromthe washer.
Pull loosestraps
from backof washer
oneat a time until
all strapshave been
Figure6 Figure7 removed.
Insertinlet hosescreensin the endsof the hot and cold inlethoses. Screensare found in the
miscellaneouspartspackage. Domedsurface isto facethe valve.
7, Openthe washerdoor 90degrees. Removethe tape holding the accesscover. (Seefigure 8.)
Removethe accesscover by slidingforward. DO NOTpull up. (Seefigure 9.)
Figure8 Figure9
8, Openthe AccessoryCartonand removethe access panel. Discardshipping materials. Gas dryers
includea gaspipe assemblyin the carton. (Seefigures 10& 11.)
Figure 10 Figure11
For Gas Dryers: Removered and blue threadprotectorsfromgas pipe. Knockout squarehole in rear of
supportand insertgas pipe throughhole. (See figures 12a-d.) Allow pipeto rest on inside
of support. (See figure 13.) Makesurevalve is closed. (Seefigure 13a.)
Page 10
Figure 12a Figure 12b
Figure12c Figure12d
Figure13 Figure13a
Page 11
9. For nonalcove installations, utilities and
venting can be connected after units are
For alcoveinstallations:
Securetheexhaustbrackettothe rearofthe
washerwith screwsprovided.
(Seefigures14,15& 16.)
caddyattachedto thebackofthe cabinet.
the left hoseas youstandfacingthefrontofthe
washer). Insertthe drainhosein thestandpipe
recommendedheightof36 inches,minimumof
24inches. Note: Ifdrainhoseisnotsecurein
thestandpipe,usea portionofthe shipping
strapto securethedrainhoseto thestandpipe. Figure 14
Makesurethatdrainhoseissecuredto the hose
caddyafterinstallation.Fillhosesarenot to
besecuredtocaddy. Turnonwaterand checkfor leaks.
Moveunitintoposition,levelandtightenthe levelinglocknutsonthe legs. Securethe ventpipeto the
Figure15 Figure 16
Page 12
For gasdryers applyjoint compoundor about 1-1/2wraps of Teflontape _ 1
over threadedconnectionon the end of the gas pipe. (See figure 17.)
An elbow isrecommended,for additionaldepth, pointing downto allow
the unit to be locatedfurtherback intothe alcove. (Seefigure 18.)
Note: Pipejoint compoundmustbe resistantto the action of anyliquefied
Add additionalfittingto connectthe 3/8 inch gaspipe to a femalethreaded
end of a 3/4 inchflexibleconnector makingsure the connectionistight. Figure 17
(See figure 19.)
Makesuretheshutoffvalveon theendof thegaspipe isclosedandconnecttothe gassupply.
Opengasservicevalve and check all gassupplyconnectionsfrom servicevalveto shutoffvalve for
leaksusinga soap solution, DO NOT use an openflame to checkfor
gas leaks. Ifbubbles occur,tightenthe connectionsand recheck.
NOTE: Asa courtesy,manylocal gas utilitieswill inspecta gasapplianceinstallation. Checkwith your
local utilityto see if this serviceis providedin your area.
NOTE: The minimumpermissiblegas(naturalor mixed)supply pressureforpurposesof input
adjustmentis 4.5 inchesof water.
Figure18 Figure 19
1 0, Laythe dryer on itsside using 2 of the
cardboardcornerpoststo protectthe side of
the cabinet. (See figure20.) Remove
protectivefilm fromthe control panel,and using
a 5/16 inch nut driver,removethe shipping
bolts (3) securingthe wood shippingbaseto
the bottom of the upperdryer.
Page 13
11, For gas dryers:
Removeyellowthread protectorfromunion. (See figure21.)
Positionthe dryerupright in front of the washer,with the rear of the dryer facingthe washer. Toprevent
damageto floorsdo notslide the dryeron the floor!
NOTE: Forgasdryeralcoveinstallation,plug powercord fordryer intoan outlet MAKINGSURE FIRST
THATOUTLETIS NOTENERGIZEDpriorto liftingdryer ontowasher.
Holdingthe base to supportbracket,removethe 2#10 hex head screwsand base supportbrackets
(notehowthe bracketsare inserted)located atthe front of the dryer base,markedwith orange labels.
(See figures22 &23.) NOTE: Bracketsand screwswill be used later.
A protectiveconduit (plastic)is providedforthe powercord. Installthe conduit overthe powercord.
The conduitis slit to facilitate installation. (See figure24.)
Protector Hex Base
Screw Bracket
Figure21 Figure22
Figure23 Figure24
Page 14
12, For electricdryers: I
Reviewelectricalrequirementsonpage 6 of theseinstructions.
IMPORTANT- All U.S. modelsare producedfor a 3-WIRESYSTEM /®l _er_ I®
CONNECTION. Thedryer frame isgroundedto the neutralconductor
at the terminalblock. A 4-WIRE SYSTEMCONNECTIONis required
for newor remodeledconstruction,mobile homes,or if local codesdo
notpermit groundingthroughneutral. If the 4-wiresystemis used, _ _ |
the dryerframecannotbe groundedto the neutralconductorat the / O
terminalblock. Referto the followinginstructionsfor 3-and 4-WIRE ,Figure 25
Removethe terminalblock cover plate. (See figure25.) I i
A protectiveconduit(plastic)is providedforthe powercord. Cutthe
conduitsothat it isapproximately18 inchesshorterthan the power
cordandthreadthe powercordthroughthe conduit. (Seefigures26 &
Insertthe powercord with a U.L.listedstrain reliefthroughthe hole Figure26
providedinthe cabinetnearthe terminal block. Note, a strain relief
must be used.
Do not loosenthe nuts alreadyinstalledonthe terminalblock. Be
sure they aretight. Usea 3/8 inchdeep nut driver.
Ifthe powercord hasterminals,placethe terminals overthe existing
nutsonthe posts. The neutral (whiteorcenter wire on powercord) Figure27
conductormust alwaysbe connectedto the center (silvercolored)
postofthe terminal block. 3-Wire System with
Securein placeusingthe nuts providedin the parts oackage. If the ,__,,_Power
Cord Attached
powercord does not haveterminals, usethe cuppedwashersahead
of the nuts. Ground
Besure the terminalblock nutsaretight. Securethe powercord in
position. Tightenthe strain reliefscrew(s)in order to clamp the strain
reliefto the cord. (See figure28.)
Replacethe terminalblock cover. Neutral
BEFOREOPERATINGOR TESTING,followthe groundingdirections
on page 5. Strain
Removetheground strap screw fromthe terminalblock support. Fold Figure28
the groundstrap over so bothendsof the ground strap are attached
to the centerterminalblock post. 4-Wire System with
Connectthe neutral (white)conductorof the cord to the center (silver) Power Supply Attached
postof theterminal block. Connectthe grounding(green)wire of the
cord to the terminalblock supportusingthe groundstrap screw. -- ° Folded
Connectthe redand blackwires of the cord to the outer posts ofthe Neutral _ _.'_'_ Ground
terminalblock. Post ----. __/ StrapBe surethe terminalblock nutsare ontight. Securethe powercord in
positiOn.reliefto theTightencord,the(seeStrainfigurerelief29.)screw(s)in orderto clamp the strain ///__ /e NeutralReplacethe terminalblock cover. Strain
WARNING: If convertingfrom 4-wireelectricalsystemsto 3-wire,the o _ Relief
groundstrap mustbe reconnectedto terminalblock supportto ground (_ 4''/
thedryer frameto the neutral conductor. Figure29
Page 15
2-Wire and Ground System
Insertthepowercordwithanagencylistedstrainrelief (" _
throughtheholeprovidedinthe cabinetneartheterminal _ o
block. Note,a strainreliefmustbe used. __
Donotloosenthenutsalreadyinstalledontheterminal Neutral
block. Besuretheyaretight. Use a 3/8 inchdeepwell Post" Power
o o Cord
socket. Ground
Securethe powercord groundwiretothe terminalblock _;Je ,Wire
supportusingthe groundscrew. (Seefigure 30.)
Ifthe powercord hasterminals, placethe terminalsover
the existing nutsonthe posts. The neutralwire in power
cord mustbe connectedto the center (silvercolored Power
postofthe terminalblock. Neutral o f-_ _. and
Securein placeusing the nutsprovidedin the parts ("Ah JF"/- strain
package. If the powercord does nothaveterminals f relief
usethe cuppedwashersahead of the nuts.
Be surethe terminal block nutsaretight. Securethe Figure30
powercord in position. Tightenthe strainreliefscrew(s)
in ordertoclampthestrainrelieftothe cord.
Replacethe terminalblock cover.
BEFOREOPERATINGOR TESTING, be surethe machineis properlygrounded.
Exportgas modelsare manufacturedfor operationon either 230/240volt, 50 Hz or 220volt, 60 HzAC
approvedelectricalservicewith a 15amperefuse or circuit breaker.
Exportgas models havebeen manufacturedfor use with naturalgas having a higher heatingvalue of approxi-
mately 1025 BTUpercubicfoot. Conversionto LPgaswith a higherheatingvalue of approximately2500
BTU percubicfoot mustbe performedby a qualifiedservicetechnician. A conversionkitis available.
For electric dryers in alcove installation:
MAKINGSURE FIRST THATOUTLETIS NOT ENERGIZED,plugpowercordfor dryerintoan outletpriorto
liftingdryer ontowasher.
13.Makesurethat the exhaustseal isin placeand evenwith the end of the exhaustpipe.
(Seefigures31 & 32.)
Figure31 Figure32 Figure33
Makesurefront tabsare not bent, usescrewdriverto straightentabs if bent. (See figure33.)
Page 16
1 4, Two people,one on eachside,grasp andliftthe dryeronto the washer (seefigure 34),takingcare not to
bendthe tabs locatedtowardsthe frontof the washer. Slide the upperdryertowardthe rear makingsure
that theguidesfall betweenthe railson the supportof the washer. (Seefigure35.)
Whenplacingthe dryeronto the washer, makesure the POWERCORDIS NOTPINCHEDbetween
the washer andthe dryer or betweenthe exhaust pipeand bracket. If the dryercannot be pushedall
the way back, checkto see if the powercord is beingpinchedbetween the back ofthe dryerand the
exhaust bracket.
Makesure that SHUT-OFFFOR UTILITIES(electric,gas and water) WILL BEACCESSIBLEafter the
applianceis installed.
Figure34 Figure35
15.Checkto makesure the tabs on the washer are engaged in slots atthe front of the base ofthe dryer.
(See figures36 & 37 - somecomponentsremovedfor clarity.)
Front Right
Figure36 Figure37
Rotateforward to check engagement.
Page 17
16.Insert the base to support brackets (removed in step 11) on both sides the upper base and secure with
the screws also removed in step 12. (See figures 38 & 39.)
.... " _" o ppL'u--or"
Dryer _\_ -\
Base - _
"/ Tab /_
...., _; Screw
Figure 38 Figure 39
17.Raise gas pipe with shut off valve up and secure to gas valve union• (See figure 40.) Tighten fitting
with a crescent wrench being careful not to over tighten. (See figure 41.)
Do not apply teflon tape or pipe sealing compound to the threads of the shut off valve. This is a
brass expansion sleeve fitting.
Figure 40 Figure 41
18.Openthe gas shutoffvalve insidethe upperdryer (see figures42 & 43), and checkthe union
connectionto the gas valvefor leaks usinga soap solution,DO NOTuse an open flame to check for
gas leaks. If bubblesoccur,tighten the connectionsand recheck. Makesure notto let solutiondrip
into any electricalconnectororcomponent.
NOTE: As a courtesy,manylocal gasutilitieswill inspecta gasapplianceinstallation. Checkwith your
local utilityto seeif this serviceis providedin your area.
NOTE: The minimumpermissiblegas (naturalor mixed)supply pressurefor purposesof input
adjustmentis4.5 inchesof water.
Figure42 Figure43
19.Removewire harnessesand plasticclipsfrom base (see figure44) andconnect each harnessto the
connectorin the washermakingsure lockingtabs areengaged,and harnessis tucked out ofthe way of
the dispenser. (Seefigures45 & 46.)
7 ii_iii
Figure 46
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Maytag 6 2708140-0498 User manual

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