WAGO I/O-SYSTEM 750 Series User manual

User manual
Pos: 2 /D ok ument ati on al lg em ein/E inb and/ Ei nban d H and buch - De c kblatt oh ne V ari ant enfel d ( Sta ndar d) @ 9\ mod_1285229289866_0.doc @ 64941 @ @ 1
2AO 0-20mA Ex i
2-Channel Analog Output Module 0-20 mA, Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 3 /A lle Ser ien ( All ge mein e M odul e)/ Hin weis e zur D oku men tati on/I mpr ess um für Sta ndar dh andb üch er - al lg. Ang abe n, Anschr ifte n, Telef onn ummer n und E-Mai l-A dress en @ 3 \mod_1219151118203_21.doc @ 21060 @ @ 1
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
© 2012 by WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
All rights reserved.
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Hansastraße 27
D-32423 Minden
Phone: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 0
Fax: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 1 69
Web: http://www.wago.com
Technical Support
Phone: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 5 55
Fax: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 85 55
Every conceivable measure has been taken to ensure the accuracy and
completeness of this documentation. However, as errors can never be fully
excluded, we always appreciate any information or suggestions for improving the
We wish to point out that the software and hardware terms as well as the
trademarks of companies used and/or mentioned in the present manual are
generally protected by trademark or patent.
=== Ende der Lis te f ür T e xtmar ke Ei nb and _vor ne = ==
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Table of Contents 3
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 5 /D ok ument ati on al lg em ein/V erz eic hni sse /Inh alts ver zei chni s - o hne Gli eder ung - und Ver zeic hni s @ 3\mod_1219151230875_21.doc @ 21063 @ @ 1
Table of Contents
1 Notes about this Documentation ................................................................. 5
1.1 Validity of this Documentation ................................................................. 5
1.2 Copyright ................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Symbols ..................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Number Notation ....................................................................................... 8
1.5 Font Conventions ...................................................................................... 8
2 Important Notes ........................................................................................... 9
2.1 Legal Bases ............................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Subject to Changes ............................................................................... 9
2.1.2 Personnel Qualifications ....................................................................... 9
2.1.3 Use of the 750 Series in Compliance with Underlying Provisions ...... 9
2.1.4 Technical Condition of Specified Devices ......................................... 10
2.2 Safety Advice (Precautions) .................................................................... 11
3 Device Description ..................................................................................... 13
3.1 View ........................................................................................................ 16
3.2 Connectors ............................................................................................... 17
3.2.1 Data Contacts/Internal Bus ................................................................. 17
3.2.2 Power Contacts/Field Supply ............................................................. 18
Connections ........................................................... 19
3.3 Display Elements .................................................................................... 20
3.4 Operating Elements ................................................................................. 20
3.5 Schematic Diagram ................................................................................. 21
3.6 Technical Data ........................................................................................ 22
3.6.1 Device data ......................................................................................... 22
3.6.2 Supply ................................................................................................. 22
3.6.3 Communication .................................................................................. 22
3.6.4 Outputs ............................................................................................... 22
3.6.5 Explosion Protection .......................................................................... 23
3.7 Approvals ................................................................................................ 24
3.8 Standards and Guidelines ........................................................................ 25
4 Mounting ..................................................................................................... 26
4.1 Assembly Sequence ................................................................................ 26
4.2 Inserting and Removing Devices ............................................................ 27
4.2.1 Inserting I/O Module .......................................................................... 27
4.2.2 Removing the I/O Module .................................................................. 28
5 Connect Devices ......................................................................................... 29
5.1 Connecting a Conductor to the CAGE CLAMP
................................... 29
5.2 Connection Example ............................................................................... 30
6 Process Image ............................................................................................. 31
7 Use in Hazardous Environments .............................................................. 32
7.1 Marking Configuration Examples ........................................................... 33
7.1.1 Marking for Europe according to CENELEC and IEC ...................... 33
7.1.2 Marking for America according to NEC 500 ..................................... 36
4 Table of Contents WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
7.2 Installation Regulations ........................................................................... 37
7.2.1 Special Conditions for Safe Operation of the ATEX and IEC Ex (acc.
DEMKO 08 ATEX 142851X and IECEx PTB 07.0064) ................... 38
7.2.2 Special conditions for safe use (ATEX Certificate TÜV 07 ATEX
554086 X) ........................................................................................... 39
7.2.3 Special conditions for safe use (IEC-Ex Certificate TUN 09.0001 X)41
7.2.4 ANSI/ISA 12.12.01 ............................................................................ 43
List of Figures ...................................................................................................... 45
List of Tables ........................................................................................................ 46
=== Ende der Lis te f ür T e xtmar ke V erz eic hnis _vor ne == =
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Notes about this Documentation 5
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 7 /A lle Ser ien ( All ge mein e M odul e)/ Über sc hrif ten für alle Ser ie n/Hi nwei s z ur D oku ment ati onH in weis e zur Do ku men tati on - Ü bers chr ift 1 @ 4\m od_1237987661750_21.doc @ 29029 @ 1 @ 1
1 Notes about this Documentation
Pos: 8 /A lle Ser ien ( All ge mein e M odul e)/ Hin weis e zur D oku men tati on/H in weis: Do ku ment ati on aufb ew ahren @ 4\mod_1237987339812_21.doc @ 29026 @ @ 1
Keep this documentation!
The operating instructions are part of the product and shall be kept for the entire
lifetime of the device. They shall be transferred to each subsequent owner or user
of the device. Care must also be taken to ensure that any supplement to these
instructions are included, if applicable.
Pos: 9 /S eri e 75 0 ( WAGO- I/O- SYSTEM )/H i nwei se z ur D ok ume ntati on /Gül tig keit sber eic h D oku ment ati on B us kle mme 750- xxxx, ohne Variantenangabe @ 4\mod_1237986650812_21.doc @ 29020 @ 2 @ 1
1.1 Validity of this Documentation
This documentation is only applicable to the I/O module 750-585
(2AO 0-20mA Ex i) of the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 series.
Pos: 10 /S eri e 7 50 ( WA GO-I/ O-SYST EM) /Hi n weis e zur D okum ent atio n/Hi nw eise /Ac htung : H in weis zur D okum ent ation B uskle mmen 75 0-xxxx @ 4\ mod_1237986979656_21.doc @ 29023 @ @ 1
The I/O module 750-585 shall only be installed and operated according to the
instructions in this manual and in the manual for the used fieldbus
Consider power layout of the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750!
In addition to these operating instructions, you will also need the manual for the
used fieldbus coupler/controller, which can be downloaded at www.wago.com.
There, you can obtain important information including information on electrical
isolation, system power and supply specifications.
Pos: 11.1 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dul e)/H in weis e zur D oku ment ati on/U rh eber sc hutz aus führ lic h @ 4\mod_1235565145234_21.doc @ 27691 @ 2 @ 1
1.2 Copyright
This Manual, including all figures and illustrations, is copyright-protected. Any
further use of this Manual by third parties that violate pertinent copyright
provisions is prohibited. Reproduction, translation, electronic and phototechnical
filing/archiving (e.g., photocopying) as well as any amendments require the
written consent of WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Minden, Germany.
Non-observance will involve the right to assert damage claims.
Pos: 11.2 /Dokumentation allgemein/Gliederungselemente/---S eite nwec hsel --- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc @ 21810 @ @ 1
6 Notes about this Documentation WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 11.3 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dul e)/Ü bers chr ift en f ür alle S erien /Hi nwei s z ur D ok ume ntati on/ Sym bol e - Überschrift 2 @ 13\mod_1351068042408_21.doc @ 105270 @ 2 @ 1
1.3 Symbols
Pos: 11 .4.1 /Al le Seri en (All gemei ne Mod ule)/ Wichti ge Erl äuter unge n/Sich erheit s- und so nstig e H inw eis e/G efa hr/G efahr : _War nung vor Pers onens chäde n allg emein_ - Erläuterung @ 13\mod_1343309450020_21.doc @ 101029 @ @ 1
Personal Injury!
Indicates a high-risk, imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.
Pos: 11 .4.2 /Al le Seri en (All gemei ne Mod ule)/ Wichti ge Erl äuter unge n/Sich erheit s- und so nstig e H inw eis e/G efa hr/G efahr : _War nu ng vor P ers on ensch äde n dur c h ele ktr isch en S tr om_ - Erläuterung @ 13\mod_1343309694914_21.doc @ 101030 @ @ 1
Personal Injury Caused by Electric Current!
Indicates a high-risk, imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.
Pos: 11.4 .3 /Alle S erie n ( Allg emei ne Mod ule) /Wi chti ge Erl äut eru nge n/Si cher hei ts- u nd s onsti g e Hin wei se/ War nung /W arn ung: _W arn ung vor Pers o nensc häd en al lg em ein_ - Erläuterung @ 13\mod_1343309877041_21.doc @ 101035 @ @ 1
Personal Injury!
Indicates a moderate-risk, potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
Pos: 11 .4.4 /Al le Seri en (All gemei ne Mod ule)/ Wichti ge Erl äuter unge n/Sich erheit s- und so nstig e H inw eis e/V orsic ht/ Vor sic ht: _War nu ng vor P ers onen sch äde n al lg emei n_ - Erl äuter ung @ 13\ mod_1343310028762_21.doc @ 101038 @ @ 1
Personal Injury!
Indicates a low-risk, potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may
result in minor or moderate injury.
Pos: 11 .4.5 /Al le Seri en (All gemei ne Mod ule)/ Wichti ge Erl äuter unge n/Sich erh eits- und sonstige Hinweise/Achtung/Achtung: _Warnung vor Sachschäden allgemein_ - Erläuterung @ 13\mod_1343310134623_21.doc @ 101041 @ @ 1
Damage to Property!
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in
damage to property.
Pos: 11 .4.6 /Al le Seri en (All gemei ne Mod ule)/ Wichti ge Erl äuter unge n/Sich erheit s- und sonstige Hinweise/Achtung/Achtung: _ War nung vor Sac hsc hä den durc h el ektr ost atis ch e Auf lad ung _ - Erläuterung @ 13\mod_1343310227702_21.doc @ 101044 @ @ 1
Damage to Property Caused by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)!
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in
damage to property.
Pos: 11 .4.7 /Al le Seri en (All gemei ne Mod ule)/ Wichti ge Erl äuter unge n/Sich erheit s- und sonstige Hinweise/Hinweis/Hinweis: _Wichtiger Hinweis allgemein_ - Eräuterung @ 13\mod_1343310326906_21.doc @ 101047 @ @ 1
Important Note!
Indicates a potential malfunction which, if not avoided, however, will not result in
damage to property.
Pos: 11 .4.8 /Al le Seri en (All gemei ne Mod ule)/ Wichti ge Erl äuter unge n/Sich erheit s- und so nstig e H inw eis e/I nfor mat ion/ Inf or matio n: _Wei ter e Inf or mati on allg emei n_ - Erläuterung @ 13\mod_1343310439814_21.doc @ 101051 @ @ 1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Notes about this Documentation 7
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Additional Information:
Refers to additional information which is not an integral part of this
documentation (e.g., the Internet).
Pos: 11.5 /Dokumentation allgemein/Gliederungselemente/---S eite nwec hsel --- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc @ 21810 @ @ 1
8 Notes about this Documentation WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 11.6 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dul e)/H in weis e zur D oku ment ati on/Z ahl ens yste me @ 3\ mod_1221059454015_21.doc @ 21711 @ 2 @ 1
1.4 Number Notation
Table 1: Number Notation
Number code
Normal notation
C notation
In quotation marks, nibble separated with
dots (.)
Pos: 11.7 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dul e)/H in weis e zur D oku ment ati on/S chr ift kon venti on en @ 3\ mod_1221059521437_21.doc @ 2 171 4 @ 2 @ 1
1.5 Font Conventions
Table 2: Font Conventions
Font type
menu item from a menu.
Pos: 12 /Doku menta tion all gemei n/Gli eder ungsel emen te/---Seit en wechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc @ 21810 @ @ 1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Important Notes 9
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 13 /A ll e Ser ien ( Al lg emei ne M od ule)/ Über s chrif te n für al le S eri en/ Wich tig e Er läut erung en Wic htig e E rlä uter ung en - Ü b erschr if t 1 @ 4\ mod_1241428899156_21.doc @ 32170 @ 1 @ 1
2 Important Notes
Pos: 14.1 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dul e)/ Wic htig e Er läut eru nge n/ Einl eitu ng Wich tig e Er läut eru nge n @ 3\mod_1221059818031_21.doc @ 21717 @ @ 1
This section includes an overall summary of the most important safety
requirements and notes that are mentioned in each individual section. To protect
your health and prevent damage to devices as well, it is imperative to read and
carefully follow the safety guidelines.
Pos: 14.2 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dul e)/Ü bers chr ift en f ür alle S erien /Wi chti ge Erl äuter ung enR ec htlic he Gru ndl age n - Üb ers chrif t 2 @ 3 \mod_1221060626343_21.doc @ 21726 @ 2 @ 1
2.1 Legal Bases
Pos: 14.3 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dul e)/ Wic htig e Er läut eru nge n/ Änd erung s vorbe hal t - Ü bersc hri ft 3 und Inh alt @ 3\mod_1221060036484_21.doc @ 21720 @ 3 @ 1
2.1.1 Subject to Changes
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to provide for any
alterations or modifications that serve to increase the efficiency of technical
progress. WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG owns all rights arising from
the granting of patents or from the legal protection of utility patents. Third-party
products are always mentioned without any reference to patent rights. Thus, the
existence of such rights cannot be excluded.
Pos: 14.4 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/ Wic htige Erl äuter unge n/Pers onalq uali fikati on 750- xxxx @ 3\mod_1224061208046_21.doc @ 24063 @ 3 @ 1
2.1.2 Personnel Qualifications
All sequences implemented on Series 750 devices may only be carried out by
electrical specialists with sufficient knowledge in automation. The specialists
must be familiar with the current norms and guidelines for the devices and
automated environments.
All changes to the coupler or controller should always be carried out by qualified
personnel with sufficient skills in PLC programming.
Pos: 14.5 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/ Wic htige Erl äuter unge n/Bes timmu ngsg emäße Ver wen dung 7 50-xxxx @ 3\ mod_1224064151234_21.doc @ 24070 @ 3 @ 1
2.1.3 Use of the 750 Series in Compliance with Underlying
Couplers, controllers and I/O modules found in the modular WAGO-I/O-
SYSTEM 750 receive digital and analog signals from sensors and transmit them
to the actuators or higher-level control systems. Using programmable controllers,
the signals can also be (pre-) processed.
The components have been developed for use in an environment that meets the
IP20 protection class criteria. Protection against finger injury and solid impurities
up to 12.5 mm diameter is assured; protection against water damage is not
ensured. Unless otherwise specified, operation of the components in wet and
dusty environments is prohibited.
Operating 750 Series components in home applications without further measures
is only permitted if they meet the emission limits (emissions of interference)
according to EN 61000-6-3. You will find the relevant information in the section
on "WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750" "System Description" "Technical Data" in
the manual for the used fieldbus coupler/controller.
10 Important Notes WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Appropriate housing (per 94/9/EG) is required when operating the WAGO-I/O-
SYSTEM 750 in hazardous environments. Please note that a prototype test
certificate must be obtained that confirms the correct installation of the system in
a housing or switch cabinet.
Pos: 14.6 /Alle Serien (Allgemeine Module)/Wi chti ge Erl äut eru nge n/T echni sc her Z ust an d der G erät e - Üb ers chrif t 3 un d In hal t @ 3 \mod_1221060446109_21.doc @ 21723 @ 3 @ 1
2.1.4 Technical Condition of Specified Devices
The components to be supplied Ex Works, are equipped with hardware and
software configurations, which meet the individual application requirements.
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG will be exempted from any liability in
case of changes in hardware or software as well as to non-compliant usage of
Please send your request for modified and new hardware or software
configurations directly to WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG.
Pos: 14.7 /Dokumentation allgemein/Gliederungselemente/---S eite nwec hsel --- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc @ 21810 @ @ 1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Important Notes 11
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 14.8 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dule) /Übers chri ften für alle S erien/ Wichti ge Erl äuter ungen Sicher heit shin weise - Üb ers chrif t 2 @ 6 \mod_1260180299987_21.doc @ 46724 @ 2 @ 1
2.2 Safety Advice (Precautions)
Pos: 14.9 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dul e)/ Wic htig e Er läut eru nge n/ Sich erh eits- und sonstig e Hin weis e/ Einl eitu ng S ic her heits hi nwei se H ar dwar e @ 6\mod_1260180170493_21.doc @ 46720 @ @ 1
For installing and operating purposes of the relevant device to your system the
following safety precautions shall be observed:
Pos: 14.1 0. 1 /Al le S eri en ( Allg em ein e Mo dul e)/ Wich tig e Er läu ter ung en/Si cher h eits- und s ons tig e Hi nw eise /Gef ahr/ G efahr : N icht an Ger äten unt er Spa nnung ar bei te n! @ 6\mod_1260180365327_21.doc @ 46727 @ @ 1
Do not work on components while energized!
All power sources to the device shall be switched off prior to performing any
installation, repair or maintenance work.
Pos: 14.1 0. 2 /S erie 750 ( W AGO -I/O-SY ST EM) /Wic htig e Er l äuter ung en/ Sic her hei ts- und sonstige Hinwei se/Gefahr/Gefahr: Einbau 0750-xxxx nur in Gehä usen , Schrä nken o der elek trisch en Betriebsräumen! @ 6\mod_1260180556692_21.doc @ 46731 @ @ 1
Installation only in appropriate housings, cabinets or in electrical operation
The WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 and its components are an open system. As such,
install the system and its components exclusively in appropriate housings,
cabinets or in electrical operation rooms. Allow access to such equipment and
fixtures to authorized, qualified staff only by means of specific keys or tools.
Pos: 14.1 0. 3 /Al le S eri en ( Allg em ein e Mo dul e)/ Wich tig e Er läu ter ung en/Si cher h eits- und s ons tig e Hi nw eise /Gef ahr/ G efahr : U nfal lv erh ütung sv orsc hri ften beac ht en! @ 6\ mod_1260180657000_21.doc @ 4673 5 @ @ 1
Pos: 14.1 0. 4 /Al le S eri en ( Allg em ein e Mo dul e)/ Wich tig e Er läu ter ung en/Si cher h eits- und s ons tig e Hi nw eise /Gef ahr/ G efahr : A uf n ormg er echt en A nsc hlus s acht en! @ 6\ mod_1260180753479_21.doc @ 46739 @ @ 1
Pos: 14.1 1. 1 /Al le S eri en ( Allg em ein e Mo dul e)/Wi chtig e Erläu terung en/Si cher heits- und sonstige Hinweise/Achtung/Achtung: Defekte oder beschädigte Geräte austauschen! @ 6\mod_1260180857358_21.doc @ 46743 @ @ 1
Replace defective or damaged devices!
Replace defective or damaged device/module (e.g., in the event of deformed
contacts), since the long-term functionality of device/module involved can no
longer be ensured.
Pos: 14.1 1.2 / All e S erie n (Al lg emei ne M o dul e)/ Wich tig e Erl äuter ung en /Sic her hei ts- und s onst ige Hi nwei se/ Acht u ng/Ac ht ung: Ger äte vor kri ec hen den und is oli er end en St off en s chüt ze n! @ 6\mod_1260181036216_21.doc @ 46747 @ @ 1
Protect the components against materials having seeping and insulating
The components are not resistant to materials having seeping and insulating
properties such as: aerosols, silicones and triglycerides (found in some hand
creams). If you cannot exclude that such materials will appear in the component
environment, then install the components in an enclosure being resistant to the
above-mentioned materials. Clean tools and materials are imperative for handling
Pos: 14.1 1. 3 /Al le S eri en ( Allg em ein e Mo dul e)/ Wich tig e Er läu ter ung en/Si cher h eits- und s ons tig e Hi nw eise /Ac htu ng/Ac ht ung: Rei nig ung nur mit zul äss ige n M ater iali en! @ 6\mod_1260181203293_21.d oc @ 46751 @ @ 1
Cleaning only with permitted materials!
Clean soiled contacts using oil-free compressed air or with ethyl alcohol and
leather cloths.
Pos: 14.1 1. 4 /Al le S eri en ( Allg em ein e Mo dul e)/ Wich tig e Er läu ter ung en/Si cher h eits- und s ons tig e Hi nw eise /Ac htu ng/Ac ht ung: Kei n K onta kts pra y verw end en! @ 6\ mod_1260181290808_21.doc @ 46755 @ @ 1
12 Important Notes WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Do not use any contact spray!
Do not use any contact spray. The spray may impair contact area functionality in
connection with contamination.
Pos: 14.1 1. 5 /Al le S eri en ( Allg em ein e Mo dul e)/ Wich tig e Er läu ter ung en/Si cher h eits- und s ons tig e Hi nw eise /Ac htu ng/Ac ht ung: Ver pol ung ver mei den! @ 6\mod_1260184045744_21.doc @ 46767 @ @ 1
Do not reverse the polarity of connection lines!
Avoid reverse polarity of data and power supply lines, as this may damage the
devices involved.
Pos: 14.1 1. 6 /Al le S eri en ( Allg em ein e Mo dul e)/ Wich tig e Er läu ter ung en/Si cher hei ts- und s onsti ge Hin wei se/A cht ung /Ac htung : Ele ktr ostat isc he E ntl adu ng verm eid en! @ 6\ mod_1260181364729_21.doc @ 46759 @ @ 1
Avoid electrostatic discharge!
The devices are equipped with electronic components that you may destroy by
electrostatic discharge when you touch. Pay attention while handling the devices
to good grounding of the environment (persons, job and packing).
Pos: 15 /Doku menta tion all gemei n/Gli eder ungsel emen te/---Seit en wechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc @ 21810 @ @ 1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 13
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 16 /A ll e Ser ien ( Al lge mei ne M od ule)/Ü ber sc hrift e n für all e S eri en/G erä teb eschr eib ung Ger ät ebesc hrei bu ng - Ü ber schr ift 1 @ 3\mod_1233756084656_21.doc @ 27096 @ 1 @ 1
3 Device Description
Pos: 17.1 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM) /Ger äte besc hrei bu ng/Ei nlei tu ng/A nwen dung /AO/Anwendung 750-05xx AO E x i Z on e 1 ( 0... 20 mA) @ 12 \mod_1337840585706_21.doc @ 95483 @ @ 1
The analog output module 750-585 (2AO 0-20mA Ex i) generates a standardized
signal of 0 … 20 mA for hazardous field area of zone 1.
Pos: 17.2 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/ Wic htige Erl äuter unge n/Sich erhei ts- un d sonstig e Hin weis e/War nung Warnung : Ex i Inst allati on des W AGO-I/O- SYST EM 75 0 nur in Z o ne 2 oder im nic ht- ex-Bereic h @ 5\ mod_1245851655116_21. doc @ 359 47 @ @ 1
Installation only in zone 2 or in non-hazardous environments!
The installation of the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 fieldbus couplers/ controllers
and I/O modules is only to be done in zone 2 or in non-hazardous environments.
Pos: 17.3 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM) /Ger äte besc hrei bu ng/Ei nlei tu ng/I/ O-B eschr eibu ng/A O/ I/O- Beschr eib ung 750- 05xx 2 AO 2-Leit er (AO un d 0V) @ 5\m od_1247048703979_21.doc @ 36857 @ @ 1
The module has two output channels and enables, for example, the direct wiring
of two 2-conductor actuators. The output signals are connected to the CAGE
connections AO 1 and 0V or AO 2 and 0V.
Pos: 17.4 /S erie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/ Ger äteb esc hrei bung /Ei nleit ung /I/ O-Besc hrei bu ng/A O/I/ O-Bes chr eibung 7 50-05 xx A O Ge mei nsa mer Schi r mansc hl uss @ 1 2\mod_1337841659376_21.doc @ 95495 @ @ 1
The output channels of this module have a common shield (screen) connection.
Pos: 17.5 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-S YSTEM )/G er äteb eschr ei bung/ Einl eitu ng/I /O-B esc hrei bu ng/Al lge mei n/V er weis auf Kapi tel "A nschl üss e" @ 8\mod_1276775378035_21.doc @ 57956 @ @ 1
The assignment of the connections is described in the "Connections" section.
Pos: 17 .6 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-S YSTEM )/G er äteb eschr ei bung/ Einl eitu ng/I /O-B esc hrei bu ng/Al lge mei n/V er weis auf Kapi tel "Ger ät e an schl i eßen - Ans chluss beis piel( e)" @ 5\ mod_1246015203281_21.doc @ 36298 @ @ 1
Connection examples are in the "Connecting devices - connection examples"
Pos: 17.7 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM) /Ger äte besc hrei bu ng/Ei nlei tu ng/L ED-A nzei ge/ LED Zus tan d Be tri eb @ 5\mod_1245391732046_21.doc @ 35668 @ @ 1
The "ready" state of the respective channel and the internal data communication is
indicated by a green function LED.
Pos: 17.8 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM) /Ger äte besc hrei bu ng/Ei nlei tu ng/L ED-A nzeig e/Ver weis au f Kapit el "Anz eigeel ement e" @ 5\mod_1246010525000_21.doc @ 36194 @ @ 1
The meaning of the LEDs is described in the “Display Elements” section.
Pos: 17.9 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/ Wic htige Erl äuter unge n/Sich erhei ts- un d sonstig e Hin weis e/War nung/ Warnung : Ex-i-Ei nspei sung n ur mit E x-i-Einspeisekl emme + Abbildung @ 4\mod_1241505512875_21.doc @ 32293 @ @ 1
Ex i I/O modules shall only be supplied via Ex i 24VDC power supply
Ex i I/O modules shall only be operated with an Ex i 24VDC power supply
module (see figure below).
14 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Figure 1: Supply Principle Ex i
Pos: 17.1 0 / Ser ie 75 0 ( WAG O-I/O- SYST EM) /Ger äte besc hrei bung /Ei nlei tung /V ers orgu ng/ Ver sorg ung 24 V, 0 V ü ber Lei stu ngs kont akt e E x i @ 4\mod_1242218496140_21.doc @ 33110 @ @ 1
The Ex i I/O module receives the 24V voltage supply for the field level from an
upstream Ex i I/O module or from an Ex i power supply module via the power
contacts used as blade contacts. It then provides this potential to subsequent I/O
modules via the power contacts used as spring contacts.
Pos: 17.1 1 / Ser ie 75 0 ( WAG O-I/O- SYST EM )/Wi chti g e Erl äuter ung en /Sic her hei ts- un d sonstige Hinweise/HinweisHinweis: M axi maler Str om Ex i Ei nspei su ng 7 50- 06x x 1, 0 A @ 7\ mod_1274358256668_21.doc @ 56898 @ @ 1
Do not exceed maximum current via power contacts!
The maximum current available from the 750-606 or 750-625/000-001 Ex-i
Supply Module is 1 A.
When configuring the system, ensure that this current is not exceeded. If
exceeded, an additional potential feed module must be used.
Pos: 17.1 2 / Ser ie 75 0 ( WAG O-I/O- SYST EM )/Wi chti g e Erl äuter ung en /Sic her hei ts- und sonstige Hinweise/Warnung/War nung: Ex i Luft- und K riechs trec ke n ein halt en @ 4 \mod_1241505101078_21.doc @ 32290 @ @ 1
Keep the air and creep distances between intrinsically safe segments!
The maximum current available from the 750-606 or 750-625/000-001 Ex-i
Supply Module is 1 A.
If the employment of further DC 24 V Ex i Supply modules is necessary for
reasons of extent of utilization, four Separation modules (750-616) must be used
to guarantee the distance between the intrinsically safe segments.
Pos: 17.1 3 / Ser ie 75 0 ( WAG O-I/O- SYST EM )/G erät ebe schr eib ung/ Einl ei tung /V ersor gu ng/G al vanis ch e Tr en nung Fel d/S yste m @ 3\mod_1233756478750_21.doc @ 27102 @ @ 1
The field voltage and the system voltage are electrically isolated from each other.
Pos: 17.1 4 / Ser ie 75 0 ( WAG O-I/O- SYST EM )/G erät ebe schr eib ung/ Einl ei tung /V ersor gu ng/A n ordnu ng i n E x i- Segm ent beli ebig @ 4\ mod_1241506600203_21.doc @ 32297 @ @ 1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 15
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Any configuration of the input modules is possible within an intrinsically safe
segment when configuring the fieldbus node. An arrangement in groups within the
group of potentials is not necessary.
Pos: 17.1 5 / Ser ie 75 0 ( WAG O-I/O- SYST EM)/ Gerät ebesc hreib ung/ Einlei tung/ Einsat zber eich/ Einsat zber eich 7 50-xxxx alle Kop pler/C ontrol ler ohne Econ omy- Koppl er @ 3\ mod_1232541867468_21.doc @ 26525 @ @ 1
The I/O module 750-585 can be used with all fieldbus couplers/controllers of the
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 (except for the economy types 750-320, -323, -324
and -327).
Pos: 17.1 6 / Ser ie 75 0 ( WAG O-I/O- SYST EM )/Wi chti g e Erl äuter ung en /Sic her hei ts- u nd s ons tig e Hi nw eise /Infor m ati onInf or mati on: All ge mein e Inf or mati one n zu Ex i @ 4\mod_1241507736531_21.doc @ 32301 @ @ 1
Further Information about explosion prevention!
General information to the explosion prevention is in the manual chapter
"Use in Hazardous Environments" described!
Pos: 18 /Doku menta tion all gemei n/Gli eder ungsel emen te/---Seit en wechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc @ 21810 @ @ 1
16 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 19 /Al le Seri en ( Al lge mei ne Mo dul e)/Ü ber sc hrift en f ür all e S erien /G erä teb eschr eib ung Ans ich t - Ü bersc hri ft 2 @ 4\mod_1240984217343_21.doc @ 31958 @ 2 @ 1
3.1 View
Pos: 20 /S eri e 7 50 ( WA GO-I/ O-SYST EM)/ Gerät ebesc hrei bung/A nsic ht/A naloga usga ngskle mmen /Ansic ht 750- 058 5 @ 5 \mod_1246000383312_21.doc @ 36128 @ @ 1
Figure 2: View
Table 3: Caption acc. to figure “View“
Details see chapter
1 ---
Marking possibility with
2 A, E Status-LEDs
„Device Description“ >
„Display elements“
3 --- Data contacts
„Device Description“ >
4 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8
- supplies
Outputs AO 1, AO 2, Field
supply 0 V and Shield
„Technical manual “ >
5 --- Power jumper contacts +24 V
„Device Description“ >
6 --- Release clip
„Assembly“ > „Insert and
delete Device“
7 --- Power jumper contacts 0 V
„Device Description“ >
Pos: 21 /Doku menta tion all gemei n/Gli eder ungsel emen te/---Seit en wechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc @ 21810 @ @ 1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 17
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 22 /A ll e Ser ien ( Al lg emei ne M od ule)/ Über s chrif te n für al le S eri en/G erä teb eschr ei bu ngAn schl üss e - Ü bers chri ft 2 @ 4 \mod_1240984262656_21.doc @ 31961 @ 2 @ 1
3.2 Connectors
Pos: 23 /S eri e 7 50 ( WA GO-I/ O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschreibung/Anschlüsse/Datenkontakte/Kl emmenbus - Über schr ift 3 @ 6\mod_1256294684083_21.doc @ 43660 @ 3 @ 1
3.2.1 Data Contacts/Internal Bus
Pos: 24.1 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschreibung/Anschlüsse/Datenkontakte @ 3\mod_1231771259187_21.doc @ 26002 @ @ 1
Communication between the coupler/controller and the bus modules as well as the
system supply of the bus modules is carried out via the internal bus. It is
comprised of 6 data contacts, which are available as self-cleaning gold spring
Figure 3: Data contacts
Pos: 24.2 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/ Wic htige Erl äuter unge n/Sich erhei ts- un d sonstig e Hin weis e/Acht ung/Ac htu ng: Buskl emme n nicht a uf Gol dfeder konta kte leg en! @ 7\mod_1266318463636_21.doc @ 50695 @ @ 1
Do not place the I/O modules on the gold spring contacts!
Do not place the I/O modules on the gold spring contacts in order to avoid soiling
or scratching!
Pos: 24.3 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/ Wic htige Erl äuter unge n/Sich erhei ts- und sonstige Hinweise/Achtung/Achtung: ESD - Auf g ut e Er dung der U mg eb ung acht en! @ 7\mod_1266318538667_21.doc @ 50708 @ @ 1
Ensure that the environment is well grounded!
The modules are equipped with electronic components that may be destroyed by
electrostatic discharge. When handling the modules, ensure that the environment
(persons, workplace and packing) is well grounded. Avoid touching conductive
components, e.g. data contacts.
Pos: 25 /Dokumentation allgemein/Gliederungselemente/---Seite nwec hsel--- @ 3\ mod_1221108045078_0.doc @ 21810 @ @ 1
18 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 26 /S eri e 7 50 ( WA GO-I/ O-SYST EM) /Ger ät ebesc hrei bu ng/A nsc hlüss e/L eist ung skont akt e/F eldv ers orgung - Üb ersc hrift 3 @ 6\ mod_1256294692864_21.doc @ 43664 @ 3 @ 1
3.2.2 Power Contacts/Field Supply
Pos: 27.1 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/ Wic htige Erl äuter unge n/Sich erhei ts- un d so nstig e H in weis e/V orsi cht /Vor sic ht: Ver letz ung sge fa hr dur c h sch arf kan tig e M ess erko nta kte! @ 6\ mod_1256193279401_21.doc @ 43414 @ @ 1
Risk of injury due to sharp-edged male contacts!
The male contacts are sharp-edged. Handle the module carefully to prevent injury.
Pos: 27.2 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM) /G er äteb esc hrei bung /Ans chl üss e/L eist ung s kont akte 2 LK (M ess er/F eder ) @ 7\ mod_1266317883167_21.doc @ 50688 @ @ 1
The I/O module 750-585 has 2 self-cleaning power jumper contacts that supply
and transmit power for the field side. The contacts on the left side of the I/O
module are designed as male contacts and the contacts on the right side as spring
Table 4: Power jumper contacts
Figure 4: Power
jumper contacts
1 Blade contact 2
Infeed of the field
supply voltage
and 0 V)
2 Spring contact 2
Forwarding of the
field supply voltage
and 0 V)
Pos: 27.3 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/ Wic htige Erl äuter unge n/Sich erhei ts- und sonstige Hinweise/HinweisHinweis: Maximaler Strom Ex i Einspeisung 750-06xx 1,0 A @ 7\mod_1274358256668_21.d oc @ 56898 @ @ 1
Do not exceed maximum current via power contacts!
The maximum current available from the 750-606 or 750-625/000-001 Ex-i
Supply Module is 1 A.
When configuring the system, ensure that this current is not exceeded. If
exceeded, an additional potential feed module must be used.
Pos: 28 /Doku menta tion all gemei n/Gli eder ungsel emen te/---Seit en wechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc @ 21810 @ @ 1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 19
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 29 /S eri e 7 50 ( WA GO-I/ O-SYST EM) /G erät eb esc hrei bung /Ans chl üss e/C AGE CL AMP- Ans chlüs se - Ü bers chri ft 3 @ 6\mod_1256296337770_21.doc @ 43674 @ 3 @ 1
Pos: 30 /S eri e 7 50 ( WA GO-I/ O-SYST EM)/ Gerät ebesc hrei bung/A nschl üsse /Anal ogausg angs klem men/ Anschl üsse 75 0-058 5 @ 5\mod_1246000463671_21.doc @ 36140 @ @ 1
Table 5: Connections
Fig. 5: Connections
AO 1 Output AO 1: Signal voltage
4 0 V Output AO 1: Actor supply 0 V
5 S Output AO 1: Shield
AO 2 Output AO 2: Signal voltage
7 0 V Output AO 2: Actor supply 0 V
8 S Output AO 2: Shield connection
- +24 V Field supply 24 V
- 0 V Field supply 0 V
Pos: 31 /Doku menta tion all gemei n/Gli eder ungsel emen te/---Seit en wechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc @ 21810 @ @ 1
20 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-585 2AO 0-20mA Ex i
Version 1.1.0
Pos: 32 /A ll e Ser ien ( Al lg emei ne M od ule)/ Über s chrif te n für al le S eri en/G erä teb eschr ei bu ngAn zeig eele me nt e - Über sc hrift 2 @ 4\ mod_1240984390875_21.doc @ 31964 @ 2 @ 1
3.3 Display Elements
Pos: 33 /S eri e 7 50 ( WA GO-I/ O-SYST EM)/ Gerät ebesc hrei bung/A nzei geele mente /Anal ogaus gang sklem men/A nzeig eele mente 7 50-05x x E x 2A O (Ag n, C g n) @ 5\mod_1246000589437_21.doc @ 36152 @ @ 1
Table 6: Display elements
Figure 6: Display
LED Channel
State Function
A 1
AO 1
No operational readiness or the
internal data bus communication is
Operational readiness and trouble-
free internal data bus communication
E 2
AO 2
No operational readiness or the
internal data bus communication is
Operational readiness and trouble-
free internal data bus communication
Pos: 34 /A ll e Ser ien ( Al lg emei ne M od ule)/ Über s chrif te n für al le S eri en/G erä teb eschr ei bu ngBe dien ele me nte - Ü bersc hrift 2 @ 4\mod_1239191655456_21.doc @ 30439 @ 2 @ 1
3.4 Operating Elements
Pos: 35 /S eri e 7 50 ( WA GO-I/ O-SYST EM) /G erät eb esc hrei bung /Be die nel eme nte/ Bedi en elem ent e B uskl em me 7 50- xxxx nic ht vor ha nde n @ 4 \mod_1236322031125_21.doc @ 28063 @ @ 1
The I/O module 750-585 has no operating elements.
Pos: 36 /Doku menta tion all gemei n/Gli eder ungsel emen te/---Seit en wechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc @ 21810 @ @ 1
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WAGO I/O-SYSTEM 750 Series User manual

User manual

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