- 8 -
5. Hare/Tortoise (Fast/Slow) Switch (8)
z The Fast/Slow switch should be set to ‘Slow’(Tortoise) if the mains supply current
capacity is limited. Switching to slow will reduce the current drawn from the supply
by approximately 1/3rd.
z It should be noted that switching to ‘Slow’ charge will extend the charge times.
-See specifications for details.
6. Flash Power Selection/Indication
z On the Estime 3000 AMF each
of the three flash head sockets
has a pair of power UP-DOWN
buttons and a power output bar
graph indicator associated with it
(Figure 3). On the ESTIME 3000
SC generator one pair of buttons
controls the power available to
all three sockets simultaneously.
z By using the three flash head
sockets and associated controls
almost all possible combinations
from full power of 3000 Watt
seconds to 125 Watt seconds at
1/8th power from 1 flash head or
a combination of flash heads is
possible. The total output power
available on the 3000 SC is
identical to that on the 3000
AMF but the power output ratio
is fixed between the sockets.
z In the case of the ESTIME 3000
AMF only the UP-DOWN
buttons associated with an
illuminated power output
indicator will have any effect on
the output of the Generator.
z To increase power press and hold the UP (20) button. The output as indicated by
the LED bar graph will increase in 1/3rd ‘f’ stops until the button is released or the
pack reaches maximum. Similarly, pressing and holding down the down (21)
button will reduce the output.
z On the ESTIME 3000 AMF the power from all 3 channels may be varied together,
maintaining the previously set lighting ratio, by pressing either of the COMBINED
UP-DOWN (22), (23) buttons marked ‘1+2+3’.
z If, when using the combined UP-DOWN buttons, one channel should reach
maximum or minimum output (full or 1/8th) the combined control will have no
further effect. The power indicator of the limiting channel will start flashing as a
warning. Further adjustment will have to be made by changing the Subject to
Flash Head distance.
z A study of the following diagrams will explain all possible combinations of flash
heads. Diagrams 1 to 9 are for the ESTIME 3000 AMF and Diagrams 10 to 18 are
for the ESTIME 3000 SC.
’f’ Stop
2 ’f’ Stop
1 ’f’ Stop