How to use the chopping knife
Application: Chops raw and cooked vegetables (onion, coleslaw, pepperoni, etc .)
Fruits (e.g. apples)-Meat (cooked or raw)-Nuts
Make sure that the four notches of the plate match the protrusion of the bowl .
Place the chopping knife (G) on the spindle of the bowl.
Put the food (meat, vegetable, fruit, etc) into the bowl (incl. Chopping knife). Most
foodstuffs enlarge their volume when they are ground, therefore we recommend that you
do not fill the bowl more than half .
Place the transmission unit on the bowl .
Place the hand mixer without excercising too much pressure on the transmission shaft
(L)and switch your Hand mixer onto 2nd speed.
Note: You can use the staninless steel slicer to slice cheese, carrot, potatoe, pumpkin,
cucumber, cabbage, beet and onion. You can use the stainless steel shredder to cut the
potatoes in julienne style to slices hard ingredients for salad for garnish and vegetables
which will be fried. You can still use the stainless steel schredder for schredding cheese,
carrot, potato and the food with same structure.
Always use the pusher(M) to add additional foodstuff through the feed tube. Fill the feed
tube completely. If not filled sufficiently, vegetable pieces may block the appliance.
Never reach with your fingers or with any hard utensils (spoons, knives, bones, etc) into
the feed tube!
Do not use the unit continuously more than 30 sec. Please let the unit rest for at least
2 min. The action must not be more than 5 cycles.
8 soused herring fillets ,1 onion, 1 red apple
1 tablespoons of lemon juice , 1 small gherkin
Chop all ingredients roughly . Cut the herring into pieces of approx. 3 cm, Clean and
quarter the onions , core the apple and cut it into pieces, cut the gherkin into halfs .
Insert the chopping knife into the bowl, fill in all in-gredients and chop until the desired
consistency is reached .
400 g tender beef , 4 egg yolks (fresh)
1 onion , 2 tablespoons of capers , Salad leaves , salt , pepper