C H A P T E R 1
Getting started
14 smarttech.com/kb/170589
Multiple Choice
In Multiple Choice, students work as a team to answer questions
by dragging the answers to the middle of the table’s surface. You
can create your own questions to complement your class
Each question appears in the center of the table’s surface with its
possible answers arranged in a circle around it. Students can
rotate the question image so they can all read it, and then select
an answer by dragging it to the question.
Depending on the settings you choose, the application requires different ways of completing
questions. You can choose whether students must answer questions correctly to proceed to the next
question, and then choose either of the following options:
l All students must agree on an answer to proceed to the next question
l A majority of students must agree on an answer to proceed to the next question.
Hot Spots
In Hot Spots, students match labels and images by moving labels
to the correct spot identified by yellow dots on the diagram. When
a student places a label over the correct spot, the label changes
When students correctly identify all the parts of a diagram, Hot
Spots displays its next activity.
In Addition, students work together to solve a random math
problem (for example, 25 + 3) by moving visual objects, such as
blocks or coins, into the center of the surface or by pressing the
surface with their fingers for a few seconds. Students can move a
block or coin by dragging it across the surface, or they can rotate
it by placing two fingers on opposite sides and rotating their
When students solve a problem correctly, Addition displays the next math problem.