Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide, Release 15.0SY
show ibc command 11-12
show interfaces command 11-8, 11-9, 11-12, 19-6, 19-13
clearing interface counters 11-12
displaying, speed and duplex mode 11-6
show ip local policy command 32-5
show mab command 81-55
show module command 9-5
show platform aging command 50-4
show platform entry command 31-5
show platform ip multicast group command
displaying IP MMLS group 42-27
show platform ip multicast interface command
displaying IP MMLS interface 42-27
show platform ip multicast source command
displaying IP MMLS source 42-27
show platform ip multicast statistics command
displaying IP MMLS statistics 42-27
show platform ip multicast summary
displaying IP MMLS configuration 42-27
show protocols command 11-12
show rif command 11-12
show running-config command 11-12
displaying ACLs 71-7, 71-8
show svclc rhi-routes command 4-51
show version command 11-12
shutdown command 11-13
shutdown interfaces
result 11-13
slot number, description 11-2
smart call home 51-1
description 51-4
destination profile (note) 51-21
registration requirements 51-4
service contract requirements 51-2
Transport Gateway (TG) aggregation point 51-3
smart call home registration 51-4
smart port macros 3-1
configuration guidelines 3-2
Smartports macros
applying global parameter values 3-14
applying macros 3-14
creating 3-13
default configuration 3-4
defined 3-4
displaying 3-15
tracing 3-2
configuring 84-10
default view 84-9
get and set requests 84-7, 84-8, 84-11
notifications 84-9, 84-12
support and documentation 1-7
SNMP-USM-MIB 84-4, 84-9
SNMP-VACM-MIB 84-4, 84-9
See IGMP snooping
upgrading router 5-5
source IDs
call home event format 51-11
source specific multicast with IGMPv3, IGMP v3lite, and
URD 42-26
configuration guidelines 54-2
configuring 54-12
sources 54-16, 54-19, 54-21, 54-22, 54-24, 54-25,
54-26, 54-28
VLAN filtering 54-30
destination port support on EtherChannels 54-12,
54-19, 54-22, 54-24, 54-25, 54-29
distributed egress 54-10, 54-15
modules that disable for ERSPAN 54-7
input packets with don’t learn option
ERSPAN 54-28, 54-29
local SPAN 54-17, 54-18, 54-19
RSPAN 54-22, 54-23, 54-25
understanding 54-12